"Nationalism is fear - Globalism is wisdom"

According to the MSM narrative Nationalism can only come from fear. Globalism is wise and better for everyone.


Feminism, of course an anti woman tool for the destruction of humanity, speaks against nationalism while turning the word nation to mean country in the very next sentence. Both attacking language so no one can communicate while also spewing undiluted and factually incorrect hate. This article even claims that the people's in the Americas before European colonization were not patriarchal. Unmasking the anti European narrative that it follows to the word.
>Women must work together to fight the structures of power that oppress them, while remaining aware of the oppressive nature of nationalism itself.
>Women should not fight solely for women’s rights, but for rights of all members of the nation and international protection for citizens of all nations.

Year by year, week by week, they will write a narrative to vilify self actualization and health. They even go the false flag routes and try to pass off individualism as antisocial disorders and national sovereignty as 'oppression'.

Other urls found in this thread:





Thus is the narrative of the Left: Projection.

Everything - EVERYTHING - which serves as the foundation of leftist thought derives from emotionality, emotions being innately irrational.

The Left realizes this, and so projects its own tragic flaws upon those it opposes, hence the consistent trend of Leftists accusing anyone/thing that opposes their ideology of espousing irrational emotionality as the motive source; the most common emotions cited, the most common amongst Leftists no doubt, being: hate and fear.

Nearly everything that opposes Leftists is claimed to derive from hate and/or fear.

Racism in the Leftist narrative requires hatred and/or fear - they outright deny the capacity to espouse racism without such emotionality, and have gradually redefined the word in the minds of the people to exhibit such requisite.

Opposition to feminism? Male fear or hatred of female empowerment.

Opposition to globalism? Fear and/hatred of outsiders, 'xenoPHOBIA'.

Opposition to Islam? 'IslamaPHOBIA'.

Opposition to faggotry/dykism/trannies? 'HomoPHOBIA and transPHOBIA'.

Support for an armed populace? Base animal fear, nothing more.

Everything - EVERY SINGLE FOUNDATIONAL COMPONENT - of Leftist ideology is rooted in fear and/or hatred, and this they project onto others, attempting to deny their own irrational emotionality and lay the consequences of such mindset upon their opposition: "It is not I who is fearful and hateful, but YOU! You are full of hate and fear, and thus you can be - MUST be - silenced and ignored."

It is truly disgusting, and the more I recognize it, the more I'm beginning to fit their mold: I do hate them, and I fear what horrors are going to be unleashed in the responses to their effort to wipe away the past in a vain effort to achieve 'progress', regardless of the destination; as the old saying goes, "Just because you're progressing doesn't mean you're going someplace better".

were going to have robots nigger

50% of jobs will be automated in 20 years, after that 80% in 30 years.

and we call these people useful idots

t. yuri besimov

Guess English knowledge is no longer in fashion among journalists anymore.

True. So what will happen to all the population?


It was certainly not third highest in rapes to begin with.

It's gonna be close. A lot of citizens are looking forward to domination by Sharia law and being surrounded by Turkish neighbors it seems.

le robot replacing humanity meme

go fap sonewhere else fucking technocrat

Let me ask you this, if economy remains globalist, and if same people who own most of the world's assets today keep their assets and influence, and have no barriers in trade and enslaving goyim, wouldn't "nationalism" be just a different make up for globalism? A different narrative spin for what's essentially the same thing?

Also, if "leftism" (that was everything but it), and a specific happy merchants have abused the systems of certain countries in order to destroy them, can you really call it leftism? Or it's just two kike controlled zombies fighting each other in a futile battle (SJW vs "alt-right") as Zionists finish their plans for global domination?

Keeps you action less and in the kikes clutches.
That level of automation is a dream.

Capitalists are as much enemy as communists.

Bankers are cancer whether they are gentile or Jew.

This is why everyone thinks you're retarded.
You can't even accept that capitalism works better than communism.

But social climate alone changes nothing. You can have a (((civic nationalist))) society that is still 100% kike owned, but pretends to care about muh flag and muh traditions.

This is why "alt-right" shills will never attack capitalism or the elites, they will only attack SJW's (another puppet of elites) so you dumb goyim think that there is some kind of dialectical conflict between "right wing" and "left wing" going on. While in reality they are fighting their own shadows.

Closing the boarders won't solve everything, but it will at least ensure that we exist in the future, and we can get all those undesirables out of the country and off welfare systems which are sucking our countries dry, and with a homogeneous nation there is no need to worry about cultural conflicts like those muslim sharia zones. Social conflicts, depending on the definition could get better, but there will still be conflicting opinions no matter what.

