Now that the GE is about to kick off, we still don't have a good Hillary meme character. We need some people who can actually draw to whip up a Hillary meme, like maybe an old wrinkled fat grandma wojak female.

Bernie was tailor made for memes, but I haven't seen one that's stuck for Hillary.

This is a fucking top priority for memetic warfare. We need weapons to wage this war.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sanders wasn't >le cancer man when he let BLM "protesters" take the stage though. He consciously chose to step aside because he tacitly approves of their chimpouts.

Also dump whatever Hillary memes you have, it may help with inspiration etc.

She has had a stoke that has swept under the rug and she is incontinent.

What's with the sage faggot? This shit is important. May KEK strike you down.

I'm digging through my memes now see what I have so far.

Anybody save Spider-Hillary?

You know how you really piss off a woman? Ignore her entirely.

Pepe is a frog. Trump Pepes exist.

Make Hillary a toad. Toads are known for facial warts. Give her disgusting pink nog lips and a wart above her lip on a toad character.

bye reddit

Make the Forever Alone guy meme into Hillary
Perfect for her

Bernie matches well with the impotent beta rage of wojak

Hillary's memetic archetype is the Shekelberg. Soothing the uninitiated, fostering the rage of the uncivilized, and following the shekels wherever they lead

Terrible idea. No one knows the difference between frogs and toads.

Don't let even a hint of Pepe touch Hillary.


Looks like redditfags need another infusion of content since they can't make their own.


I've got a mountain of trump bernie memes, barely shit for Killary.

Nice try shill, your game is better than most shills on this site.

Trump is a frog, Hillary is a scorpion :^)

I'm pretty sure the Tarantula Hillary is still a good one to go with because of the centipede stuff.

I have nearly 5GB of pure memes and so far this is all I have on hillary, 4 folders to go

All you've done is ask for other people's content. Make your own faggot.

I can't draw for shit.

What's ol Ben "bona fide oven fried" Garrison trying to tell us here?

Someone make a Crooked Hillary OC where she's drawn based on the crooked man nursery rhyme

Also bonus Horny Bill.

Why are you faggots demanding other people do what you want? If you want this shit so bad do it yourself, otherwise make like a terrorist and go kill yourself.

this right here.





And that's literally all I have.



No one else is concerned about the lack of hillary memes?

In the depths of google I just found this one

Kek'd at

Bump this is an important front in the meme war

A Gremlin



This doesn't feel right either though

Looks more like merkel, except with more of a neck.


looks like merkel

yea it is I think, doesn't have any meme powers though

I feel like there's potential there for a wojak Hillary to work, but we're going to need to put a bit of effort into finding a way of doing so.

If we can meme her into wojak then we can easily slot the rest of the pepe/wojak superstructure back over the top of her.

Thats some good shit satan

If bernie is feelsguy why not use derpina from rage comics as well?

That's what I was thinking, but I'm not sure how well she'd work into the wojak meme after giving it more thought. We need to figure something out though and soon.

Whether we do or not, we're not using the facebook terms.

He. Is. WOJAK.

shit nigger, let's just put a blonde wig on epic fail guy.

The problem is that hillary doesnt have a personality at all. Even robot rubio was funny because he sounded like a robot. Hillary just sounds like a psychopath and those arent funny

What about some kind of grandma meme?

That's definitely Merkel. She's doing her normal evil hand thing

A mangey bitch?



Do you have the version that ends at her eating Sanders' legs? I've been looking for that for ages.


Well I don't know what else to do. I suppose looking at the contrarian side of things the leftists can't meme her effectively either.

No, I lost it unfortunately. I'm not sure anyone has it saved.

That's obviously supposed to be Merkel you stupid fuck. Look at the hair, jowls, and the color and style of jacket. Hillary looks nothing like pic related.

She's just such an unlikeable cunt, there's nothing to her other than that everyone hates her. She hasn't displayed any real personality or anything other than 'I'm a woman'. Bernie at least it was funny because he did seem to have beliefs of some description, Hillary there's just a void.

Centipedes eat Black Widows.

Holy shit that pic and those double dubs. Very good user

Work with that.

Fuck off back to Reddit, faggot

Consider the following

Therefore it makes sense to meme Hillary into being some kind of bird. The question is which kind of bird.

So my degree in advanced memetics has led me to believe we have to meme Hillary into being a canary.

No. Canaries warn of trouble, which would make her "good." We can't have that connotation.

Not to mention the newfound Angry Birds redpill.

