I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in Pennsylvania yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Sebastian Ward
Ian Peterson
In the future, when we transition into a memocracy, children will learn to read and how to post by reading classic pasta like this.
Joshua Bell
no one tries to steal milky ways. snickers, ok, but milky ways? hell no.
Joseph Sanchez
You and your militia are open carrying and walking down the street. Suddenly a convoy of black SUVs pulls up next to you. A window rolls down and you see it's Trump. He points a pistol at you and tells you to get in, we're going to MAGA. What do you do?
Jonathan Ward
tell him, that driving an suv is bad for the environment
Brandon Ward
He'd shoot you for that
Jayden Ramirez
shooting is also bad for the environment
Kayden Davis
I just got fired.
My boss called me into her office this morning. When I walked in, her boss was sitting in one of the two chairs available in front of her desk.
They began by asking me what I thought about Donald Trumps latest comments about banning Muslims from entering the country. I hesitated to answer their questions at first because it was fairly well known that the senior management at my company is very liberal (he's flamboyantly homosexual). Then they asked me why my wife has a Donald Trump bumper sticker on her car. The turned on the conference screen in her office and opened a screen shot of security footage from one of the exterior security cameras that showed my wife picking me up at work yesterday afternoon (my car was in the shop). Then they showed another picture of her bumper, zoomed in on the Trump bumper sticker.
Eventually, I was backed into a corner and forced to admit that my wife and I are conservative and that I support Donald Trump. My boss said, "Well that's very unfortunate, Steven. I'm very disappointed." Then her boss said, "We're going to have to let you go. Employing someone with your extreme political views could potentially be very problematic for us, because we employ several Muslims here. Your presence in our office could become very disruptive. We'll give you some time to pack up your things, but we expect you to have all of your things removed from your desk before lunch."
I'm in shock. I can't believe this has happened. I'm sitting here in my car wondering what my next move should be.
Landon Garcia
The environment is bad for shooting. Get it the right way round you gun grabbing liberal faggot.
Caleb James
never happened
people with irl waifus do not b
Lucas Rivera
nice pasta user
Jaxon King
huh? huh? huh?
Liam Sanchez
remove the bumper sticker
Carter Campbell
bumper stickers are bad for the environment anyways
Grayson Johnson
Jonathan Baker
that can be cleaned with water no problem for the environment there
Gavin Sanchez
you should see the carpet.
Connor Diaz
Burn down the store
Ryder Lopez
its bad for the environment
Samuel Anderson
I blow up the bomb I carry on me at all times killing myself but killing Trump thus destroying the world cause I've killed the past hope for humanity cause fuck you all
Josiah Price
This is great pasta.
I 'love this pasta.
Jonathan Evans
It's the best pasta. OP Has THE BEST pasta. Ask Hannity. He knows all about how OP has the best pasta.
Jordan Ramirez
2+2 pasta with sauce, on Holla Forums. How the mighty memelords have fallen.
Jordan Torres
You KNOW what to do.
Isaac Sullivan
crush him with our tanks
Adam Murphy
Just slap a zebra on the cover of the book and bob is your uncle
Wyatt Gray
Ethan Jackson
Matthew Ortiz
you know you can sue them right wrong full termination. Well at least in my country. your so full of sjw that your fucked user. look at the laws in your state. Your constitution which i admire greatly is only for show now. no first amendment rights. Fuck user might as well be living in the EU .the only difference you guy have from Europe is you can own guns .
Parker Sanders
this so much
Colton Ramirez
What is this?
Angel Powell
nice copypasta attempt/10
Colton Edwards
A meme
Nathaniel Evans
Adam Gomez
In schools 500 years from now when they look back on the literature of the early 21st century they will talk about the post, and this will be the example included in every book. The perfect pasta. Well composed, lyrical, and historically relevant.
Hudson James
nice pasta
now someone remix it to fit Sonic the hedgehog in his quest to find the golden rings.
Landon Peterson
people on Holla Forums are probably the most creative people in the world right now.
And whats funny is that nobody is even aware of it.
Luis Anderson
thank you user. the internet smelled less like shit for a moment
Brayden Bell
did you really save this stale ass pasta
holy shit what a retard
Caleb Anderson
You niggers realise this was first posted on reddit, right? I hope we're all just being ironic here.
Blake Perry
Cameron King
Jaxson Rivera
i am AWARE!!
Jacob Rodriguez
I just got crashed.
My boss called me into her office this morning. When I walked in, her boss was sitting in one of the two chairs available in front of her desk.
They began by asking me what I thought about Bill Wilson's latest comments about banning hotheads from the flight plan. I hesitated to answer their questions at first because it was fairly well known that the senior management at my company is very liberal (he's flamboyantly a hothead). Then they asked me why my big guy has a CIA bumper sticker on his plane. The turned on the conference screen in her office and opened a screen shot of security footage from one of the exterior security cameras that showed my big guy picking me up at work yesterday afternoon (my plane was crashed with no survivors). Then they showed another picture of his bumper, zoomed in on the CIA bumper sticker.
Eventually, I was backed into a corner and forced to admit that my big guy and I are conservative and that I support Bill Wilson. My boss said, "Well that's very unfortunate, Steven. I'm very disappointed." Then her boss said, "We're going to have to let you go. Employing someone with your extremely painful views could potentially be very problematic for us, because we employ several small guys here. Your presence in our office could become very disruptive. We'll give you some time to pack up your things, but we expect you in the wreckage before lunch."
I'm in shock. This can't be happening I'm in charge here. I'm sitting in my plane wondering what the next step in my master plan should be