How did a cute Goldwater girl turn into such a repugnant fucking witch?

How did a cute Goldwater girl turn into such a repugnant fucking witch?

What the fuck happened?

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Jewish Satanic Black Magick rituals involving homosexuality, child rape, necrophilia, consumption of blood, and selling your soul to Lucifer.



If you think that girl's face is in any configuration besides "unfeeling psychopath trying to look cute as a hedge against her true nature becoming known" I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Hillary is the kind of personality that has been wrong since the word go; she's fucking defective and everything she's done has probably been done without any kind of human understanding of emotion or empathy.

she was true waifu material.

get some standards, user

Shut the fuck up kike.

That'll do it

Decades of doing things that she used to know were wrong. In the beggining she did the wrong thing in order to benefit herself. Now she's been doing such horrible shit for so long that she doesn't even recognize it anymore. Still, whether recognized or not, the stress hormones and built-up toxins continue to permeate her every organ, most notable the skin and underlying muscle.

Truth is that it doesn't really matter what genetic hand you're dealt in life. No matter how crooked your nose, buck your teeth, or bent your back is the overall appearance of it all will be beautiful if you have beautiful thoughts in your mind and feelings in your heart.

Somebody post that pic where it shows the nasty old lady morphing into a witch over a series of 4 drawings due to her evil ways. It had a brown background and old typeface like it was copied from an Early 20th Century children's book.

It came from Ronald Dahl's The Witches

Triggered as fuck.

would ya?

Feminism happened.


blow your brains out for thinking that and using that word. get that shit out of the vernacular. it's time to disown the weebshits.

Found it. Thx!

Pic related explains perfectly what happened to the Hildebeast over the years.


Young Hillary was admittedly a qt, but the contents of her mind have always been made of poison and wickedness. From what I've read about her, she's been rotten from birth.


1st pic


Plus I think her daddy had his way with her originally. Women who were molested often marry men similar to their fathers.

Goldwater was a crypto-Jew, why would some bitch who supported him be good?

She's always been evil.
The fact that she looked decent in her late teens and early 20s doesn't say much, most non-fat girls do.

Sociopaths have always been sociopaths and always will be. Probably had some shit parents.

redpilled af tbh


She was a cute kid: but she still doesn't look right in that picture.
She started out nuts, probably bipolar, sociopathic, narcissistic, or just flat out a mean little shit. Her face eventually degraded to match her soul.

Hillary was never attractive to me.

She's always had that repugnant-under-the-surface shit going on.

-vapid curly haired jew
-soulless eys of evil
-way too fucking tall for a woman
and finally:

-little girl version of stepford smile, one of the clearest indicators of recieved sexual abuse from family members

It's called aging. Complain to Mother Nature or God if you like.




Because men corrupt.


repair your jewdar, user
5 kikeish signs out of 10


Those aren't eyes of a smiling child. They are the eyes of willfully repressed rage.

Wounded Child?

When you sell your soul to the Devil, your body reflects the corruption and darkness of your soul.

You really want to know?
Pic related.
She suffered through the same as Ted Kaczynski did.
Or even more.
Rich fucks care only how much power their kid will get him. So they have no problem get them programmed.
Kennedies f.e. lobotomized their own kid.
But since science wasn't that advanced in those times you get nasty side effects. Hillary's a raging bull dyke psychopath and her husband is a serial rapist.
Messing with brain chemistry is risky.

besides I already have one /evil/ waifu

Yeah this and not because she ran into Saul Alinsky

God I fucking Hate Jesus myth. It really was the great virus that killed the white mind.

Basically this. One way or another, the Devil got in.

Now her body and behavior are twisted by decades of nonstop lying. I don't think she even knows who she is, inside, anymore.


criminally underrated post


What a fucked up world. Just come back and bring the fire Jesus or whoever the fuck is even in charge anymore.

The man himself said when he died he'd rather go to hell because they were his kind of people.

Doesn't get anymore clear than that you fuck.



The fact that women age has made me despair.


first day on the job schlomo?

She reminds me of that half white half asian girl from a rich family who went into facial abuse porn.

Reported for kike.

She met Bill Clinton in college

I love how faggots like this

SUMMON posts like this. And then act surprised about it, as if "user needling what gets you butthurt", isn't a predictable response.

sage for off-topic

1) Satan Hates Jews with a passion. He was pretty beloved figure before their bullshit portayed him as the villain in existence.

2) Black magic ritual… …. yeah because good old fashion social conditioning doesn't exist.

3) Homosexuality, Child rape, and necrophilia…. really user, are you just making shit up at this point?

4) Consumption of blood doesn't work in general. It's a popularized myth by Christians. Blood is a conduit for your own life energy, but utalizing other's life energy is rather tedious and often frowned upon since there are vastly easier methods to acquire that much energy, including psychic vampirism or constructing egregores to fetch it for you.

Voodoo and other practices that make this work are offering the energy to another deity in exchange for services. Satan doesn't opperate on this, being part of the genetic engineering of life on Earth he holds the creatures here to be sacred and outright forbids animal sacrifice.

6) You can't sell your soul to Lucifer. Selling your soul is not a real thing. You can dedicate yourself, but you cannot sell your soul as nothing has a means by which to collect a massive multidimensional object that is your soul.

This is damn near occult knowledge 101, so I'm guessing you're a Christian.

Clinton was born into a corrupt family, she allowed herself to become rotten, and being an elitist has a lot to do with what fucked her up. On top of that she grew up when these retards were drinking deep of their own creation Marxism.