Something like this with hillary being a spider and a puppet being jerked around by special interests is good I think, shows her being dangerous and creepy like a spider and a hollow shell for corporations to rent ad space on and shill their opinions for them.

Someone who can actually into art feel free to roll with this

We need a Memelangelo to crack this one.

Thank goodness posting was delayed it would be a crime for my 1st grader art to get quads


Pfft! Just emptying your bank accounts. Oh please! I never had one to begin with.
I on the other hand took out two consecutive loans, and maxed out three credit cards. And it's all going to uncle Bernie.

Suck on that, looozers!

I think that's taking it a step too far. When I look at a canary, or a seeing-eye dog, or a workhorse, I don't think "good". I think, "oh it's a bird/dog/horse". Canaries have properties I believe are readily identifiable before "good" such as being ineffectual, trapped in a cage, and doomed. When we make Hillary into a spider or a snake or anything else insidious and dangerous, we draw attention to her disreputable character, but we also meme her into power. What we need to do is meme her into powerlessness and hopelessness. We need to make her supporters know that the world is closing in around her and she has no escape. When I think of the image of a smug Trump Pepe putting up a cage with a grotesque crying Hillary-headed canary in it with faint green toxic fumes creeping up on her, I think of a beautiful image. A perfect meme to destroy a paranoid old witch.

Like in this?

you get the point

Bernie and Trump are meme candidates, Hillary is not.

I was going to suggest spider tits.
Good job user.

Yeah thats good just needs a banker on top controlling her. What show is that from? The rapefugee one is very funny.

How about a mosquito? Easily crushed when noticed, but also quite insidious when not dealt with. We can use your (((gassing))) imagery to gas out the hillery mosquito infestation.

Isn't that too much work? I'll gladly manage their donations if they give me their account info :^)

I just realised that how Bernouts keep throwing money at Yet Another Communist Jew could be because they realise they won't ever get out of debt anyway. So they get into more debt.

ЯТЬ ТВ (something like Yat TV), they have a Jewtube channel. I should remake them into small webms.

I like it. Also works considering mosquitoes tendency to be vectors of disease, which is something that the kind of migrants she would bring in or grant amnesty to en masse have.

The best memes happens by accident or use events as a starter point. Look at Jeb's campaign. We didn't have to create a character and he made for a lot of funny memes. Bernie's character was forced and it showed, Holla Forums and other leftists tried to meme him and it fell flat. I've not seen a really hilarious Bernie meme take off other than the one where he cucks to BLM and that one was directly taken from that event. Using a preplanned meme is not gonna be as effective as letting the election play its course and then extracting the memes from what unfolds. Doing otherwise is gonna look like it's forced to the onlookers and can outright harm the goal by being shitty.

My vote goes to hand rubbing, merchant Shillary. Doesn't necessarily have to be a merchant edit, but def should emphasize palm rubbing and scheming


Original poster here. Here it is with all the others not posted yet in the thread.

I give you pollacks my shitty meme drawing abilities, now just guide my hand, and I'll draw whatever spicy idea you've got.
It's time to make America great again niggers

memes succeed because of their natural success. Nothing we produce in this thread will become successful unless it does so of its own accord. Brainstorming new ideas will always be useful ways of meme creation. It will lead to 99% failures, but that 1% success is all we need. Quit being such a defeatist faggot and contribute something useful to the cause.

Hillary brand soap. For better handrubbing!

How hard is it to put a face on a mosquito without it losing it's Mosquito-ness?

Hillary is a snake.


Who do you want to make into a mosquito? I'll do it for you.



Hillary. Thanks, Drawfags are underrated.

We don't want to meme a prophecy where Trump loses.

Pepe V Wojak is so successful because Trump Pepe always wins while Wojak Sanders always loses.

No. Let us waste our time in peace.


Best post yet.


fuck off

but they are

Nigger go fuck yourself. We're calling out their hypocrisy to normies, if they are going to call Trump racist then we are going to point out when that bitch is "racist" too.

No. Both of you fuck off. What we want to do is warm normies up to the idea that racism and racial nationalism are okay, not act like a bunch of cuckservatives who love to point out how "le democrats r teh real racists".

what we need to do is
If we allow the nationalist movement to get stopped in its tracks by half-baked "civic nationalists" then our race will die out all the same.

You need to go back
Not racist

First, you use their weapons against them (baseless accusations of racism and mysoginy).
Then, once they see the ridiculousness of this accusatory style of speech, you debunk it.
Try shilling harder for the democrats next time you leftist/kike.

Either your a D+C shill or your retarded. Normies will never think racism is okay. Trumps biggest hurdle is people thinking he's racist.

