Dump your slaves
ITT : Slavs
any potato-kin wanna give a TL;DR of this song?
Holla Forums pls go
i'm ML, not "leftist"
stay on your Holla Forums if you can't handle being outside of your echo chamber
I'm in this thread to look at slavs, not bask in the glory of stalin, fuck off.
not my fault slavs greatest history was the success of socialism under the leadership of Marxism Leninism by the wise and great Stalin
well, have some gay new age russian bullshit
made myself puke listening to this shit for too long
I'm slav but i wont post anything slavic. West dont deserve our music or movies. They can go fuck themselves with their political corectness and shitskin loving.
faggot detector off the charts
you need t kill yourself, kid
Lmao precommunism movies. Post the one where gypsies were locked up because they didnt work.
man, his wife got kidnapped. show a little heart.
Don't worry slavbro, when we conquer Russia and turn it into a western colony we will take your music, your movies and your bitches as a trophy and we will leave you with the political correctness and shitskins you hate so much.
they can stay in russia. Russia is so damn big you could acomodate whole world in it and still have place left. Russia can take anyone just pls dont go to eastern europe.
Russia has no borders.
Russia exists wherever Russians are.
also: my heart
What's up with all these commie animus
names ?
What? It's from Girls Unz Panzer if that's what you are asking?
My favorite Roki Vulovic song, fuck USA.
Looks gud, may watch when bored
The series is better than the movie, season 2 has just been announced.
Fuck off, subhuman.
It's leftypol being their usual annoying selves. They'll post pics of Stalin and communist Russia, but then complain real communism was never tried.
It's hilarious.
They always hijack slavic threads and ruin them with their commie shite.
god-tier taste, user
God bless the west for bringing feminism, PC and lot's of other bullshit. Really nice culture you have there.
It was USSR. Union of soviet SOCIALIST Republics. We were just on the path to communism.
It's called CULTURAL Marxism you shitlord, perhaps you should educate yourself on it if you call yourself a real communist.
Pffft, kids these days…
See this… what do
If a Russian heard you talking, you would get your ass kicked. Hell, you could just be standing and he'd kick your ass because you probably look like a faggot.
t. Russian
These threads are funny until Holla Forums starts posting. Sad cunts with sad memes. Nothing they make is funny, it's just annoying. Go back to your containment board.
As far as I know, cultural marxism is term invented by nazis for propaganda use. Even today, Holla Forumsyps uses it to describe anything their culture produce which they do not like. Try to give me some reliable source so I can "educate myself" and finally understand how exactly does it link to actual marxism.
I am slav too. Is your problem with USSR that everybody had job, house, and did not had to worry about finishing uni just because you do not have enough money?
Or your problem is that everybody was spied on, and anything person said could fuck up their live?
Nice try leftypol but everyone knows the people that followed Marxist ideologies are far worse than Hitler.
For Soviet Glory
Тупикон 2016 Fusruit Fun :D
Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
fuck you, you destroyed my cover. Now I must post all those slavic webms i stored
you forgot to add that maxism is movement do destroy whitey, families, and so on and so on
Look, I understand the human need to belong to some sort of group or community. I understand how plebs become 'hiphoppers' or 'metalheads' or 'punks' or 'emo' etc
but what happens in your life, that you'd end up at such an event, hopping on a big balloon in a fursuit?
How do you get to that point? I just don't get it..
fucking faggot ass russians won't leave ukraine alone.
Ukraine is a nigger country and the only country in Europe to have designated shitting streets. The Ukrainians themselves are barbarians who murder Russians, Tatars and then Poles and act like they are being bullied.
You deserve nothing but suffering, even if this is bait. The ovens are not good enough for you. You deserve prolonged torture.