More race swaping? Yay.
I get that costumes won't always look great, but if they just worked on the upper part of the headpiece (have it conform closer to his hairline and have the dip be a sharper angle instead of a soft curve) it would look a fair bit better. In the cartoons, the headpiece normally goes right up to his hairline, and it honestly does look a little odd just because he's a black guy and not a ginger.
Yea, we loose the "red hair with yellow/red costume" aesthetic when he's black.
Without the spiky red hair the head looks fucking retarded.
The costume department doesn't understand black people's facial structure apparently. Diggle's helmet looked terrible as well.
Zoom still had the best costume.
Even if it was just a repaint
It's nice to see Wally from the show finally step up but they really did mess up the head piece. They made it to fit a white ginger kid instead of a black one and it looks janked because of it. Easiest way to fix it would be to bring it closer to his hairline.
I'm glad that my Dad didn't live to see this shit. He loved The Flash.
Too much leather for a speedster.
It's actually a pretty great show user.
As I've said before, black Wally is the only flaw.
I really don't know why they had to racechange him though since we got Black Flash at the end of this season anyway.
Blame Bendis, when he created Miles DC got the bright idea to make NuDC Wally black.
Thank fuck Geoff Johns brought back the real Wally in Rebirth.
Hmmm, it might look better if the headpiece was more like that. The sharp angles would go better with his head.
As it is, the costume is fine. The problem is the person in it.
Is he a bad actor?
No, he's just black. The costume was made for a white ginger.
His face looks too fat for the mask.
Why isn't anyone protesting this hateful stereotype?
I can't wait to see Jesse Quick's costume. Hubba hubba.
I think the open hairline is retarded, even if it is accurate. It's like a giant target saying "SHOOT HERE"
Well, it's not like the rest of the mask is bulletproof.
It could be. It probably should be.
He's faster than bullets!
I guess he just likes the feel of the wind on his scalp.
Good point. On both counts.
He should have an afro. Then it would sort of make sense that he has a hole in the top of his cowl. Plus it would look good.