2016 elections

Memes aside, who do you think is going to win the U.S. elections? It's a very close one. I can't make a judgement call on it yet.

Other urls found in this thread:


whoever has the money.

Trumpfags seem to be oblivious to that though.

That's because Holla Forums used to be smart, but they are being discordianed by Discordians.

Fun to watch.

You're a dumbass, I would vote for Satan if his opponent was Hillary.

Or maybe /fringe/ its just that you're all fucking lunatics who fail to see Trump would've gotten shafted by the media like Ron Paul did if he didn't have money. Thats why Holla Forums likes him, he's the Ron Paul with money to tell the media to fuck off

Trump if it's an honest election, Hillary if it isn't.

Trump isn't the same shit we've had before. He's a man who realises his empires about to get shafted and is trying to save it. He's not a neo con/democrat which are the same damn party.

I'm the OP, and again, your replies just proved me right. You insist that Trump is different, like I said you would. You are following the pic that other guy posted.

You can say Trump is different all you want, but he's still working through the system. Besides, lets say for arguments sake, he does get in. What then? The President of the U.S. has to answer to numerous levels/layers of people. He must answer to them. Some shadowy people, and others, public/private entities.

No, I just don't see any reason to hop on the Trumpfag bandwagon. Aside from the memes, what does have to offer? He's quite literally a man of the system, so how can you say he's going to beat the system, or go down swinging against it? You can't be sure of that.

He's the mad who wants to build a wall that every single news outlet in the nation is calling racist. If you can't see there is an obvious conspiracy against him then there is no helping you. People like Trump because he wants to bring in an age of American Nationalism in opposition to the Cultural Marxist fucks running the mainstream. That alone should be enough for you to support him

Hillary. Unless the Obama Coalition doesn't show up to the polls.

Just think about this: Hillary only needs to replicate what Obama did in 2012. For Trump to win, he needs Obama supporters to stay home and the ability to pull so-called "missing white voters" out of his ass.

Well, Hillary still seems to be having trouble getting people to pokemon go to the polls

Or too her rallies, which are all seemingly empty

Where the fuck does her support come from when everybody seemingly hates her?

Hillary check'em

Gambling sites have the odds of Hilldog winning at about 70% right now, so as much as I want to see Trump make anime real I just don't think it's going to happen.

The gambling sites also take into account the Democratic parties previous win streak. I wouldn't rely too much on those

Western culture needs to save itself. No false leader can save it for us.

Regardless of what leftists think of Trump, he still needs to answer to people above him. He's a man of the system. So I ask you again, how can you know he will be effective in any way? You don't, you're just crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. People can put on a certain image to deceive others, and Trumpfags refuse to even accept this a slight possibility with him.

So who would you vote for who has a chance of winning and a chance of fixing the nation even if there is the slight chance he's lying?

Or maybe we'd just rather see Trump in the white house than someone blatantly corrupt because retards voted her in. Ever consider that the only alternative to the so-called "False leader" is an actual fucking psychopath?

At this point? I'm not voting for anybody.

Hillary Clinton is part of the system, nobody denies this. Just because one is bad, doesn't mean the other is good. Besides, you can call those other voters "retards" all you want, but aside from some circlejerking and echo chamber action, many people still don't support Trump. And Trumpfags just insult them and call them discordians instead of trying to welcome them into the fold.

He can't answer that because he's a complete retard. Like all the other "hurr voting doesn't matter!" /fringe/ idiots

If voting doesn't matter than there's no point even wasting your breath telling people not to vote, voting doesn't require any real sacrifice so telling people doing so does not matter is a paradox. Probably the paranoid schizo type that doesn't trust anyone richer than him (read. a lot of fucking people)

Hillary will win. The popular vote will probably be relatively close (within 10%), but Hillary will win the Electoral College vote by a significant margin, and that's the only vote that counts.

I think you don't quite grasp the magic that is Donald Trump.

