ask a 29 yo guy with a 13 yo gf anything.
Ask a 29 yo guy with a 13 yo gf anything
What time is her bedtime?
how old is your gf?
Does her small hands make your dick look big?
how old are u?
Do you help her with her homework?
is he cute?
are you male or female?
Have you gone with her for her first bra fitting?
Is her mom hot?
Has her dad given you da bash yet?
Does she play volleyball?
Have you dressed her up as Hillary Clinton and sucked farts out of her ass?
Does she do gymnastics?
Does she have anything against black muslims?
Is she any good at making sandwiches?
Is she imaginary?
not really, maybe some day, its still a new relationship tbh
she's a girl and yes, she's cute
i'm a man
not my type, she's mid 40 i think
we didn't talk about that, beside she's 13 i don't think she gives a fuck
Is she better than women?
too old
Is she a total fucking bitch?
t. has a 14yo sister
he didn't answer my question
When are you planning to kill yourself?
nope, she's 100% real.
can't tell for now, its too early to say.
but her body make me rock hard like never before.
it really is quite something. every man should see it at least once in their lives.
i'm 29 you tool.
not before i fuck her at least
he didn't answer my question
Are you from a Muslim family
Were you molested as a child? I'm curious because I've heard pedophiles are either victims of other pedophiles during their childhood, or they have some kind of developed ideological fetishization of innocence and childhood, etc.
What made you as you are, is what I'm asking?
Do you call your signature sex move the overlocker? because it's a small needle going in and out really fast for a short time
what makes u think she wont call cops on u?
Hung like a sewing needle, screw like a sewing machine.
Answer mine:
Also, for real, are you a nigger? You can tell the truth.
oh, u think 13 isnt pedophilia?
fuk da fedz
I know it isn't retard.
It's hebephilia.
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.
fuck no.
thats probably true, but i'm not a pedo.
i don't find prepubecent kids sexually attractive.
my gf has boobs (small and cute) and a nice chubby pink pussy that bleeds every months.
she's won't be able to give birth soon but she definitely know what she's doing and what she wants sexually
keep telling yourself u r not a twisted fuck
If she stand upside down and starts to pee can she reach 2,35cm?
Clearly he is just far too emotionally stunted to value himself enough to pursue a relationship with someone of the same intellectual and emotional maturity someone of his age would normally possess and therefore he has thought of a convoluted moral system to accommodate his manchildishness tbh fam.
doesn't answer
she's my next door neighbor.
i can green text if you want
every woman can call the cops on you and get you in serious trouble m8.
may as well make it worth the risk.
i don't think she's that kind of crazy bitch tho
greentext it
But not every woman can accuse u of pedophilia. Its more serious charge, that "he hit me/raped me(with a condom)/harassed me"
and also bitch cant call cops on u, if u r not in relationship
Do her parents know?
remember to run the IP app as an administrator, fbi
nice projection, i have no interest in a long term relationship, i had my fair share of drama and realized that i was better by myself.
i still need to fuck tho, so i have the occasional hook ups/fuck buddies.
beside, i'm 29, women my age are either married or single moms. and have allot of baggage
the bottom of the barrel
Man, you guys are idiots.
Pumping and dumping will only create the next generation of whores. Good job being part of the problem.
it wasnt an implication, u twat, it was a visualisation.
Pumping and dumping creates a new generation of whores? Great, more young bitches to fuck.
Use condom and dont get into relationships, u cuck.
It's not projection, no, but it's the only way I can understand how it happened.
You blame women your age, but they prefer older guys as is, so why the huge gap? It doesn't add up to me aside from anything but insecurity on your own part. The only things that would attract younger women to you are looks and money, but here you are, courting a 13 year old. What gives?
u typin it out yet?
u r under wrong impression, that a man needs a relationship with a woman
What are you fucking talking about? Re-read my shit and tell me how your idiotic post relates to the different specific conversations.
