I debated Sargon

Any money I make from this is going to a charity, Sargon seems to have been fine with "Must Ministries."
I am sorry I didn't redpill him, it was a shamefur dispray.
He will probably read the comments of the video, so please use it to debate against points he made.

Mate, if you lost a debate to Sargon you should actually kill yourself, and that isn't hyperbole or banter, you need to go.

I don't know if I lost, I just didn't covert him.

…WHY? That faggot will never admit his intellectual mistakes and make progress, that's why he is who he is.

As someone once put it.

wew doesn't say very much for you. Sarcuck only "debates" idiots and low hanging fruit after he got btfo by manlet woes

God, you're fucking shit at debate.
No trade deals? Hitler made trade deals, you faggot.

You sound like a faggot god damn.

It's obvious you haven't been in too many debates, but from what I've heard so far you didn't do too poorly, Sargon is such a blathering retard that he'll never admit he's wrong. Fuck that sweaty pseudo-intellectual manlet.

Jesus christ

stopped listening right there

gas yourself

I think he would be more open to moving from what he calls cultural nationalism to a civic nationalism, rather than ethnic.

Yea but hitler didn't make Germany entirely self-sufficient.