He won't actually MAKE anime real.
He will promise you to make anime real. Then a week later he'll promise somebody else to keep anime on paper. Then he'll claim that anime are a tool of the Clinton campaign. Then he'll claim to be the world's best anime artist but he won't release any drawings because there's an audit. Then he will visit Japan and come back without any anime. Then the media will discover that he owes millions to artists who drew anime for him. Then he'll become President, and the V.P will tackle the anime problem while Trump masturbates to his own portrait in the Oval Office.

And then you'll get 10 dollars deposited into your account for Correcting the Record right?

wowee comrade

Holy shit this is too much. Its literally the slander campaign points taken directly from the leaked emails

You can't make this shit up

I think you don't quite grasp the magic that is Hillary Clinton.

She won't actually MAKE any actual change.
She will promise you to make actual change. Then a week later she'll promise somebody else to keep change on paper. Then she'll claim that changes are a tool of the alt-right frogposters. Then she'll claim to be the world's best con artist but she won't release any emails because there's an audit. Then he will visit Saudi Arabia and come back without any change. Then the media will discover that she receives millions from George Soros who faked change for her. Then she'll become President, and the V.P will tackle the change problem while Hillary molests to her own portrait of Bill in the Oval Office.

I want it to be trump, but it will be hillary

I don't get it
Retired military generals support trump
State governors support Trump
Federal Judges support Trump

But is none of that going to matter because Hillary has the mainstream media on her side?

Who actually likes Hillary? Serious question. Her rallies are empty, her meetups are barren. Not even Holla Forums likes her for how she fucked over Bernie Sanders

Its a fucking enigma. How? She's wondering why she isn't 50 points ahead, but I'm here wondering why she has any points at all…

But he is getting shafted by the media.

Most of the military doesn't support Trump.

No, he's not, the media is trying to shaft him but he is actually faring pretty well. The media already got away with it once with Ron Paul. But Trump hired Ron Pauls campaign manager

You know that is complete bullshit. I think the military would be more than happy with not having 4 more years of a shitty war mongering neocon like Hillary

And neither do underage millennials
So that only tells me the only people who don't like him can barely vote anyways

Bullshit hill discordian everybody see'e through you

The military knows it'll get more funding with Clinton. You don't know shit.

The only people that like Trump have 1 or 2 digit IQs and never got past highschool if they even got that far.

I already did answer it you autistic sperg. You must be getting the posts mixed up.


Trump's gonna win. Big league.

Even if thats true and the military cares, I don't think the average soldier deployed needs anymore funding

In fact the way I see it, the military actually sees Hillary Clinton as an insider thread, if leaked training slides tell you anything

Everyone should see your face…so here it is

The only "Hill" Billies I see are the ones voting for the Hill herself

holy shit who fucking cares?

If you hillbillies had voted for healthcare you wouldn't be so blind

If Hillary supporters had voted for a fair tax bracket you wouldn't be too poor for private healthcare

delete this!

Hillary supporters were the only ones voting for a fair tax bracket

No, I do not recall they were. Hillary wanted everyone taxed except her family if I recall

The tard is strong in this one

The democrats and greens pushed for lower taxes on the low and middle class

Republicans pushed for tax cuts for the wealthy


You can try not to be a complete fucking retard pulling shit from your ass m8


We know you're sockpuppeting a scripted thread, you pathetic Correct the Record whore OP. The best part of you dribbled down your mother's leg after her John finished fucking her faccid ass.

FYI you rancid shit guzzling slut, your involvement with CtR or any other astroturfing PAC is a matter of Federal record. It can't be anonymous, by law. Those records have to be filed with the FEC within the next couple of months, with no exceptions. The records may well have been filed already. They are public property after filing, accessible by anyone.

And they will be filed under any circumstances because Trump has led in the UCLA USC Dornsife polls for almost three weeks. Take away fake polls by CNN and other Clinton donors, and just look at the polls that get an A or A- rating, and Trump has been ahead by 5-10 points since well Crooked spazzed out on 9/11. He's won already. You're going to get raped worse than your cunt of a mother was repeatedly raped by your nigger daddy.

The Republicans are out for the blood of worthless whores like you. You think the new Trump administration will go easy on you? Trump's got an ego. He's ruthless. Even a minor piece of shit like you will be on the no fly list, you cumslut. You'll get audited by the IRS every year for the rest of your miserable, ugly life. You can guarantee that you wont be able to get a loan, or a job, or a mortgage. I bet your bank account would make a grown man cry, it's so pitiful. So your life being even more screwed up is hilarious.