Idk about that.

The topless spider is a 10/10 character for Hillary. It disgusts and scares me. It's horrible and repulsive. It's just wrong.


You could spend a million dollars on it and not do any better. Ok goyim, outdo it :D :D :D

There is nothing wrong with Racial Nationalism, but they outnumber us 4 to 1. We won't win a war against not only the entire planet but also 50% of our own race (traitors).

You have to dream a little bigger user. Plus owning the racist label is doing exactly what the liberal commies want, they have to de-stabalize the west to bring in the New World Order.

Can we just make her a burn-out.
That way we can meme her grueling defeat the way we want it.
Shell-shocked Shillery

No, they want us to backpedal and apologize. That's what they want from Trump too. Owning that label is what we want.

The parties switch roles long ago. Stop pushing this retarded meme that dems are closet racists and right wingers are the "real anti-racists". It makes us no different from cuckservatives and only shoots ourselves in the foot if we later want to espouse racial nationalist viewpoints.

Get your fucking head out of your ass, you rancid shitstain. All I'm doing is telling you faggots not to market yourselves as the "real anti-racists", because you end up just becoming moderate civcuck "nationalists" unable to promote racial identity. It's completely self-defeating to our cause.

Yes, and our job is to warm them up to the idea that racism is okay, not reinforce their shitty beliefs.

I'm not saying we should promote Trump as a racist, just not market ourselves as "the real anti-racists" like cuckservatives have tried to do for decades

Here's the fundamental issue.

Characters exist in relation to each other. Pepe/Wojak define an axis. Trump/Bernie is the same axis.

Most imagery of Hillary shows her being "strong", for better or worse. The spiderwoman stuff still shows her as an aggressor.

If we want to continue Trump as smug Pepe, he has to contrast with a victim-Hillary. Victim-Hillary can be scared or impotently angry. She can't be "stronk womyn". In fact, Trump raping Hillary will inevitably be a message or subtext.

No. They want us to act like "racism" is bad and apologize whenever they accuse us of it. There is nothing objectively wrong with racism by any means. If we own the label and act unapologetic, it takes away all power the word has and leaves Liberals powerless.

Stop trying to be the fucking moderates. We don't have to be 14/88 LARPing nazis, but don't compromise your genuine viewpoints for the sake of PR. At that point, you might as well just be a fucking "moderate" yourself.


You not thinking of higher level game user.

The Democrats are the racists, but they are also eugenicists. They consider themselves a different race than anyone, including whites.

They believe anyone who is dumb enough to race mix is profaning themselves and deserves what they get. They want to turn you into an animal, so they push it on everyone.

The only people they respect are those who stand up to them, it why those people are often left alone until they cause too much trouble.

Nationalism is a better strategy moving forward, because we will have robots and 3d printed houses. Why fight with whites when we can just build you your own country somewhere (far) away from us.


I like these. Well, the first three. Not so sure about the forth.

That's why your argument is fucking stupid.

Jesus Christ. There's nothing wrong with eugenics OR racism. You're sounding like a genuine cuckservative
No they don't. Don't be retarded.
What the fuck are you talking about? They LOVE racemixing cucks.

Yes, but we need to convince people that RACIAL nationalism is the way to go. None of this moderate "race-blind" cuckery.

We all have a common enemy, the Jew. Stop trying to act like hitler and fight a multi front war.

Most of them have too low IQ to even understand what we are saying BUT they understand free stuff.

It will be cheaper for us to welfare them in their own country than fight some stupid civil war with them.

You just sell the idea of "hey lets stop fighting why don't we give you your own country and robot factories" … "you can have unlimited 40 oz beers and chicken wings"

It will steal the Democrats thunder. They won't be able to sell the welfare state anymore.

filtered, fucking D&C Hillary shill, pull your head out of your arse. whatever hillary pays you you don't deserve it

LMAO. You fell for the biggest Lib lie of the century. There was no "big switch".

Stop replying to this low-energy hillary paid shill


Right, anyone who openly is pushing genocide or eugenics is the controlled opposition, because if you embrace that you might as well join the Democrats or the Communist party. They are far more efficient then your precious Hitler (inb4 accusation I believe the holohoax)

are you denying invading Russia was a mistake, nevermind the reason, it was a tactical mistake weather he had a choice or not.

shit i meant the low energy shill is

You are either incredibly thick or a shill.
You want to convince the current liberals that white pride and racial awareness of whites is acceptable and normal?


You have to dumb yourself down to their level.

All the democrats have to win elections is 2 things.