A better way to solve economic issues directly would be to nationalize companies and banks, but they wouldn't dare mention the benefits of something like that because of (((them))).


Nice job falling for the false dichotomy between capitalism and communism. There is another way, in fact there are many other ways.
Both ideologies lead to the debasement of the people and the centralisation of financial and political power.

So, in other words, if Nationalism fails, as Nationalism inherently combats all those concepts when incorporated into goverance.

You do not understand the very core foundational concepts of nationalism.

Irony, given the context.

And so the shroud and shed.

The merchants act via Leftism, which they have forged into a weapon.

The systems could not be abused but through the employment of the Left - it is by their rhetoric and idea that holes are breached in otherwise functional systems.

The Leftist sword of the Jew (and its goyim servants) can pierce even the greatest of systemic governmental armor given enough time - and it says little of the functionality of that systemic armor that it can be so-breached given a long-enough timeline.



Nationalism, ethnocentric nationalism specifically, if you understand it (you clearly do not, and I have not the interest in arguing it with you in such context; esp not when the words of wiser men than you or I are readily available, in volume no less, to explain it to you), innately inhibits the global domination of the Jew and their puppets, inhibits their scheming and plans, and lays the first brick of the road upon which a people march to war against the Ash Merchants.

Civic nationalism is garbage, but it is a step in the right direction, and in the present social clime, it is amongst the best we can hope for from a population which has been indoctrinated against the very notion of ethnocentric anything.
Civic nationalism may well prove to be the first step down the aforementioned road, but it cannot be, will not be, the destination.

You seem to have a serious predisposition to assumption that the segments of the "alt-right" you are addressing are A) ethnocentric nationalists in any appreciable quantity, B) are even civic nationalists in any appreciable quantity, C) are exemplary of the greater movement.

This is a flawed assumption.

Those who call themselves "alt-right", while praising a homosexual Jew for combating feminism, for example, are rarely even civic "nationalists", let alone ethnocentric nationalists, even rare still be they traditionalists of any sort - and they are neither friend, nor ally, and addressed as such more often than not.

They think it's about money

Not I, ideally the companies will be regulated so that they work for the benefit of the nation - therefore the people.

Sounds a lot like leftism, and state ownership of industries has been a failure every time it's been tried. Go back to North Korea

I didn't fall for any dichotomy. I'm pointing out that the person who thinks capitalism and communism are 'equally bad' is obviously wrong

Is this you falling for the evil monopoly meme? Cause you better not be that indefensibly wrong.

Being nationalized and regulated are two very different things


Yea I know I kinda fucked up what I was trying to say.

I am not talking about complete Nationalism, just using it's social aspects to sell financial globalism in a different package, which seems to be the pendulum swing we have right now.


They act via "rightism" as well, even more directly so. They don't really need "leftism" anymore as they already own most of the world's capital and key industries. Now they can as well become monarchists and crown themselves as kings of the world.

Profit principle (which promotes absolute individualism and selfishness, even going as far as to call it a virtue) is not compatible with ANY kind of group ideology, even if it's based on genetic links. it also negates ALL values except profit. In capitalism, nationalism becomes just another merchandise.

What makes you so sure? It looks more like an attempt to subvert and pacify the ethnic nationalism. It exploits the herd mentality in the same manner that SJW movement does, while not being "extreme" enough to change the status quo (financial and economic status quo (the one which actually matters), just the perceived "threats" which public gets brainwashed with)

Trips of Truth
What they need to understand, but cannot, because they are broken inside, is that
our position is based on LOVE
LOVE for our families, they hate theirs
LOVE for our nations, they hate theirs
LOVE for our traditions, they hate tradition
LOVE for the TRUTH, they hate TRUTH

Fear is actually very fucking healthy.

Why do you automatically imply complete state ownership of all industries? You have been so brainwashed into binary thinking that you cannot even contemplate an alternative to both.

I associate nationalisation with state ownership of industries, and state ownership of industries with failure and inefficiency.




This is the only response I ever see when someone says that robots will replace humans in the workforce. Jut a bunch of insults and accusations without ever a valid rebuttle

Tell me, how do you know that humans will always be employed? The horses didn't get another job when cars were invented

When in doubt reverse the narrative. Globalism is fear [of ethnic nationalism and a consequential race war] and nationalism is wisdom or love [the end of identity politics]


I meant

Every stupid regulation ever was done allegedly for the good of the nation

No wonder more women are lefty

I'm pretty Holla Forums but im also completely for the progress of technology and I'm always confused by this sentiment being displayed in an Internet forum of all places. Maybe someone should make a thread about it.

