
So Holla Forums, what do you think about the wrestling industry? As far as my knowledge goes, there are very few jews involved, in fact the biggest one, Paul Heyman who's actually pretty cool got his own promotion out of business because he got jewed out. It's a shell of its previous form now which is why I guess most SJWs don't care about it and in its past, had some really great moments.

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In this video Stone Cold Steve Austin names the Jew and causes some Yid to sperg out.

Fake and gay.

I don't care if SJWs hate it, too. Something is very homosexual with two men dressing in bikini briefs, oiled up like a couple of faggots while they pretend to fight.

I say this as a product of the 80s and all my friends loved it as a kid and a few when I was an adult. Rasslin' is the lowest common denominator of entertainment. Read a fucking book, or do something other than getting fat and watching homos pretend to be pissed at each other.

Wrestling is degenerate and a hold-over from carnie/gypsy culture.

That yid was Paul Heyman who I was talking about.


No fun allowed.

Very meme worthy.

Grown men in spandex doing day time drama + fake choreographed fighting.

To think it was made 12 years ago and is more relevant now than it was then. American Hero, Kurt Angle even honored JBL with the Kurt Angle Great American award for his patriotic effort.


Plus JBL's real thoughts on illegals from 2011. Very sound ideas.


The Texas Rattlesnake is one of us. One of the most red-pilled motherfuckers ever to step foot in the squared circle, and a genuine American Patriot.

Why not watch a fight where the punches are at least real? I don't watch UFC either, but I can recognize it's a better alternative to a bullshit soap opera with a horrible script and faggots wearing a speedo.

SJWs flirt with infecting wrestling with their cancer, but they never get very far because political incorrectness is part of the very fabric of pro wrestling. Even liberal wrestling fans tend to have extremely politically incorrect senses of humor, as in they think we're all ONE RACE DA HOOMAN RACE but they'll still crack up at racist jokes and/or tell racist jokes because it's "so bad it's good". That kind of thing.

So when some rainbow haired niggerfaggot tries to insert themselves in the wrestling fandom and starts talking about soggy knees and privilege they get laughed out of the fucking room.

UFC is dull as shit. I don't care if the punches are real or not, I want to be fucking entertained

Actual fighting not entertaining, but fake fighting is?
See, this is where you guys lose people like me. Is imitation crab meat better than crab meat?

It's clear that you don't like to watch actual fighting, so basically you're in it for the script. And Jesus Christ, the script is awful. Always the same bullshit. The "fights" last far too long to actually be entertaining and they ramble on and on about how they're going to kick ass in the ring, but it's all a bunch of gay choreographed acrobatics and fake blood.

"Professional Wrestling For Reactionaries"


I'll take "What is blading?" for twenty thousand.

So they use razors to cut themselves to bleed?
Somehow that's even gayer than just using fake blood.

If you know not even the most basic things about something, you're not entitled to an opinion.

Now go funpost somewhere else.

paul heyman is a massive and typical jew. go listen to some stories from jim cornette, bubba dudley or tommy dreamer about their dealings with him, especially towards the end of ecw

do you like any fiction, like books or movies?

Because we all they they use roids and even Brock Lesnar got his ass kicked and ended his brief actual fighting career when he tried to cross over.

Have you ever considered you're the one who is gay and completely insecure in your manhood if wrestling rustled your jimmies like that?

Yes. I do like fiction.

The fiction I like doesn't involve oily men dressed in the underwear on a mat with ropes.

Ahh, yes.

I'm the one who is gay for not watching fake fighting like pic related.

It doesn't sound like you ever watched wrestling to be honest. With your retarded standard, you couldn't call a kung-fu fight in a Shaw Bros. movie good, but obviously you can. Also MMA and boxing is a lot faker than you admit.

ITT: Closet homos projecting hard over bread & circus

You're like people that see an innocent picture of a child in a bathtub or something and think it's obscene. You have to be thinking in that frame of mind to be able to see it that way. So yeah, I'm calling you gay.


SJWs flirt with infecting wrestling with their cancer, but they never get very far because political incorrectness is part of the very fabric of pro wrestling.

