So I have been looking to network with other Holla Forumsacks for quite some time. Is anyone else from Indiana here?

Tox id:




I swers im not jidf

bump 1 for visibility

bumping again with local graffiti art.


bumping again…

One last bump?

"spout misinformation"
"use intimidation"
"hide the truth"

no thanks, you showed your true colors, you faggot alphabet soup kike

What bugs me is that he does the grammar wrong in this. In the last line he uses the "ᚦ" in "the" (ᚦᛖ) which is correct but then he writes truth with a "ᛏᚺ".

On the opposite wall is a black sun wheel. I may have a pic of it somewhere.

I made it on a Photoshop request thread, also:
Kill yourself.

I need sleep, will check/bump thread in the morning.

1 more because using elder as a replacement alphabet triggers my autism
The actual pronunciation of these messages would be
"Spoh-oot misinf-oh-matty-on"
"ooseh intimidatty-on"
"he-deh theh trut hhhh"

Why would the writer use thurisaz rune in "the" but not "truth"? Sloppy execution, sad!

Just do a TRS pool party nigger

I know it is one of us because there is a winter-chan graffiti nearby. I remember the exact picture being posted in one of the threads. Will get pics/timestamp of it when I go out tomorrow.

Sleeping for now.

bump from dead

You tried this last time and it didnt work. Fuck off faggot. We don't need a regional for every state. Imagine what the catalog would look like. Kill yourself my dude.

I am not trying to make a regional for every state, I am trying to get into contact with Holla Forumsacks nearby.

Also, I am not that guy.


lurk moar newfag

bumping again…


All this does is shit up the board admin's job. If anyone wants to know why they can't get shit done it is because of retards like this that flood their report queue with all the posts they can get after getting ass-blasted in an argument.

also hidden

Where, pray tell, did we have an argument? You're obviously the same dude.



Sent a contact request to you.


I am the guy who made the Indiana Holla Forums thread. I also have the psd file for the image to prove it.

Why shitpost in this thread if it has nothing to do with you? I am guessing you are not from Indiana.

Added you.


I normally browse on Tor at my university's wifi, now I am home.

I am surprised that anyone would save this as it is from larpermarch.


If this isn't your state, then it isn't your business. Fuck of d&c.

Hoosier here. I can’t imagine wanting to meet strangers from the Internet. Always raised against doing that sort of thing.

We’ll collaborate here. We’ll individually redpill our respective communities. When The Day comes, we’ll march out together.


I'm Indianapolis, you?


Indianapolis meetup when?

Indiana resident here. There are more of us than you know.

Indy west. Glad to see you boys here.