I found a bunch of really big pimples on my left leg and popped them, it was probably the highlight of my week.
I found a bunch of really big pimples on my left leg and popped them, it was probably the highlight of my week
Gee, thanks for the info OP.
No problem fam
any gfs or good pr0n?
no ;_;
i'll inform wall street
have you considered not being a cock sucker?
how come you don't know danish?
It's probably one of the least relevant languages of all time.
That could either make a scar if you're not careful, or spread the pimples further.
Just let the bastards dry out you stupid faggot.
But I like scars and enjoy popping pimples.
real doctor here. photos? if you don't want to post images, please go to a doctor and let them check those pimples.
I popped a pimple on my cheek yesterday. The feeling when it finally pops and the yellow goo comes out, is super satisfying.
i like finding black heads on my ass or on my leg and getting them out. it reminds me of spring cleaning
One of the pimples accumulated more pus after being popped so I popped it again.
That sounds like a boil of sorts
You never pop boils, that will only make more boils.
You have to let them run their course by leaving them be. Eventually they pop and drain and heal up on their own, but if you keep picking at them or trying to pop them yourself that will only spread the infection and make more form.
If they get big enough and / or don't go away you may need to see a doctor, but generally speaking most of them heal on their own as long as you're not fucking with them.
Don't listen to this idiot OP, heat a knife over the oven and stab the fucker, leave a nasty scar, and tell bitches you got shot and were also in prison.
pix or it didnt happen
OP, OP. THIS. I have multiple scars from surgeries. I just tell the ladies I was stabbed, they love it.
I'm pretty sure it's just a pimple.
I have alot of acne and scarring :(
My confidence got BTFO and that is why Im a channer now
These memes are of low quality.
The week is now over so I can say with certainty that it was indeed the highlight of my week.
pimples.. on your leg? You have some kind of disease, OP
Its foliculitis more than likely.
I had the same thing on my inner thighs and sometimes up to my asscrack. Maybe like one a month. They hurt like hell sometimes.
If they keep showing up, go to your doctor and have him put you on an antibiotic and they will clear up.
you must be having a busy week OP
I'm sure it's hard to fit photography in round all the dick sucking
Right leg for me, they keep coming back (not that I'm complaining, *POP* shit is so cash).
did the pimples appear in a line (pic related)