Do you two actually watch wrestling? Because if you did, you know that NXT is almost 100% supported by hipster faggots and their mudblood, blue-haired "partners". Have you seen a Chikara audience? They're not exactly Joe Sixpack wearing the star spangled banner.

I take it this "Divas Revolution" is being pushed by all the red-blooded men in the stands right?

Wrestling is fun as hell and I don't really care about the fake & gay part. I will always have a place in my heart for an industry where you used to be able to say shit like "We're going to watch roots backwards so it has a happy ending" to a nigger to get heat. It's like my ghostbusters, and it's being overrun with hipsters; why? Because wrestling IS fake, the outcomes are predetermined; so its ripe for agenda pushing. see; divas revolution.

So on the other side, you're the one who sees two grown men in their underwear fake fighting and thinks, "Yeah, I'm totally into this!"

You watch wrestling for a good match with good psychology and good action (spots). It's pretty much the same as watching a Kung-Fu movie or something. I don't really care if you normalfags don't understand it, but that's the reason people watch wrestling. The other shit is just extra.

The "other shit" is what makes it so gay, though.

but ufc (oily men in underwear on a mat with mesh walls) is ok lol?

wrestlers are well known redpillers, see pics related

Your point of view is warped and you see men and that Freudian shit in the back of the head kicks in and you get scared because your uncle touched you or something. Fuck, the original wrestlers did it naked for crying out loud. This is nothing. You wouldn't even be able to watch your son in his high school wrestling matches because of your fear of masculine men fucking you.

I already said I don't care for the UFC, either. But at least the punches are real.

Boxing and wrestling are really the only entertaining worth watching.

My reaction is, "Why the fuck are those two dudes wearing their underwear and fake fighting. Looks kinda homoerotic."

Too funny.

how real do you think this is? hurts more than a few wiffy punches from a mestizo id imagine

Prize fights in general are staged. Why do you think the mafia is involved? They forge the results and make millions off marks betting. Pro-wrestling simply forked off of that history and became what it is now.

Like I said, at least the punches are real. If you're looking to get me to debate WWE VS UFC, then you'll be disappointed because I don't really like either of them.

You can steer the conversation toward WWE and MMA if you want, but I'm not going to bite because I've already said I don't care for either. Of the two, Rasslin' is definitely more retarded.

(((232100))) confirmed disingenious kike.

God damn right. Actual fighting is slow, boring, and sloppy. What's more entertaining, well written dialogue or two random joes having an unscripted conversation? Same principle.

What makes the business of professional wrestling great is that it works as a metaphor for (((modern Western Civilization))). Because we know it's false, they show us the truth behind the lie.

For instance, notice Paul Heyman break kayfabe at 20:55 [hand-rubbing intensifies]:

This right here. Nxt and indy-wrestling is a cancer that rapidly is killing wrestling and driving families away from attending shows.

Basically because they are not professionals, they don't get "it". They think it's some work-rate kind of thing, the underdog with heart, the no-star-looking-guy who can do a thousand holds is the one to root for no matter if he's the bad guy or the good guy.

They have infested the crowds the last three years to the point where the wrestlers can't perform because the hipsters are so full off themselves, that they are disrupting the shows (or loves everything, clapping like fucking retards at every dumb gimmick they give wrestlers down in Nxt).

The real men has gone away from wrestling, they are either being booed out of buildings, left, retired or dead. And in turn the large majority of fans has turned away aswell.

Smarks can go fuck themselves, basically an abberation of evolution, stemming from the horrible, overhyped garbage wrestling-promotion led by the kike Paul Heyman. These fucking half-communists ruined once a great thing, that was made to look like fights and competition but now is some faggy-ass performance-art.

Mick Foley's insane.

Wrasslin dindu nuffin wrong

Sorry, I'm not a gay retard so WWE isn't even on my radar

Vince started the "Diva's Revolution" because WWE's entire women's division became infamous for its terrible matches and storylines. Whenever female wrestlers were on the screen it was universally known as bathroom break time.