I don't pity you. You're deserve the face raping that you're about to get.

Trump will lose.

Clinton will win.

There is nothing new going on here that hasn't happened before in the history of US "democracy".

This election cycle just happens to be one the first where the serfs, you and I, are able to fully understand the scale of corruption and collusion amongst varied forms of Government and the Media.

And yet dispute what is public record, the masses have successfully been duped to duke it out over two lame duck candidates instead of directing their energies towards the filth that empowers this cycle.

Okay, lets compare the the corrupt goddess who gets support from seducing numale cuckholds


How terrible that she wants the rich to pay their share.





You don't seem to understand.
I didn't invent any of that Trump stuff.
I just took the facts of his life and substituted "anime" for something else.

can you fucking retards stop taking the bait or go to fucking >>>Holla Forums to discuss this shitshow

trump will win, kek wills it


only 10% of the population voted for trump in the primary

do you honestly think that blacks, gays, mexicans, women, disabled, pro choice, pro military, pro union, people will vote trump?

this is coming from a person who chooses not to participate in your fucked system

On one side, you have a man who has legitimately spent much of his life being an obnoxious, loud-mouthed real estate and media mogul who has abused a system he now purports to fight against in a bid to expand his personal empire to the highest reaches of the political realm; does he just want to add POTUS to his resume, or does he legitimately want to make America great again? I wouldn't exactly call him honest, but at the very least he understands economics and hasn't literally gotten people killed by enacting bullshit policies to line his own pockets; the mountain of Donald Trump's sins effectively amounts to saying a bunch of mean shit and abusing a financial loophole that Hillary and other one-percenters have also abused to avoid paying taxes. At this point, all he has to do is point at someone and scream "CORRUPTION!" and most of his supporters will eat it up, regardless of how much truth there is behind the screaming. What does the public do when they can't trust the FBI, Dept. of Justice, or the White House?.

On the other side, you have potentially the first female president, which some people believe is reason enough to vote for her, who has consistently lied to the American public and shown herself either unable to understand the intricacies of confidential information or too corrupt to give a shit about the horrendously negative consequences of her actions. With the weight of the political propaganda machine backing her and willing to cover for the lies, criminal activity, and blatant disrespect for the very nation she's supposed to be working for, Hillary Clinton is basically the Manchurian Candidate; the more the mainstream media and retarded Super-PACs like CTR push to shame people who don't like her and try to cover for her, the more people dislike her and try to vote for Trump. Polling groups have even reformulated their polls, and certain swing states here's looking at you, Terry McAuliffe have been caught red-handed registering dead people, felons, and non-citizens to vote over the last decade. (Obama won Virginia in 2008 by around 1,000 votes, and over 1,000 people have been voting posthumously)

So, we have two candidates people don't like. Donald Trump, a loud-mouthed non-politician with an explosive temper that has abused the same tax codes he wants to fix, but someone who also understands that you can't import millions of people who don't pay taxes, suck up government benefit money, and take jobs from people who DO pay taxes. Hillary Clinton, a corrupt politician who's spent her whole life in politics, lined her own pockets at the expense of the Average Joe taxpayer, screams buzzwords like racist and xenophobe, who says anything she can to get elected, who has caused thousands of unnecessary American deaths and cost hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich. Take your fucking pick, America.

P.S.: CTR can discordian all they want, but the proof is fucking everywhere. Hillary has changed her story every time she got caught in a lie. Despite Obama's assurance that Hillary is the most qualified person for the job, she has repeatedly stated she didn't know there was a patchwork email server in her own basement, she didn't know she was sending classified information over an unsecure network, she didn't remember being briefed on handling of classified materials (with briefing verification paperwork that she signed personally), she doesn't know what classification markings look like… She either doesn't fucking remember anything, which would mean that she's mentally unfit to be POTUS, or she doesn't want people to know the truth, so she blatantly lies and says "I don't remember" until she's blue in the face so that if anyone DOES call her out on a lie, she has plausible deniability. Fucking deal with the facts, CTR, and go choke on your own spit like the mouth-breathing retards that you are.