The welfare state is inevitable due to automation.

Gay rights and shit, you can't change their mind on.

Anti racism you wont change their mind either.

What you can do is sell Nationalism as an idea of ownership.

Why not OWN your OWN gay country (safe space) just for gay people?

Why not have your own country for African Americans?

Why not have your own multi culti country ex.

Sell them on total indulgence of their shit, and then deliver. Because the liberal commies never deliver and never will because its all just destabilization tactics.


I mean

It's ok if you enjoy doing it, but shitting up the catalog and acting like you're accomplishing anything is laughable at best– the Internet equivalent of 'winning hearts and minds'.



I'm so fucking shit at drawing memes

A lot of you people misunderstand. He's not saying that democrats aren't racist, he's saying that "racism" isn't a big problem. It's just a talking point democrats use to attack republicans and trying to prove that democrats are the real racists is beyond cucked

Arf arf really hit it off. Maybe make her a dog?

Plus, another word for dog is bitch, and she plays the woman card so fucking much.

How about a chihuahua?

Chihuahuas piss me off. Plus, they're associated with mexicans.


Fuck it

Reminder Shillary set up a controversial website and framed Bernout for it.
I know some of you have to have screenshots still.

Lol I actually like that image

god thats a gross image


Reminding bernouts of this is going to be great.
Thanks user.

No problem. Here's an article I just found on it too: https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */nternet-found-out-part-1-bb7647415a71#.sdzdmmlnk
Has some more info but is not a simple image.

NONE OF THEM STICK BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO CONTEXT BECAUSE YOU ARE FORCING IT. You must have patience and let the meme present itself, thats not to say stop trying to make a meme just dont make threads soley about it.

Alright, here is what I came up with.

Meme Hillary's vote rigging into the public eye. It's pretty obvious they're going to have to vote-rig to prevent a Trump presidency.

maybe we can shoop her onto a bunch of movie monsters.

part of the problem memeing her though is that the media shields her

Hillary is not even a meme, like literally no one even cares. I was thinking Lisa Simpson but she is more Milhouse.

If you meme it hard enough, they'll repost the shit themselves to talk about this "misogynistic internet hate campaign against Mrs. Clinton"

lil Benji Shapiro did it when people tweeted merchants at him. And there was the article about the (((Jewish echo))) just recently.

Use the media's white knighting reflex against them

samara ring hillary

Dear Congress,

I don't know how a fucking Venn diagram works. Vote for me!

There is a Barking Spider. I think spider is the best meme.
I or user need to make a non tit version though and hopefully Trump will retweet it.

What about making her look like a sexy woman, like a gorgeous bombshell with big breasts and good looking legs, long hair?

Barking Spider from the wiki-
The species name crassipes is "Latin for "fat leg" referring to the relatively fat front legs."

A Hillary meme you say?

so basically you mean porno slut Nina Hartley

I'm not really feeling any of these memes. Perhaps Kek will bestow a new meme upon us for this specific purpose.

Kek! The Bitch looks like E.T. nude!


Make her into Ren Hoek!

wew user this shit fucking spooked me, might be my arachnophobia tho

Watched that show all the time as a kid. It fucking horrifies me now.

I just realized something

If we want Hillary memes to take off then all we need to do is meme her as a crook, a security risk, a vote rigger, and a coward who hides behind her own vagina.

Memes propagate the quickest when they're based on reality and we've got an army of bernouts just waiting to spread them.

Well I didnt make these. I just saved them from an earlier thread we made. But I think that's the idea

oh man, this fucking show

Is there literally anybody out there who actually likes Hillary? Even the shitlibs can only talk about 'muh woman president' when pressed. Is there anybody at all who genuinely likes her like people like Trump?


I guess some people just mindlessly watch the electric jew and never bother to look beyond the MSM. I'm truly baffled how she apparently draws crowds though, like who is dedicated enough to actually attend a rally for her? Literally nobody likes her. Maybe its because almost everybody I see is in university so I'm in this revolutionary Trump/Bernie bubble.

No. Not yet. Milhouse cannot be awoken yet. The time is not yet right, the seal is not ready to be broken

Last pic purely for bernouts

She doesn't generally actually draw crowds. The camera trick they usually use is to position her supporters behind her so as to give the illusion that she's in good company, but most of the time the only person in front of her is the cameraman.

This actually might the most effective tactic.

dude wtf was that ? anime shit aint usualy my thing but that ws interesting, what happens next?

legend of the galactic heroes. Best shit ever. on youtube.

How new r u boyo? Or did smug anime faces turn you off?