He claimed there was a "revolution" happening where the women's division was getting better in an attempt to salvage it and re-ignite interest and shekels, but really it was the same shit in a new package, everybody got wise to the fact it wasn't improving, and it's right back to being the bathroom break division. Supposedly it's kind of okay on NXT but it's still total shit on the mains shows.

It never had anything to do with social justice or fighting soggy knees. It was just Vince trying to stop fucking up so badly he was making men and horny teens tune out from scantily clad whores rolling around.

Fuck, I don't even follow WWE and I absorb knowledge about it through osmosis.

Terry Funk's another nutter. Worked great together though.


Hulk Hogan got erased from the company (not just fired, but his name is never mentioned anywhere on anything officially WWE related) because it turned out he said nigger a couple times years ago.

So just nips and Chikara, right?

They've been saying that since Medusa. This is the first actual push they've given chick wrestling.

It's girl wrestling. I want you to hazard a guess as to if it matters what show it's on being a key factor in it being any good.

"And we want to prove that women can do anything a man can do, and sometimes better!" - Stephanie MacMahon on the 'divas revolution'.

Sure, Vince loves shekels being a honorary Jew. Sure ,women have way more discretionary income now and they're marketing to them; but this also fucking REEKS of agenda pushing from the honorary kikes known as the MacMahons.

Because it's the fucking show, brother. Kids don't grow up hoping to main event PWG main events to a bunch of west-coast hipsters.

Didn't he beat his wife or something?

That's nothing.

Chris Benoit went on a roid-induced rampage and killed and drugged his 7 year old son, his wife and then an hero'd.
These guys aren't role models, no matter what the Jim-Bobs of the world would have you believe. Not much better than drug addict niggerball players.

Just pointing out how ridiculous it is to say that someone like that is, "one of us." Even Hogan would have been better, at least his trouble mostly boils down to him calling a nigger a nigger.

Donald Trump was involved with the WWE for like two decades.

It's just relatively harmless entertainment.

Fun fact: There has never been a black WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Well, Hogan is kinda fucked up, too.

He was fucking another man's wife while he watched. And I like Hogan because I was probably 4 or 5 during the Hogan/Andre the Giant fiasco. But it is what it is.
I like the Hogan/Trump memes and all, but let's face it… Wrestling is full of degenerates.

Well, hand egg has Tom Brady, but I'm not watching that nigger shit, either.

Yeah he's made some mistakes. He agreed to go on steroids at the behest of WWF management and it ended up in him smacking Debra around in a fit of rage.

He's been pretty open about how much he regrets that, but it doesn't negate all the things he's said and done to further white American identity and pride.

Yes, Benoit is the most extreme example of something that was commonplace for a long time in the wrestling business. Roids were and in some cases still are a cancer on the industry.

Saying this type of shit is why I would bet good money you're an ex-Reddit leftist faggot. At least you're trying to unfuck yourself.

You're definitely a leftist trying desperately to push yourself into the light. I wish you luck.

what a whiny bitch

nigger if you don't want to watch that's fine

some of us are highly intelligent and yet we still like it for entertainment value (pre-2004, except maybe Flair because he's eternally awesome/funny)

It's not so much that I like Hogan, it's that he represented America well in the 1980s. I grew out of my wrestling phase at about 10. My parents wouldn't let me watch it, actually, so I just kinda forgot about it as time went on. Then again in the 90s, it gained popularity and some of my friends watched NWO and I was too far removed to appreciate it.
So looking back at my early childhood, some of it brings back memories of being a kid, but that's about as far as it goes.

Nice trip dubs.

Great. Watch it then. I'm not calling for a ban on your glorified choreographed dance recitals, just asking that you realize how faggoty it is.

Flair's a little fag. Was always bitching about the other genuinely racist wrestlers in his autobiography.

Scott Steiner was right about Flair. Flair acted like a kike throughout his whole career.

She always came off as an annoying dumb broad tbh. Probably deserved it.

Fake. A real mans sport is one with blood and injury. Like boxing.

That was pretty based. That kike was really slimy though.