So say the owners of the media conglomerates.

Nobody actually says this. What the fuck man

Flood detected

>>>Holla Forums

best trips of 2016



And Global Nationalism is Truth.
As many say, you FEAR the truth, but it is also WISE.

Yeah. I'm afraid shitskins will rape me to death and my government will shoot me if I try to stop it.

It simply won't happen.
Most people won't let it happen and most companies will prefer their consumers to be able to consume. Nobody will endorse it and laws will be put in place to limit it to dangerous/unwanted jobs if you did get half-decent automation.

Makes the job easier, it hasn't killed or damaged the market, just made it more profitable.
Understand that technology is not linear and robots that are capable of any sophisticated jobs or actions are probably a minimum of decades away, possibly thousands of years. There will always be a high degree of human interaction and requirement, and so the humans being replaced argument would be debunked by that.

I believe the user you were talking to is not as delusional to think that there will be carpenterbots and machienes for jobs that relie on social interaction any time soon, but sweatshop work, some traffic and food dispensers are very likely to be automated in the not so far future-slashing a lot of jobs.

Automated machinery that simplified sweatshop work/food dispensaries already exists. It's quite expensive to maintain and purchase, of course, but it is more economically beneficial than not. Then again, much sweatshop work and other things that are sophisticated (such as making any food that is not slop, or serving any food that is also not slop) requires human beings. Maybe if someone develops an AI program, computer, and design that can do more than stationary and simple motions, it will be possible, but even then that'd have complications.

Still, it wouldn't be a bad thing to have full automation.

This is true for the Useful idiot but not for the engineers of leftist ideology. Its merely a tool (((they))) use to manipulate the masses. If you really want to understand the Left you really ought to read works from the Frankfurt School. For example the Repressive Tolerance by Herbert Marcuse written in 1965. Also the Culture of Critique series by Kevin B. MacDonald is a great overview of the Frankfurt School.

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea of 'pansexualism' - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an 'oppressed class' and men as 'oppressors'

Nationalism is fear, fear of globalist tyranny. As if fear was ipso facto bad or some shit.

Do they mean the fear of losing your job to overseas slave labor? The fear of being made destitute until you hit third-world status? The fear of seeing your race diluted until it no longer holds any power to defend itself, and has no homeland to call its own?

Is that what they mean? These completely rational and easily documented fears?
You know, I could say, "driving safely can only come from fear. Unsafe driving is wise and better for everyone." But the reason we drive safely is because we don't like the idea of being maimed or killed in a mass of crumpled metal…the fear is entirely logical, and entirely warranted.
And the results of globalism have been apparent and escalating since about 1995.
If you fear globalism, all it means is you are not a member of the upper .1% of the wealth in the world, and you have every reason to be very, very, afraid of globalism.

I'm a cosmopolitan and see the world being united to explore space. Nation Earth. So I approve of globalism. One World.

We call these people "useful idiots".

lol you think you're not being manipulated by believing fringe conspiracy theories?

You blew your bait too fast.

They are pushing to fast. America won't be ruled by Mexico or Brussels just yet

It's not bait. I truly believe it.

Then you're a fool.
Globalism is currently making destitute the very countries that were at the forefront of space exploration and space technology. And without money, no country will explore anything.
Event the privately funded efforts, with a leg up from government created tech & government resources, have not yet managed to even reach the technical level of the old X-15 that the U.S. had operating in the 50's. Space-X's version of the space plane exploded.

The uncomfortable truth is that most of the population of the Earth is dead weight, incapable of even feeding themselves, much less aspiring to the lofty goal of space travel. To attach that anchor to those that can make space travel a reality is to cut off your own legs, you will cripple those that can with the burden of dragging along those that can't.

Sorry if that bursts your little unicorn-populated bubble, but history proves this to be the case.

I'm not saying that space travel would be immediate. Hell, we're far from it. Also the US managing to fuck itself up by not putting more money on NASA. We still have a long way to go but one day we might see One Global Government colonizing space. Maybe in a couple hundred years?

Fear is a legitimate response to danger.

top kek
you don't seem to understand, when Muhammad the goat rapist is tearing down the last mark of western civilization there won't be anything left but a wasteland, and no white ingenuity to save you.
You'll be stuck on this rock for all eternity.