We have to hit on an essential, defining part of her character. Bernie is a cuck, so we could highlight that right away. wojack was the perfect fit.

Hillary is:

Her biggest support group is women. Women have their own tiers of status - but I don't know if we can overcome her baseline high status for being the "former first lady"

She is certainly power crazy and willing to compromise any position for her immediate goals, but that is women 101. Guys fucking hate her, only beta cucks support her, so we have two targets:

What do women and beta cucks hate?

Women hate beta cucks.
Beta cucks hate alphas.

I'm fucking tired, maybe that helps…

We could meme her as a low status woman at heart, or perhaps some indication that she would never, EVER, get with betas.

The thing is, canaries are generally there to prevent disaster, not cause it.

Still, the resemblance is uncanny.

fuckin hero mate cheers

fuck off and eat shit, i dont watch anime it always seems to be about some bullshit

No, the crowds are the actual size of the followers she gets. The elections were just rigged, and the electric jew pretends it's legit.

I'm with Donald Trump all the way but even he pointed out how rigged the system was against Bernie.

look at the shape of the shadow, faggot

He says that to gain the sympathy of bernouts looking to spitevote

found a few images

a few more for more creative anons

fuck wrong button…


If we want it to spread to more conventional social media like facebook, the breast has got to go.

Throwing these pics into the ring.

The breasts makes it so hilarious though.

Would it be effective at all without the breasts?

Do you have a transparent hill scorpion?

I'll just search my files.

How's this?

What about Chelsea?


agree user, the teets are what make it so effective for me.

A better face for Hillary, like where she is wearing those cokebottle glasses at her hearings.

Maybe put HUMA, her lesbian aid, in the monkey garb from that Disney Genie movie, have her driving hillary with a horse reign?



Draw Trumpepe eating Hillspider.

Like pic?

Forgot to throw this one in too.



What kind of retarded joke is this? Leftist policies have been entirely dysgenic. While our population has dropped from 90% to 62% white, our average IQ has dropped below most Asian and European countries.

Ah I was gonna /r/ this one, but I found it

How's this?



fuggin' perfect.

It's called handcunt (Handfotze).

Almost perfect….
I just did some work on the tie.

Maybe a political type cartoon that shows her fending off criticism by stretching her labia up over her face.

fucking kek

We need to make some cringey rage comics praising how great hillary's policies are, but in reality, exposing how crooked she is.

Frame it like a Hillary supporter made it to get Hillary's message across, but it backfires because her plans for America are so horrible you can't make them seem good no matter what.

Those pyramid earrings are subtle 10/10 ben


Lel, hilldog. Good insult.


Here is more :DDD

Spider hillary is best.




needs a

Just made a facebook page for shillary clinton.

Feel free to hit me up with suggestions to the page as well as funny post suggestions




Here is my version as well.


Had a good chuckle at those

thx user


These are funny and all, but if we're going to spread them as propaganda to the normalfags we also need some cleaner ones. Without tits hanging loose and without references to kikes or niggers. Although the one with the spider might actually work to engrave itself into peoples minds, and result in viseral disgust for her.

Same for this. Spurdo isn't really a meme normies appreciate.

Alternate version

I don't think you realize how mainstream chan memes and values have become. I've seen things like peepee poopoo and the merchant meme with the iFunny watermark.
Rule #1 for the creative process: never underestimate your audience.


ironically enough she fits being Fefe.

think about it. Fefe, a forced meme that nobody likes and has nothing to it. in the OG post it was chosen because of the scorpion and the frog fable because it was supposed to "kill" Pepe.
and it failed right around the time that Pepe went from sad to smug.

Hillary is literally Fefe. a dull, stale, useless, pointless forced meme thats only purpose is to "attempt" to destroy something decent and pure but ultimately fails because it is worthless.

Had a giggle.

Hillburglar vs Moonman: Battle of Burgers

This is the first thread that I've seen about Hillary and it happens to be a Hillary meme factory.

This pic is so exploitable…

And there seems to be a strange correlation between the smiles and the doughnuts.

subliminally this is telling me Cunton has a loose asshole. Saved.

it looks like she attempted to make a doughnut and came out with an onion ring

9hours in mspaint


You're a fucking retard


make sure to give her a big fat ass


Hillary is so shit that she doesn't get a meme.

Wojak is joining the pepe/Trump campaign in the form of VP Sessions.

Notice how Bill is staying away from Hillary as much as he can having the hand on her back.
Probably becouse she's as warm as an old corpse.


