Any money I make from this is going to a charity, Sargon seems to have been fine with "Must Ministries."
I am sorry I didn't redpill him, it was a shamefur dispray.
He will probably read the comments of the video, so please use it to debate against points he made.
I debated Sargon
Mate, if you lost a debate to Sargon you should actually kill yourself, and that isn't hyperbole or banter, you need to go.
I don't know if I lost, I just didn't covert him.
…WHY? That faggot will never admit his intellectual mistakes and make progress, that's why he is who he is.
As someone once put it.
wew doesn't say very much for you. Sarcuck only "debates" idiots and low hanging fruit after he got btfo by manlet woes
God, you're fucking shit at debate.
No trade deals? Hitler made trade deals, you faggot.
You sound like a faggot god damn.
It's obvious you haven't been in too many debates, but from what I've heard so far you didn't do too poorly, Sargon is such a blathering retard that he'll never admit he's wrong. Fuck that sweaty pseudo-intellectual manlet.
Jesus christ
stopped listening right there
gas yourself
I think he would be more open to moving from what he calls cultural nationalism to a civic nationalism, rather than ethnic.
Yea but hitler didn't make Germany entirely self-sufficient.
Made it 13 minutes.
You fucking suck. Drop out of college and do your own research.
A political science degree will do nothing more than wipe your ass and give you something to stroke your e-penis to.
Since this is a thread about debates, anyone have any good material on improving debating skills?
Read The Hammer of the Patriot.
I have brought dishonor to Holla Forums in repentance I will do 1488 squats while reading the Will to Power.
I bet you watered down your opinions. What a cuck. You can't win anything if you're constantly on the defense
To try to appeal to his audience.
I couldn't just go full 1488, fuck paying for their deportation it is more cost effective to gas them.
What kind of nationalism would you propose to a person who has rejected ethno nationalism.
If he can't accept white people are better, then surely he should accept that better people are better, was my line of thinking.
Very few places are able to be self-sufficient.
You have to make due, and show your people's dominance through winning with trade. What are factories for? Just supplying our own people? If that's the case, workers will be out of work in a month.
No. We must make a surplus of high-quality goods to sell to other countries and make a profit by doing so. Then the world will know that "Americans make the best x", and our international prestige rises, making our currency worth more. It's how we gain wealth. We live in a manufacturing and production-centered world, and have been since the Victorian Age.
Your theories would work if this were the Middle Ages. Read the Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery by Gottfried Feder for better economic theory. It's what Hitler based his economy on, which became the greatest economic miracle in history.
Any more debates like this? They make for comfy listening.
Also why did MW take down the Ghoul vs Mcstabbypants debate?
Oh God, that one was even worse.
That one small point, geez.
Complete self-suffiency is ideal, as they make any kind of sanctions by other countries moot. However just because it should be strived for doesn't mean it will get there. I agree with making surplus and selling it. Also by trade deals I meant things like the TPP, NAFTA, the EU, etc. Trade deals 99% of the time are "free-trade" deals where they go back on their word and America gets screwed. I said the main way the government should control international trade is with tarriffs, let the businesses and people decide what to trade and for how much.
Okay, then you're not being clear enough.
Though, you said that in order to be a Nationalist country, you need to be self-sufficient, which is not true at all, and he caught you hard on that one, right at the beginning of the debate. It hurt you tremendously.
That's when you started rambling about your future useless P.S. degree instead of ignoring his failed assumption of preventing war and saying specifically, "I'm against 'free trade' deals." Target free trade next time. Free trade is a globalist scheme to destroy the middle class and all. You skipped that important bit of information and just sounded like you wanted everyone to be self-sufficient and too bad for everyone who can't.
Who is Sargon anyway?
Probably because it was an easy shitty debate full of cringe and everyone in the comments was ripping the fuck out of the Sargon guy
You're never going to convince an audience of anything these days. The only way anyone will change their views now is from personal experiences, not want some fat neckbeard is ranting about
the better you understand the issues, the more confidence you will have when discussing them.
improve yourself constantly.
same goes for everyone here.
i don't have much time, but i watched a little bit.
nationalism is achievable by all nations.
all nations can be independent.
it's just that some nations live beyond their means.
that is to say, if you produce X amount of food, you cannot exceed Y population size. you're capped at a certain point. all nations can produce the basic necessities of life. if they can't, they must be dependant on some other nation and thus can only uphold their sovereignty to a certain extent. i don't believe there is such a nation.
nations often live beyond their means and are reduced to slavery.
the same could be true about a nation that would be conquered due to a small population, but these things can be rectified with tech and alliances.
some countries produce such large populations without the means to feed them; and if trade were to fall apart, they would see famine and strife in full.
independence of the individual compared to the independence of a society is a good idea, though. politics is really just about relationships between people. if you wish to understand your own political beliefs better, it's useful to make these kinds of analogies.
Bump..but I'm not sure why
Even if he did fuck up royally, he took a step in the right direction.
We need a crack team of god like debaters to change the mind of people like thunderf00t, The rageaholic, and common filth(fully convert him) and the best part is that they all have a fan base to spread on social media and the stubborn/unchangeable like sarcuck and hbomb(his latest video just sent another swarm of leftists to our site) will just be blocked out or ignored by the fans
He isn't a white nationalist?
You are a retard. Debates were never about convincing your opponent. No one but cucks actually become convinced of the other side in debates. The point of a debate is to appear to verbally destroy the other side to the public. You're supposed to humiliate them and make them feel bad about ever thinking such stupid shit (where them is the public). Intellectual honesty is thrown out the window in debates. Why do you think people are assigned sides to defend instead of being able to choose the side they truly believe in? It isn't a way to find truth together, it's to demonstrate your rhetorical ability.
Said there is no/barely any ties with Jews and whites. Look at CFR episode 89 at around minute 17 to see what i mean (on phone, can't link)
Stop giving that cuck attention.
He is a leftist, but not the extreme type of leftist. He made(I don't know if he still makes them) weekly videos showing how stupid SJWs are. He was also a prominent figure during GamerGate.
Sargon IS redpilled, he deliberately chooses to be moderate center-left.
what the fuck am I reading
he's an opportunist patreonfag leftard. the "moderate center-left" e-celeb trying to look edgy while being a PR cuck through and through is such a fucking cliché it's laughable.
Good goy.
Of course this octoroon raising another man's child is redpilled.
Civic nationalism is a retard concept, inherently illogical.
There can be no nationalism without shared blood, soil and history.
Citizenship isn't some magical gift, bestowed upon anybody who occupied space in a nation for x number of years.
Paki can never be british, matter how "good" he is in comparison even to some chav junkie.
This same post was in the previous thread.
We're being shilled, boys.
I mean redpilled as if he knows our talking points, ideas etc. But he still chooses to be a fencesitting cuckold.
Nah, buy cyanide.
You should have tried to defend your own conclusions against yourself before debating someone else, especially an intellectually dishonest faggot like Sargon. You would have found many holes in your arguments. Economic autarchy is retarded.
Shut up. There's a significant minority of people here who think they can simply masturbate to an Ideology and that will magically produce positive results. Autistic neo-nazis are retards that don't deserve any more respect than non-ideological retards.
Nobody cares about big Ideas, nobody cares about Ideology. The majority of people are pragmatic and that's a good thing. Your political ideas should be practical and useful, not idealistic nor moralistic.
Sarcuck of Mossad is a fucking retard. He got his ass handed to him by a fucking retarded SJW. Why debate him?
Bumplock thread and ban OP
this is why you need to go fucking outside and realize that good arguments and intellectual honesty mean jack shit to 90% of people so you don't end up failing before you even begin