Oh, no. They need to be educated also. The retarded ones like extremists and fundamentalists (like ISIS, far right retards and dumb christians) need to be controlled.

Let's hope not.
And global government is already starting to collapse, and we should all be grateful for it.

I don't think you understand what globalism is…globalism is the elimination of sovereign nations which are at least under SOME control by their citizens, and their replacement by unelected corporate & banking "nobility" which the people have no control over, whatsoever.

If you have some "kumbaya" idea that globalism will be a a rosy, democratic, "Star Wars Republic" or "Star Trek Federation" kind of system, then you'd better wake up and take a good look around. Globalism is global enslavement and tyranny, with the very worst dregs of mankind in complete control of the population on a collective scale, & a personal level if they so desire.
Under globalism, you will be seen as nothing more than a powerless meat-machine, existing for the benefit of your overlords & easily expendable.
And space exploration will take that horror into the skies, as well, although I doubt the self-important masters of the globe will see any need for space exploration, at all.

Quality post worthy of repeating digits.

I'm just baffled that after years of being spoken about in hushed tones by supposed tinfoil hat wears, people are openly talking about a one world government with some proles openly and enthusiastically pushing for it

It truly feels like the end of days

Maybe it will be like that maybe it won't. If you're voting Trump like much of this board is, you're basically doing that on a smaller scale. He's the nobility you talked about.

Ah, the classic leftist mindset. "It must be convoluted and needlessly complicated to be correct. Simple = Bad". Maybe it "seems too easy" because it is exactly that fucking easy?
Let's ignore that before mass immigration we didn't have these "long term economic issues".
If "growth" means getting replaced in my own damn country, then I say it loud and proud: FUCK GROWTH.

Trump is against globalism, and has said so many times.
Hillary is in favor of it, but changed her tune when she saw the political traction both Trump and Bernie were getting from it.
Hillary has puppet strings attached, Trump does not.
Virtually everything Trump is in favor of runs counter to globalism, strengthening the borders, strict immigration policies, balanced trade among NATIONS, and backing away from the U.S. as the world's police.
Trump is a nationalist, and antithetical to any NWO garbage, that's why the establishment politicians, puppets of the .1%, are all trying to figure some way to disrupt him & derail him, even the so-called "republican" leadership.

In my opinion, Trump's the real deal, that's why the head of the NSA voiced concerns that he wouldn't be able to keep all their "secrets."
From who?…potential enemy nations, or the American people?

And as an aside…were you aware that 80% of the NSA has been privatized? Yea, I didn't think you were.

Everyone's afraid of something. Whether it's niggers ruining your neighborhood or politicians cucking out your people, or the return of segregation and the rise of whites as a political force.

Wisdom is knowing what you ought to be afraid of.

Fear is just the desire to prevent harm. The world is full of threats. The left only fear the imaginary ones, insult people who try to focus on the real ones.

There's no NWO, you delusional cunt. Stop believing there's always a plot against you or your nation. You're simply paranoid.
Also, Trump doesn't fucking care about the nation. He's a narcissist who only wants power and to stay in the spotlight as long as possible. You're a fool to believe he cares about you. He's using you. He's saying what you want to hear because he's a showman. And you, like the retard you are, believes him.


Fuck, NSA.

Triggered much?

We had it and stopped doing it to pay for more niggers.

You're the most boring shill I've ever seen. Even fucking Holla Forums is better at this than you, and they are literally cucks.

You watched too much Star Trek, upside-down Satan.

You went a little overboard on the bait tbh

The lesser races will have to raise themselves to our level, if such a thing is to happen. It's not going to work while we're the ones lowering standards for their sake.


But there is international jewry and they're leaving behind quite the trail pointing to them on all of this.

What is the UN, IMF, WTO, G8, G12, G20, NATO, SEATO, ANZUS, the World Bank, and a slew of other organizations which weild extra-governmental powers over national sovereignties?

Ted Cruz? Is that you?

I think they're panicking a lot because of how much and how quickly the narrative is being rejected. Some German finance minister literally tried to say that we'd be "inbreeding" if we didn't let in inferior 3rd world scum and race-mix with them.



Nobody says that. Not even here.
Nobody is looking up for quick fixes, those people are fucking retarded. Every right-winger knows that to build something solid you need time and devotion. Libtards and lefties want quick fixes and looking for easy answers for fuck sake.

This user manage to score triples and tell the truth of how it looks like in reality. Those fuckers project their own failure on nationalism. Truly disgusting.