To be fair he could've won if Japan didn't go full blown retard and if he didn't invade Russia. And if he did invade, at least give his soldiers preparations to fight in that kind of environment.

kek is that the master?

Me here once again. The jewbook page is up and running well and I've scheduled some memes to air periodicly for the next three days. Lets hope this catches on with the normies.

this one is bretty good, got a right proper chuckle out of me

Fug, breddy gud :DDD

you are welcome




What a racist!


Hillary is a living meme of herself…

"Doesn't she looked tired" has powerful meme potential.

(Doctor who reference for those that aren't getting it).

Very nice. Thanks

Trump campaign should be paying you in the order of 5 digits


LOL I like this one

thx user. Have a better one with the eyes looking atthe prize

shhhhh. kek

no you stupid fucks. hillary is a reptile. i will draw it.

Any time I think about accentuating her witch-like features I sense that it doesn't work

Witches have a dark charm. From the prehistoric German tribes to the 1600s pilgrims and their Salem trials, the sense that women have a fearful abstract power seems to be a deep and innate meme of human nature, and in Western culture in particular.

We are in an era where dark magic and verbal bravado can affect vote turnout - especially the kind that zap past the critical faculties and hit raw nerves before consciousness has time to analyse. I fear that portraying Shrillary as a witch will actually embolden her image as being strong, embued with antique feminine power. It will tickle her fans' mischievous sense. Being able and willing to tap into the dark side to achieve her goals is the realm of the Trump camp. To give that to her is to lend her some of our meme magick, to empower her.

I'm not sure of the best way to make it but I know it when I see it. Psychologically gifted individuals must act as curators to cull the most doubt- and disgust-inducing imagery and make sure they, not the ones that subtly embolden her, are the memes that spread

My vote is pic related

here is what i have so far
(its a semi transparent layer right now)
needs more work

will try to incorporate this face into another hillary reptile meme once im done


It's suppose to be symbolism here.
Her hole is more loose than her's.



She looks like the mask

yeah im drawing the scales right now

LMAO this one is good

I disagree with your choice of reference shot.

In my mind, the Hillary Meme is a alien/lizard person that has no concept of human morals or ethics, or reference on how to act human.

Just look at some of her quotes. "Women are the primary victims of war. Women lose their fathers, their husbands, their sons in combat."

Or when asked why she accepted millions of dollars from Goldman Sachs her response was "that's what they offered me."

I mean what the fuck? She is clearly a reptiliod that doesn't "get" how to pass as human.


These hamburgler ones are pretty good.

Another reference

I just thought she looked really creepy in that picture with the tops of her eyes showing.
I think shes the creepiest when she laughs about killing people or getting child rapists freed. she even laughs when asked about the women her husband raped.
will put some blood drips or maybe a dead baby with a chunk bitten out dangling from her hand.

good pic tho i could make another one like this too.

Give her the "head crest" as a meme reference.



coming along nicely.

someone needs to make a picture comparing hillary and her various pants suits to a chamelion
And how she flip-flops on issues like a chameleon changing colors

sieg heil

what do you mean head crest? like this?
i was thinking of doing the crown of horns like darth maul


I just found my favorite quote of hers

No like

Highly recognized Shoopable character. Very witch like so bonus for "muh sexism" and old for "muh ageism"

Zedd is even an uninterested yelled at husband like Bill.

With these Hillary-spider memes, can anyone do a video where there's a spider that drops on someone and then turn it into Hillary attacking them?

The only thing this woman won't get behind is bars.

first time i noticed the triforce necklace. I'm afraid the saggy tits makes it less tweetable though.

This actually has potential to be be great. I'd do it if I had vid editing skills.

It's the Eye of Providence (the "Illuminati eye in a triangle") you uncultured swine.

keep with the boy's club connection

meme her into dog

Bernie has lost the nomination and therefor lost his meme privileges.

I nominate Jeff Sessions as the new Wojak and welcome him to the winning team.

There is: it's called Liberia. Thing is that the niggers living in the US know damn well they wouldn't survive more than 2 days living where they have no entitlement to welfare benefits.


He's far from perfect, much like Trump. But he's in lock step with Trump on the most important issue of the election: Immigration.

He's both a good political advisory choice as well as a great safety measure to continue Trump's work should anything happen to him.



yeah that's merkel

maybe it is illuminati symbol to match your illuminati dubs?

All globalist shills look alike tbh fam

true enough. hillary looks like emperor palpatine tbh.

Couldn't that just be construed as supporting gays? May win her points.

six million hours in MS Paint

We need to meme off of Hillary's grotesque appearance. I know liberals who refer to her as "the lizard lady". She's a freaky, inhuman-looking person and we can play on that.