Therefore creating more:
the bottom of the barrel
Part of the problem
OP is a nigger, and his "13 yo girlfriend" just wants to ride the cock-carousel.
If you don't see this as a potential LTR, how long do you think you'll stay together?
the child and the mom isnt my problem
here we go.
things escalated quickly from there
Not at all, if you even are OP, I never stated that a man needs a relationship with a woman, I'm asking you a question which you haven't answered.
you're a retard then
im not op, i just know men dont need to play by womens rules. Single moms and new batch of whores isnt mens problem
hymen rip when?
Nah, you're an emotional retard, the fact you're borderline illiterate speaks volumes. Let OP answer and stop being a cuck.
Yeah, it is. Single moms create more idiots like you, and the new batch of whores create more single moms.
It is the problem of men because men are the ones paying for the shit decisions and lifestyles of women.
Is this girl a total bitch because of her hormones,
are you of African descent?
pls respond
no, single moms create more idiots like u, u stupid, retarded nigggot - pussywhipped cunt whos gonna pamper to old cows, cuz they cant afford better
stay pleb
Sorry for any typos, in a hurry.
Most women are bad, I hope this can turn around. Men too, no homo, but it really seems like women are more likely to be corrupt.
He wasn't talking about the legality concerning the relationship (which we don't know whether or not it includes sex), and that flimsy word is not even a legal term anywhere from what I know.
So ban anything that has a risk gretaer than the age of ___?
Women are not on par with men's emotions or intelligence. I'm fine with adolescent girls and women (up to 40, which is much older than I am), but most women are bad, so the best bet is girls, especially if you want a virgin.
You are a whore actory, and whores create divorce and illegitimate children. Shame one you.
Top stuff m8
on par with your drivel
not soon sadly, she's too tight, i mean really i can barley get a finger in.
the good thing is, her mom said that she'll give her BC when she turns 14, which means bareback fuck.
meanwhile i still regular stripteases, bj and hj, she genuinely enjoys sucking cock till the last drop, she gets a deep satisfaction from it. i'v never seen that.
like one of those smokers who didn't get his cig in days, then start smoking one.
tbh, just watching her naked is quite something.
she has a magnificent body and she likes to show her new man controlling toys (tits)
So you're actually admitting to committing lewd and lascivious acts with a minor?
"shell give her"?
yes, i defined u pretty well
Does she ever expect anything off you aside from cock and attention? Gifts, food any shit like that? Her mom noticed?
nope, the only difference i noticed is that she's more horny, pretty much all the time.
and more submissive
no, why that question ?
nope, the only difference i noticed is that she's more horny, pretty much all the time.
and more submissive
no, why that question ?
Holy shit this guy has an IQ of around 80.
You didn't define anything, actually.
Just curious.
Gonna take her to the movies or something?
yes, and i'm loving every seconds of it.
so u didnt make a point. I win. Again.
why would want to do that?
and seriously, she can just report you after you break up with her or she gets a hotter younger boyfriend. seriously. I saw it happen to a cop. Don't let you life get flipped, turned upside down when you could be living like a prince of belaire.
Thanks, that's all we need.
nope, we don't hang out together in public places for obvious reasons
Are you 29 years old?
Do you have a 13-year-old girlfriend?
Can I ask you anything?
She could be passed of as a sister or cousin.
What are the parents and home life like?
Naturally, this is all discussed in a fictitious manner. Nothing about my posts should be considered truthful or serious.
Don't fall for her machinations. Sign the agreement before you are wed. Insist upon it.
No spousal support, or alimony.
50% custody of any children.
She'll probably just say you kidnapped her or something.
so do her parents know? are they ok with it?
No matter what chan you go on, somebody always gotta be kidfucking
nothing wrong with a bit of intergenerational love
Pic or it didnt happen
Hmm… thirteen years old counts as pedophilia (or at least hebephilia, which is interchangeable in scope when it comes to the societal stigma attached to adult sex with young persons), no way around it. Just because she's barely pubescent doesn't make her an adult.