This is great, you faggots better remember this. This is pretty good rebuttal.

It's true, Donald Trump's success so far is just because he's a fear monger.

Also, Trump is the next Hitler and he will destroy America, start WW3, and gun down PoCs in the street if elected.



In an interview with Benjamin Fulford (13 November 2007)

In an interview with Benjamin Fulford (13 November 2007)


Fear is not bad,you fear something for a reason.

If having your country overrun by muslim shitskins so they can bankrupt your welfare system and rape your women is "wisdom" you can fucking keep that shit.

There's a difference about what he wrote in the book and the interview and what you are implying.

Nobody proved this better than Marx

Lurk more if you don't know what I imply by saying "pure coincidence"

Dude, I spent a major amount of time on Holla Forums and luckily managed to break out of this aryan hugbox.
Also, it's not a coincidence. You are not grasping the difference between international cooperation and one world government.

Nigger, find a better source of info other than one that can be edited just for the fuck of it.

That's why I embedded the video which is the true source.

I could say you don't grasp the similairities between one world government and international coorporatian.

But this is not up for discussion. Fact remains that there is an intention to create a one world government. I could give you many links with many quotes from UN, EU, NATO, etc. but I would be waisting my time. Especcially since you apparently learnt to breakout of this hugbox, yet you still feel the need to post here. I wonder what C. G. Jung would think about that.

Yeah, that's funny. I came to see Holla Forums's reaction to the new Watch_Dogs but stayed to cringe a lil' bit. Like watching someone fucking up on stage or people believing Jesus healed them. It's much like watching nature, really.

Strong word there, friendo.

Because it would be better if you made a comparison of dates. A date when the phrase in the book was done and the most recent.
People can change their way of action trough years, but not totally. Plus book authors.
He was too cocky while younger, for being a rich fuck that had lots of time, but backed down when got too old for this shit or do anything of substance.

The new Watch_Dogs thing is just another shitty $60 Ubsoft game were you play as a nigger in Cali and funnily gets a prison custom as a preorder reward, since the devs are clueless SJWs.
That jesus thing was reatard.

Well, the book is from 2003 and the interview is from the end of 2007. So around 4 years.

lol we agree on that. Well, that can still pull a AC2 and save the franchise to a point but probably they'll overhype and downgrade again.

I have no problem with it, actually. It's nice to see some change to the white, rugged, raspy voice protagonist.



Stop! Stop! I can only get so erect.

Nigga i want the date of when he said the thing, not the book itself, i might had fucked up the writing for not specifying. But good to see that the interview is from 2007, later see who took his place and his opinions.

If it was made in a organic way instead of forced bullshit, since the character creation was done to be the "type" that deals with social injustices and know the harshness of life.
See in the Devs cometary, in the World Premiere Announcement.
And expecting another AC2 or Black Flag nowdays, is wishful thinking.

This thread can become quite fun after all.

What do you mean by organic?

I'm aware of that. That's why I'm hoping that some group manages to crack Denuvo by the time the game comes out because I won't be giving Ubi money.
I didn't play Black Flag. I stopped on AC3.

By far the worst mistake Ubi is making is how edgy the characters are.

Organic is when you create it without any artificial shit to push it.
Like just put anyone, since this is a work of fiction, there is never a need to do pull the "victim of society" SJW card to explain the addition of a nig/spic/asian or anyone that isnt a white male in a game.

Denuvo is already being insane effort, nuDoom is being a nightmare because its using the most recent version, i wont doubt that Ubi will push the most recent version of it too.


Fuck you, DOOM 2016 is good. Shut the fuck up, asshole.

Only you are this type of retard that pays $60 to $40 for a shitty SP experience without any modding possibility and a bare bones as fuck map editor, not counting the most safest type of MP, while all of that can be outdone by a brazillian in a mud hut for free.
I would call this a fucking scam supported by consumer whores and post-purchase rationalization done by retards, the type of shit that kikes love for the easy shekels and free PR.

But anyway, Denuvo in nuDoom it is a hell of a beastno pun intended and WD2 is destined to same fate.

so if he had other motives would you still have a problem playing with him?

God damn it, reading this discussion makes me realize what a hug box this place is in general. You man children went to poking holes about video games, you faggots need to stop wasting your time with that shit.

Yes, it is a hugbox, which I'm no part of.

Trump is trolling the dumb American public. His wife looks transgender also.

Only a fool would think democracy is real.


also capped for posterity