Polls show that pro-military will very clearly vote Trump, especially with hundreds of retired flag officers actively endorsing him. Hillary is losing the black vote, and much of the legal Latino constituency wants to vote Trump so he'll remove the illegals making them look bad not to mention the border crime problems, which the ludicrously rich seem to want to ignore. If you choose not to participate, that's on you, but if you don't use your voice, you have no fucking room to talk when shit doesn't go your way.

paid discordians

And NOT PAYING hundreds of small businesses for the goods and services he ordered.
Causing layoffs, bankrupcies, and heartbreak to thousands of honest American workers.

This is what his supporters don't "get".
He's not just nasty, selfish, different.
He's EVIL.

Still better than discordianary

discordians paid by people like Soros and the DNC, who also pay to have buses full of 'protesters' magically show up at every goddamn race riot. Around 70% of arrests in Charlotte were people from out-of-state, the DNC actively and openly, like morons advertised for actors for the Democratic National Convention after Berniebros got fed up and left.

I wonder if people have enough experience of evil to recognise it and fear it and take up arms against it?
I'm thinking of how the Germans let thousands of North Africans walk into Germany last year and then they were all surprised by the rape gangs.
North African men have always been like that. The exact same thing was shown in a movie back about 1950. But the German leaders DIDN'T RECOGNISE EVIL.

Trump is evil. Put him in charge, and he will do evil things.

Then two evil faggots who are just doing it for self-serving reasons it is. This shitty country won't change until we have a political purge, until we get people in office who legitimately care about the people and not themselves and their coffers.

I'd still rather vote for Trump than put a fucking criminal and liar into office. Our economy is going to crash in a year regardless of who we pick, we're going to wind up in a civil war and probably World War 3, and the left and the right are going to strangle each other no matter who gets picked anyway.



Yes, keep oligarchies alive! Western culture is shit and everything you value has been force fed to you so you'd be a useful idiot

Ask that question tomorrow, after Assange drops his bomb on crooked Hillary.

You completely failed to name one. Only a retard believes anything lying Hillary tells them.

Its gonna be a landslide victory for Trump. The media is just saying its gonna be a close race

Of course western culture is degenerate garbage. But a false leader like Trump is same shit, different day. His supporters are mostly secular degenerates who just want western culture to continue on it's current course. Sure, we can get rid of immigrants, but lets keep going hard on men and keep encouraging women to be sluts!

Only a moral renaissance can save us, not Donald Trump.

www youtube.com/watch?v=13V0tSbVfvI

Hillary, by a wide margin. Though I'm voting Trump.

Jew media
Jew bankers
Jew politicians
Jew professors
Jew educators
Jew social media

They will never let the public actually decide if the vote actually was counted.






Holy fuck, nice! Checkin'

Yeah, the rigged polls make it seem like it's a "close one". Just like they did back in 2012, 2008, 2004 etc…

I am convinced. Hillary is better because she might be the same as Trump. I am mentallyhill now

It's funny how you can literally search any online poll that isn't hosted by some mainstream media site and you will see that Trump is ahead in every single one.


The fucked system that you're not participating in is the home turf of establishment politicians like Hillary, while Trump is trying to change things.



Trump's getting that perfect fully-plausible-but-only-if-you-turn-out-to-vote underdog ranking in the polls that recent history has shown will take it by +17%.

But also Hillary has already voter frauded Bernie.


Why should I name one? The media are/should be doing that. And some of them have taken him to court.

You're simply not doing due diligence. As if Google was never invented.

Here, try this for starters;

but you would better spend your mental energy on asking yourself why you want to live in denial, like a Creationist.

But he IS a criminal and a liar.
Do you live under a rock, or what?

nothing close about it at all fucking what you guys what us to think. so it is not as shocking when you steal the election

Clinton, by a hair, and with a greater lead in states with electronic voting

You know, you actually don't make any money by discordianing for trump, right?

needs moar evidence

Clinton will win comfortably. Won't be that close. She's ahead in the polls now and it will only get wider as election day nears. The closer it gets the more serious people will get about the choice. She will be the serious/safe candidate while Trump will be the unserious/risky candidate, and the voters will break accordingly. She'll win with about 325 EVs.