Thats some david and goliath shit user

shillworm and MAGA knight if anyone wanted them

more like david and she-lieth


dude do you have or could you make a larger image (whole body) for trump knight and the shillworm (still with transparent background)? this seems like something we could make a web game, android app for and spread our memes…

how about this user?

what should she be holding?
dead baby
dead bernie head

will probably add more blood too

and if possible add something (some symbol), or a closer matching face to make it more obvious on casual observation that it represents hillary?

maybe make a lizard hillary variation like (or just extend that image) to a full body, so there are more enemy classes?



How about you go fuck yourself shill kike.
Hide the thread if you don't like it.


Is that a rune longsword he's wielding? That shit's weak, nigga.

Looks like the Sword of a Thousand Memes.

It's extremely high energy when wielded by a Big Guy…

That's surprisingly good.

I might do another now I've figured out how.

Trump, the Prime Paladin (of Kek(?)) wielding a YUUUGE sword. I can dig it.

was thinking about this on my run. the beauty of pepe and wojack is they can be described with a minimum number of lines. I could use the most bare-bones MS paint clone and draw some shitty thing that would STILL be recognizable as pepe.

So I might try working backwards now, and try to get her down to a minimum number of brush strokes

Good idea. Figure out the minumum you need to show the scales. In comic books, for patterns, they usually just show a hint here and there, and let your mind fill in the gaps.

Trump, Knight of King Kek

You should fill it with symbology.. goldman sachs bags of money, deleted emails, references to the whitewater scandal, women raped by bill.

Actually if you do this right, we'd want an image with all 2039 of Hillary's scandals represented like one of those children's books that challenges you to find stuff hidden in the images.

some user should make a connect the dots book for the chillruns using our memes

like a connect the dots pepe, connect the dots wojak, connect the dots RWDS, connect the dots happy merchant.

especially with happy merchant, i like the symbolism of connect the dots. there's so many variations we could dedicate an entire book to happy merchant jewing the goys, bombing uss liberty, "pulling" wtc7, etc.

get the aryan minds while they're young.

i'll do this myself or maybe we can make a thread for it if anons are interested.


see we need more like this.

where is this hillary wojak??

That's breddy gud actually.

Only thing I was a little disappointed about was that i feel like it has lost too much of its wojak character.



here's the rest, needs color

Try keeping the forehead lines for all of them and removing the feminine lips. May make the resemblance more obvious.

ohh those are great. these will be essential to the bleeding edge of coming hillary memes tbh user.

imo the wrinkles on the forehead help maintain the wojak character



I felt like it was more in the shape of the face, tbh

oh, right. it is the forehead lines as well. I'm not feeling well today, but I'll be back tomorrow with a whole slew of shoops. It's going to be fun.

We actually don't need a meme character for her. To make her a character in our tapestry is to grant her a seat at our table, a tract in our brains. If we lend her a character, we give her a body in the memetic universe with which to oppose us and navigate the rivers of our keks. This is only done for those whom kek deems worthy. Even sanders is worth some memes.

But Hillary, she is deserving of nothing. She came from evil and will return to the evil. She knows nothing of joy, or if she does, it is an alien joy to ours. When the Emperor defeats her, I wish to hear nothing of her ever again. She is to be forgotten.

To give her a meme is to obfuscate that which is most immediately worst about her: her face. Her wrinkled, lying, ugly, frightening face. No, she is to remain in the realm of the 3d. We can paint constellations of memes in the skies of our boards, but when we're done playing and laughing, people must turn back down to ugly, saggy reality, with boring, real politics, with boring, real people.

No, we will go the path of memes with hillary. To do anything else is to allow her to define her own path. Fuck off, he who controls the memes controls the universe, and we control the memes.

Did the face but I can't do her hair worth shit

added some color from images of her nearly puked in process

For the lawls

lel just thought about it, what if we made bill clinton a pepe character and the memes would be bill fucking everything in sight and hillary sad because she's disgusting and incompetent

Colours are pretty good, but maybe make the teeth slightly yellow to add to the horrific effect? Also more accurate as well.

sure, but I took that color using a sample from her actual teeth



i dunno, maybe she needs more shark looking teeth/fangs or something

Kek you're right. I just checked and her teeth are actually pretty white. I always associated her with yellowish teeth for some reason.

