Is Holla Forums only a joke, or are the people there actually that retarded?
Is Holla Forums only a joke, or are the people there actually that retarded?
yes, now fuck off
its glorious
go there and find out
I mean, Holla Forums has shitty mods and stormfront users
But holy fuck man, Holla Forums is actually, genuinely cringeworthy. I would honestly rather have Holla Forumss race realists over Holla Forumss Marxist faggotry here any day. Holla Forums is going to be the board responsible or bringing cancer to this place. They're already inviting their college bloggers to this place.
Did I mention they have a fucking website dedicated to furry political mascots?
Vastly superior to Holla Forums, who falseflag, lie, and shit up everything they touch.
The PRC and USSR have been the most rapidly expanding countries in history. Your snowflake belief in freedom does not trump progress, faggot.
capitalism > communism
freedom > no freedom
wow, it took you quite a time to come up with that
Except the PRC and USSR are/were state capitalist, which are the most productive forms of capitalism. Fuck your freedom you little snowflake.
yes it's a joke and yes there are people who are actually that stupid they are called useful idiots.
Che isn't regarded at all really in leftypol but even they find humor in him being salty at the blacks for not helping him.
USSR was a shithole and everyone hated it and was poor.
Putin's economy was and is much much better- and that's still with quite low levels of freedom compared to most first world economies.
Russia will probably never recover from a century of shit growth caused by communism.
Never mind the millions that died, were forced to labour, sent to gulag, etc. Which comes because of excessive state power
So what's the purpose? You should pull up the graph from beforehand with your GDP, because your current one makes it seem like it was in decline, when it was the fall of the USSR that caused it. Even kiddos like NFKRZ won't say that Stalin was bad, so where does this 'everyone hated it' come from? They had the best education system in the world and went from a country of peasants into putting the first man in space and becoming a 'global threat', doesn't that seem a bit odd to you?
This is fucking laughable, stop kidding yourself, do you think the PRC has had shit growth too? Do you measure growth in cheeseburgers per capita? The only reason people liked Stalin was because the opposite was true.
also if you want to know why fags are banned ftom 8pol, just check out endchan's archives and post.
only 4cuck cancer is banned.
Haha you're a fucking joke my man.
This is quite frankly a pathetic leftypol meme used to defer any criticism of anything to do with them because they always manage to weasel out of it by proclaiming that global socialism is the only way true socialism will be achieved. Stop peddling this fucking meme and start scolding people that do, because the average person that you're trying to win over beyond the LARPing non-existent scenario of a spontaneous, global, people's revolution is not going to fucking happen.
They weren't a global threat except to the most paranoid and deluded neo-cons. The country was poorer than South Africa or Colombia, or modern day China. It simply wasn't a threat.
What's impressive is that they managed to convince themselves taking however many attempts it took putting expensive metal into space was a justifiable use of the impoverished citizens' money
Compared to what?
Worse than what before, worse than what came after, the government controlled everything its citizens could do, and it was a violent evil system which involved starving millions of people to death. I think a capitalist system would have been significantly more humane and effective.
hello there, retard
Honestly, I thought that gif was a criticism of the Holla Forums types.
That's why I posted it, in critique of saying "state capitalist" i.e.
If Holla Forums uses that meme to defer criticism, they need to watch some fucking Spongebob and get a little self awareness.
This, I'll admit to browsing Holla Forums (and Holla Forums) a lot, but lets face it Holla Forums does have a larping problem and it can take itself to seriously (see tripfags seriously calm the fuck down Rebel Absurdity and whoever you are having drama with ).
However I'm not going to pretend Holla Forums is perfect as I've seen enough larpers from there who act just as bad sometimes worse than the larpers we have.
Congratulations OP you triggered the fuck out of the SJW faggots that comprise leftypol
Meant for>>6269598
sage =triggered
Weird, where are you getting your information?
I can't stand to be on the same board as tripfag called A.W
Stay mad and poor, commie
And that trend has continued thanks to the internet, where the world is now polarized and completely insane.
What? They were impoverished beforehand and eventually smashed Nazi Germany, a heavyweight of the world. They suffered two worlds wars, a civil war and the iron curtain and still went further than America has in that duration.
What the fuck? To me this just reads like a completely insane American. What is your point here? Of course the USSR and PRC are shit places to live if you get on the wrong side of the state, it's every single person's wealth in the entire country backing a corporation, pretty much. The idea behind it was that it was better than all the other evils. You Americans have had a very lucky place in history, born shortly after European liberalism and in a land with very little turmoil and warfare. Go try and sell your vision to the Chinese. They had nothing but warlords, plague and death at the stage your countries morals were set in stone, the same with Russia. Not everywhere has the same history and cultural heritage as you.
It's hard to tell. Leftypol is plenty capable of mocking itself (since it's various factions trying to slate each other constantly) but I could see them using it as a 'ha gotcha'
I actually think Rebel would make a better BO. The current is a butthurt Tankie who shits the place up because he or she is mocked nigh on constantly by the userbase, and has no way to stop it.
kek, gold
No, they're really retarded.