I made this fake headline meme back in early August.

Since then it has been repeatedly proven correct. Trump shoots himself in every organ.

Because you made the accusation. The burden of proof is on you and only you. Does that answer your stupid question?

"Today I did something I never did before — I ‘defriended’ someone who chastised me "

Typical female writer. The first paragraph has nothing to do with the story. It's all about her.

"An actor friend of mine worked for a caterer"
"At the time she"

Who the fuck is "she"? Name fucking names.

"This is not a story I recently heard"

This isn't a news story, even by the lying media's low standards. It's just a rumor spread around by yentas. I can't believe you actually take that shit seriously. If you actually fall for that garbage, then you are dumb enough to believe lying Hillary.

Do you even Understand how fucking retarted that sounds user? If you claim only 10% of the pop voted for him then what precent voted for the other republicucks? 5%????

discordian pls go

No, it isn't.

mate if you discordian, do it right.

ok mods but why

Why is it that we always vote for the two same parties?


With all the social media in disposition,can't we do something about it like putting free advertisement for a third partie on our Facebook, or something?

Its called the electoral college

Doesn't that also take into account the past few recent elections?
Its not even the final fucking debate yet I mean shit

facebook is private. The government won't help third parties like this by paying facebook ads, that makes no sense (Democracy will wait).

Yeah right like you couldn't vote for a thrid party yourself in Novemeber.


You completely missed the point. Even if I did vote third party in November it would be a wasted vote because the process has been cucked so hard by the college that the chances of any third party making it is futile

The Bradley effect……..Trump will win in a landslide

media it is then

commiefornia and jew york get a lot of votes

It'll be Trump. I'm just hoping Holla Forums is even halfway right about him.

Total shown is 98.6%. The rest is Stein (not shown in pic).


The states have varying number of electoral votes, you braindead nullo.

It can, if you select that. I didn't. This is purely based on polls for the upcoming election.

Your chart is missing data and I'm the dumbass?


Well the media and electoral college bullshit doesn't help, but every other party in that image is (also) fucking garbage,

You said it's over 100. Yes, if you can't add then you are, in fact, a dumbass.

keep going, Holla Forums

We all hope its Trump user, but at the same time we do have to be realistic about it.

Even if Trump loses I still have the satisfaction of knowing I was never a Hillary supporter

I can easily see The Bradley Effect coming into play here. Only high-profile people (State governors, Federal Judges, Military generals, the motherfucking Mayer who saved New York City) openly support Trump because of his controversial nature, meanwhile celebrities and TV personalities support Hillary because she is the safest endorsement for populists

But when push comes to shove, Trump might have a larger and more dedicated voter base. Its very possible the majority of the democrats are disenfranchised Bernie supporters

Guess we'll never really know until November, my realist side tells me it might just be Hillary, but my optimist side tells me Trump has massive chances of winning as well

nigger wat

Direct quote. Your words. Dumbass.

So yeah, I pointed out a mistake of yours, I made one, but you can't admit yours. You're the hell of a stubborn dunkey

Why even bother showing Stein? Her chances are worse than Johnson's and he's already at


We have this in the UK, we call it 'Shy Tories'. It's cowards lying to pollsters in the hope of making their opposition not turn out.

I showed why the "mistake" you pointed out is just plain wrong. And I'm the stubborn one. Ok m80.

I'm still waiting for the new image mate

Here you go:


They update it multiple times per day. You can sit there and hit refresh to your heart's content. Go nuts, faggot.

Is that even a possible scenario, are so many democrats willing to vote for someone who cheated via the DNC scandal/resignations thing? I find that very difficult to believe, but I am not from that country, so maybe voting for un-convicted criminals is a thing over there.

I think Trump legitimately has more support. I live in the Chicagoland area but I still see a handful of open Trump supporters here and there. I'm more concerned that he'll actually build the wall, unfuck our trade deals, get companies to come back here, remove mexicans, etc.