That's just my judgement thought and ultimately irrelevant. Thank you for answering my question. Another, though. You must know by now that there is not a single argument you could make in the modern west that would convince either the average person or the legal system that you are not a pedophile. How do you deal with this from day to day, this social pressure? Do people you surround yourself with know that you are playing the Humbert to her Lolita, or do you keep it secret due to the stigma (even if you see yourself outside the pedophile community)?
Global reported both of you. Have fun with the NSA/FBI. I guarantee you that it won't be dismissed and you can check the logs for it.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
i reported u too, cunt
How many proxies are you behind?
Why would you do that to your daughter?
i don't really deal with it, we don't hang out together in public places.
we are in a relationship only in my house.
Post a picture (legal) of a girl her age that looks like her.
I dont think he wants to date a man user
not much, i'm using my neighbour's wifi tho, does that count ?
>implying the NSA give a flying fuck about some user shitposting on the ass hole of interweb.
come on.
beside, i'm not even a US citizen
been doing it since OP.
The youngest I ever fucked at 29 was a 17 year old. I envy thee, OP.
i got lucky tbh, it was totally not premeditated.
if you told me that i'd be with a 13 yo qt few moths ago i would've called you crazy.
i thought it was over, the youngest i could get from now were 22 and up. i wasn't even looking for younger at that point
maybe you'll get lucky too.
How big are you?
found the faggot in the pedo thread
Do I get a badge?
added to the list
8 inch tbh. looks pretty impressive next to her pussy.
could be a 13 yo girl
Can you please tell us the truth about how you're a 29 year old virgin with no friends? I think we earned a good laugh for paying attention to your bate post.
Aren't you the one who is a virgin and has no friends? Tell us the truth now, be the realer human bean here
look at that fuckin hamplanet in the blue suit in this pic. Its hard to believe that some faggot like him has so much power over the internet.
Uncle user?
If people aren't realizing that your story is bullshit they're retarded fags.
Liars on the internet?????
where are you from? or what country do you live in?
Get a load of this low energy fag.
Requesting more greentext, but if it's not possible:
- How did things go from exchanging Kik to being intimate?
- Do her parents know?
- Does she try to impress you with 'how mature she us for her age'?
why havent you killed yourself yet,you really should.
do you have any argument for that ?
Kek confirms
went pretty fast really, she was already giving me free strip shows from her room.
she would causally mention on kik that she is about to go to her room to change clothes.
two or three days after we exchanged kik she told me that her parents were going out for dinner, her brother was with his grandparents, they wanted to to bring her a babysitter but she convinced them not to.
so i asked her if she wanted to hang out at my place. which she did.
nothing really sexual happened that day beside few caresses. we spent most of the evening talking.
after that night she would come to my place as often as possible. and obviously things escalated fast.
she told me that she likes being naked but with her parents ands all she couldn't.
i told her that she could do it here (at my place).
she looked at me and smiled, then i told her to go ahed.
and she did.
i inevitably got a huge boner which made her giggle.
i couldn't resist to touch her breasts.
in the heat of the moment we finally kissed.
we just cuddled like thatt till her parent came home and she had to leave
holy shit, you are the worst at making up stories.
you should absolutely kill yourself.
i hope not
not really.
How are you dealing with Librechan dying?
don't care, i would be bother if wizardchan died tho.
i would celebrate for days if halfchan closed
I'm going to consider this bullshit, but on the off chance that its not, what are you doing for opsec? Like, say, when she flips the fuck out(in other words, acts like a 13 year old girl) and feels like she has been used and eventually tells her parents or the POLICE about your little relationship?
Also, how do you relate with someone who is that young? Do you just use her for sex? If that is the case, why do you call her a gf if this isnt just some sick perversion you have on her due to a shit childhood, or a taboo fantasy?