As of one hour and ten minutes ago, 4ch has a 4chan-pass only /vip/ board.
As of one hour and ten minutes ago, 4ch has a 4chan-pass only /vip/ board
inb4 all boards are pay2post
ビッパー only
I'm detecting levels of cuckoldry on 4chan that shouldn't even be possible.
Mfw pic related is becoming a reality
how much does a 4chop pass cost, then?
$20 but I think it's on "special offer" currently
4cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
I get a 404
Its the fucking meme magic dude. It never fucking fails.
Who the fuck takes 4chan seriously anymore? It's just a place for normies who think they are edgy.
normies stick to 4/b/, as usual. It's why everyone on 4/qa/ is so gung-ho about having hiro delete it (along with all the porn boards)
it's hilarious watching this play out from a distance
I recall seeing all the normies from Holla Forums there wanting Holla Forums deleted
Jesus Christ the level of faggotry is impressive
Honestly I'm breety happy with all this all things considered.
They're not going to get their wish. Even if Hiro goes full skype (for advertisers) he's going to cut Holla Forums first as it's the most notorious of the bunch and more importantly is almost all porn. Getting rid of Holla Forums and the porn boards would cut 4ch's server needs by over half.
Besides Hiro jewing for shekels that's not such a bad idea.
That's what I love about 8/b/. The userbase is so small you can almost always recognize the posters.
I love our dysfunctional family here.
I'm way too edgy for 4chan
Bitches call me the edgelord actually
It's $15 a year if you're smart about it, $20 a year if you aren't.
Not bad, honestly.
So they're officially the 20bux brigade?
For shame.
Pay to post?
That sounds like something awful.
m00t was half jewish, and even he didn't pull this shit.
Why would you pay to post on an image board you dunce
I thought this was a Bulgarian autism support board.
it's easier to take 1 dollar from a million retards than 20 dollars from 50 000. 1 dollar a year to post? It'd keep the jews out.
no. its pay to read.
ALL HAIL Holla Forums
I'm glad to be here.
Meme-magic is a beautiful thing really.
Holy shit this is genius.
You should put a ring on it user
Does it use IPs or Cookies to check whether someone has a pass?
Something about this picture is genius, it's hilarious in a really dumb, effective way.
jumping the shark
thanks son
Hi Uncle Dad
4ch isn't a gated community like Holla Forums tries to be. As much as I like the idea, it'd completely kill any growth the site could have. Even better, having it be $20 means that the /vip/ board will only be people who give a shit about their posts.
A cookie, I think. Users have to "log in" using their pass number and a PIN. I don't know if the system will allow the same pass to be used on two different machines without a "log out". I don't even know if a "log out" functionality exists, I've never seen a button for that (just "verify" and "recheck verification").
Depending on how An Hiro fucks up the old *chan, this could be a shot in the arm for this place. Any pics on what boards you want to be forced into an exodus? Holla Forums and porn boards are given but I hope he kills cgl and forces them to come here. I always loved reading fem-anons acting catty and collecting all the cute dresses pictures.
still dreading what new cancer is going to show up and Jimbo better not fuck up again. . .
One thing I always liked about Holla Forums is that that population can just spill over into a smaller board if things get too fast and crowded. half Holla Forums is just fast enough that it can be difficult to have a coherent discussion. Nevermind half Holla Forums, that place is mostly porn because threads get deleted too quickly for discussion no matter how stupid.
luv u fam
No, it'll be kids clinging to their snowflakian exclusivity. Ever seen recurring threads with namefags? Them. It would be even more popular if posters had a "4chan gold" emblem on their posts to other boards, while logged in.