Even if he doesn't though, it'll still probably be worth voting for him just to see liberals lose their fucking minds.


I kinda misspoke; obviously I want him to do what he claims he'll do.

Basically every single politician here is directly implicated in criminal behavior, or they are complicit in it.

Most polls also don't include the 5th presidential candidate either: Gloria Estela La Riva, nominee for the Peace and Freedom Party. You mad about that too, faggot?

nigga get on my level and put them all.


Jesus this methodology is dubious as fuck. I would honestly take this website with a grain of salt. Prioritizing likely voters over registered voters is dubious enough and the Bradley Effect is in no way considered

Not saying Trump has a chance at a landslide victory or anything, but fuck man I wouldn't trust that website at all.

Pretty sure the dude who handles the site and polling is a kike. Nate Silver or something like that? He's been wrong with very many of his predictions and has continually (and wrongly) predicted Trump's failure something like five times throughout this election season.

There is no general consensus on a method of adjusting for the Bradley Effect. Hell, there isn't even consensus on whether it actually exists.

Like it or not, Nate Silver has the best track record in the industry. You won't find anyone who has perfect prediction accuracy. Silver's is the best for now. But feel free to post a better source.

Is that what the mainstream media told you?



Dude won the coin flip on Gore/Bush and made the same easy calls as the pollsters for all other presidential elections. He's a hack.
Try again.

I dunno man, he linked to the Washington Post, the website notorious for working with the DNC according to the email leaks, so it counts for something

You completely failed to prove that he was ever wrong about anything. Sad.

wew lad

Stop lying using green text.

All you are saying is that he is always right and lucky. You are praising with faint damnation.

kek you think that's praising?
I predict that tomorrow the sky will be blue, grass will be green, and the world will not be nuked into oblivion. Do I deserve a gold star for my amazing predictions now too?

Tell you what, discordian. If being completely right for thirty years is what you call "easy", then you should go into the prediction business. You can beat the often wrong Nate Silver and be second to Allan Lichtman.

Trump all the way you jobless nigger faggot.

mmmmmm more more

You might be a literal retard

Hilary will win and US / Russia relations will plummet to the point Syria turns into a fully fledged proxy war.

Muh dick will be president.

trump just won. kaine was such a fluttered bitchy mess.


got my two buckets for the salt, always be prepare

I had a feeling this would happen, Hillary chose a VP that would not outstage her, which means she had to chose a beta faggot

This isn' exactly t a "status quo" election, in case you haven't fucking noticed, m8

which makes it all the more likely that we're about to see Lichtman's first prediction failure


No doubt about that anymore.

I never said I was trying to stop you from voting for anybody, you retard.

this is the guy who lost 0,9 billion dollars one year. he lawyered the irs into transfering a similar sum from other citizens' pockets to his own over the next 20 years in the form of tax credits. he calls that clever and himself the champion of the ordinary joe. americans believe him. maybe he will become president.

Post yfw by the same time next year all shill jobs will be outsourced to pajeets.



Hahaha Trump's eating a turd hehe. Well meme'd my friend! Like!

Today you learned Hillary used the same tax credit.

Here, have an even danker one, it's super new and cool: a Jewish man rubbing his hands gleefully together, indicating he's the source of all your problems!

stay salty faggot

I don't even go on Holla Forums. I just find hillary oh so kekky

Stay salty, faggot.

proving my point……salty as fucksuck it

Slick Willy

so it all comes down to which candidate is worse.
at a point in the electoral process where americans should be looking at the details of their respective projects, both sides will now concentrate on trashing the other.
it's a political contest reduced to the level of a bingo tournament.

This image has been true up until this point. Has the entire establishment media panicked this hard before?


these things arent the same
bread and circuses user

Sorry leftard, America is neither capitalist or communist

America is an adhocratic bureaucracy. Its founding predates the modern left-right paradigm. Private entities are constantly dancing with governments on a federal level while being contracted for public works on a state level. America either has an opportunist or reactionary economic system depending on wither or not the glass is half empty or half full

Capitalism always existed, they just gave it a name at some time. Your picture is retarded.