I'm sure they are fake

I wonder how the cuckquean angle would work for Hillary. What if we focus on making her completely insignificant in the eyes of Bill, and in turn, everyone else? Basically just take cuckold porn and reframe it with Hillary. Not sure the best way to use images for this though.

lol. When he comes home she yaps at his feet, but he ignores her and goes to his music room to play sax. The door slams in her face. Over the sound of sax riffs, you here a dogish whining outside the music room.
Later, he makes her go to the dog house in the garden, when his ladies come over. She watches them through the patio window.

Very nice. Why I thought it had potential was because every female supporter she gets could be shown as just another lay for Bill. Have scenes where Bill fucks their brains out, they forget Hillary even exists, and then the woman accidentally says she's for Bill instead. Could even have one where you see Bill and Trump are secretly buds and Bill just pretends to support Hillary just for the audience pussy.

Pepe will help us.

im not done with the scales yet but will make a transparent full body version

yeah this is a good idea
ill minimize the amount of scales i kept getting distracted while drawing it, ill make a simplified version

i like this one lol

sounds too complex, maybe someone else could do a version of it.

i thought she needed eye scales
i also took off the cheek circle things because they reminded me too much of a frog and i dont want her to look anything like a frog for obvious reasons

hopefully this isnt too complex looking

not bad at all.

I meant to still keep her body as a spider though.

Gonna save it still, made me kek.

It's looking good m90.

I'm a little late to the party, but the most memetic drawings and photoshops are of her being a monster.

Bernie is weak and he has no idea how the economy works. Trump calls him crazy bernie. Ted looks like a rat and lies to get what he wants. Trump calls him lyin' ted. Hillary has got away with a lot of crime and scandals. Trump calls her Crooked Hillary. Follow the dear leader. He knows exactly what he's doing.

If you want memetic magic, surf its wave. Say she's a monster.

If you want to draw or edit something. Make her every vision you can think that screams evil and crooked.


What about Mister Buchanan? They pretty much butt heads in the past over the reform vote, and agree with each other on pretty much everything.

Underrated post.

How about, instead of Trump stronk (which is a useless message anyway, everyone already believes he is strong) we go with Trump clever. Nimble Navigator. Hillary on the other hand is aggressive but incompetent, venal and callous.

So instead of Pepe/Wojak we get Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd

I think Elmer Fudd is a really good fit actually because it makes fun of her stance of gun control too.


like this?

That thumbnail just gave me a bout of full-body shivers, god damn

MerkelMeUp…. has potential.

holy fuck that third one is amazing

Allow me to bring back an old meme from the dead!

We shall meme her into, Benedict Arnold


attack on children always always work to opposite effect.


The one: "she'll finish the job" is excellent

Is the first one the faggot from that shitty band maroon5?
man i always said he was a faggot wannabe tough guy, what a beta cuck.

I like this. Hillary is funny looking enough to be her own meme character. Just keep mashing her face onto more and more horrifying looking things.

This one is tops. Great job user.

lmao saved

fixed version

nice catch, user.


I think this HamBurgler theme has potential…

rate mine.

If you can dream it, we can meme it…

Truly a meme worth its KB

it's gr8 m8, i r8 8/8

you wat?


its 89.08 KB

It needs to be an owl.

Hillary represents Moloch and Trump represents Kek.

Meme Trump Pepe, dickslapping Moloch Hillary around and poo poo pee peeing up the joint.

yes, excellent! i'll get to work and make a game out of this!


That sounds great. Be sure to make a new thread for it when you do.

dude…. get a bigger HD

Angry birds owl as template?
(found 2nd pic while looking for the 1st pic)

Nah. Normies associate owls with le wise old owl saying, not ancient pagan gods.

think I need a better owl template…

definitely, will do.

Which ironically is probably based on how symbolically tied owls were to Athena/Minerva, therefore they actually are associated with ancient pagan gods, just not directly.

Too complimentary. Arnold actually had quite a bit of success as a leader. Less so as a shifty traitorous fuck.

Hillary has that backwards.

665.7 gigs reporting


Then time to delete your interracial tranny cuckolding porn, so you get room for som hillary memes…

Athena was a hell of a lot nicer than Moloch though.


This is by far the funniest one. It's probably the most memorable also.


The female form of Kek is a snake

Reminder to not meme Hillary as a snake, because then you risk her gaining the ability to tap into meme magic.

This. Hillary is a lizard.
captcha: nogsak

i second this.
emphasize her as an old hag

I would fuck. But breed? no. never. ever.
Would breed this thou

Tentative meme idea, comics with Hillary doing terrible things, her being challenged and ending with her yelling "Shut up I'm a woman!".

Her killing in benghazi, sending emails to Russia, endorsing Iraq et cetera.