Wrestling has always been dominated by southern white guys and is an inherently silly business.
Vince mcmahon himself despises wrestling being associating with southern hicks and the wwe was started in the north east back in what was called the territory days.
Vince expanded wrestling into a global business and has a virtual monopoly after defeating crazy southern billionaire ted turners wcw.

Are they jews?
Maybe, maybe not.

Wrestling started out in carnivals, carnie people are psychotics who only care about grifting marks for their money.

Never forget that.

Mark Henry.

someone's triggered

funny how you keep focusing in on the bikini briefs when the modern era (1990


What did Scott Steiner say about Flair?

Why would I focus on the fact two roided-up faggots are quite literally rolling around on the ground in a fake fight while pretending to be mad at each other?
In a way, you're right. The bikini briefs are probably the most normal thing about the whole scenario.

shit i forgot about steiner. another redpill machine

Guy had like a jew fro. Whats up what that?

Flair > Hogan
Hogan > Flair

Oh well, at least Hogan isn't a liberal

only in Japan

its the 80s/really early 90s

think glam-rock look

Pretty sure they were still allowed in the WWF back when that was filmed.

Bring up a non-political topic on Holla Forums at your own risk.

Mark Henry didn't win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, he won the Heavyweight Championship at a time the title was split between Raw and SmackDown. John Cena held the title at the time.


have you heard of 'the 80s'?

hes quite a character actually, known as one of the most nonsensical talkers in the biz

The diva shit has nothing to do with it.

WWE squandered the women's division by only hiring dumb bimbos without a single fucking knowledge of the business, because Trish Stratus turned out to be fucking amazing. She looked good and could take the bumps.

Also fuck whatever Stephanie says, she's a fucking idiot.

The titles were on equal levels though, so it was basically the same thing.

Pro wrestling has both of those.


Also any hardcore wrestling fan will tell you that vince is crazy and there have been countless crazy vince stories that leaked over the years.

Also some wrestlers are hardcore pozzed libtards, brett hard fucks black women and has an insane hatred for hulk hogan which is defensible because hulk hogan is an ass.

CM punk, daniel bryan, mick foley are lefties.

There are a lot or right wing wrestlers too.

But wrestlers in general usually keep their mouth shut about politics not to scare away the marks

There's nothing like two men beating each other to a pulp.

Pro wrestling is too much theatrics. The second they get an injury they slip under the ring and run for safety.


More like, they keep their mouth shut because politics are a friction point. The locker room needs to always stand united, that hasn't changed from back when this was nothing but carnival entertainment. It's like an extended family of sorts.

If you can't trust the guy that's about to perform a move that can potentially kill you, you can't do your job in the ring. So you try to avoid fracture points at all levels. Politics is one of those.

That's also why SJWs and identity politics don't work on wrestling. They give bland statements for PR but besides that, in the locker room itself, everybody either takes the jokes or doesn't speak.

I give the man a pass since it can be excused by all the brain damage he probably suffered.

fucking steiner

lol his math promo always cracks me up

I'm here to convince DDP to get a sex change, because he has not balls anyway for not coming out here to face me


oh boy.

Trish was just as bad as any chick before or after her.

IT'S GIRLS. they are brutal at sports and sports-entertainment. Trish was just as bad as any before or after her.

And Sable's coalburner ass married that

Sure mate. I'm sure all those top rated matches meant nothing.

Well, that's just it, isn't it?

Doesn't matter if you like him. He's part of the fabric of the thing you love, like it or not.



Alright, I'll let you Jim-Bobs have your fun in peace.

I will admit the wrestling video games were entertaining. Probably still are.

lol there are countless stories of wrasslers finishing matches with severe injuries (sabu 10 inch bicep tear, triple h shredded quad, mick foley multiple teeth broken and pushed out through face, etc.)

yeah whatever fag, go play the midway wrestlemania

For the ppl ITT that don't need to seek attention online for real world deficiencies

He didn't sperg out at all. He actually handled it well.


what is a jim bob?

another NEET who has never been in a fight and watching UFC the video game

a term tumblrites/plebbitors use for white people

See they never use slurs against the poor minorities (mainly because of fear) so they memorize a full vocabulary for those pesky aryans

A Jim-Bob is a term for a Coke-drinking, McDouble-eating, rasslin'-watching, Wal-Mart shopping ignorant Burger.
Pretty much a manifestation of Spurdo.

Except I always refer to niggers, dune coons, spics and kikes.

Doesn't mean I can't cringe at my own kind, too.

Fixed that for you, Plebbit.


Yeah you're totally here for legit reasons

I thought you were leaving

oh the lack of self awareness

yeah you're definitely from plebbit

All you have to do to stop a troll is stop replying to his posts.




I don't understand

Which tier are you saying is the best?

One. lol

Enough with the fun. Go read a fucking book, and a good one, too.


oh ok


I haven't played ALOT of those.

But I know Legends of Wrestling SUCKED

You don't have the arcades or SNES games
Royal Rumble & RAW - snes
wrestlefest - arcade

Mein Kampf, Crippled America, The Jews and their Lies.

Is this your first time on this board? Be honest.

Already read them. Now what am i supposed to do? Sit around twiddling my thumbs?


Nigger, some of us post from a mobile device. My phone just so happens to rename all images saved as "image.jpeg" ((((iPhag 6)))

I'm not renaming 5,000 images individually.


Back when wrestlers were strong and not small faggy little shits who just kicks and flips.

To be fair, a good portion of them are Jewish dogs.

you don't get it, wrestling is about the memes, its great because it doesn't take itself seriously like MMA fags. wrestling is fun, its not supposed to be anything but a cheeseball american version of the old medieval folk plays and shakespearian (not trying to claim that WWE belongs anywhere near shakespeare) prole entertainment. I remember being a little kid and watching hollywood hulk hogan ride out on stage and getting all excited with my brothers. MMAfags all take themselves super seriously and MMA is even more gay because the matches invariably devolve into two men going crotch to mouth in some BJJ twister match, even greco-roman is less gay than BJJ tbh.

also MMAfags utterly ruined martial arts, instead of it being a niche culture for nerds who devote themselves to their practice (greco-roman wrestlers usually aren't super cool unless they also play football and karate/kickboxing guys used to be super underground/ not cool) but now you have all these fratboy assholes taking a couple years of BJJ and Mauy Tai and they take that macho ego shit and they go out and try to murder people over nothing.

that pic is far less gay than most BJJ matches
also if you've ever watched/ competed in actual greco-roman you would know that WWE is way less homoerotic looking

scott steiner is probably my favorite after the ultimate warrior, I was too young to ever see the original ultimate warrior, but I remember being a kid and getting some great life lessons from steiner

The WWE banning all male on female action while simultaneously pushing muh strong womyn division is kind of funny.

The only wrestling worth-watching is New Japan.

lol the muh strong womyn thing didn't last very long at all tbh, it was pretty much just bra and panties matches between peroxide blondes

I know WWE seems low-brow and a lot of non-americans love to mock it, but I just love the coked out sense of humor the whole thing has

Go away cancer. It's called wrasslin' and it's done the best in the south. Or used to be before Vince put all of his dad's friends out of business.


WWE babbies fuck off. That shit is a poor imitation of wrestling. Watch the old school stuff. Watch puro. Way more entertaining than the boredom that is WWE. A company ran by an egomaniac who is a psychologist's wet dream of a case study.

Wrestling is good and I say should be better regarded in Holla Forums. The heroes are tough, hard working fighters who want to win with honour and distinction. The villains are often weak, conniving cheaters who take the easy way out. Sometimes they are even effeminate nu-male types to get some hatred thrown their way.

Wrestling itself is a performance art. The guys are fight choreographers and stunt men. They take constant abuse to their bodies each night they get in the ring. Its why so many wrestlers used to take steroids and gained painkiller addiction. It combines stunt work with acting, talking trash about your opponent, putting them over, telling a story so people want to see the match.

Its very fun.

They didn't ban it, they were told to by their network and sponsors. We should probably be grateful, the worst we get is a man getting slapped or kicked in the balls. If it were still allowed, they would probably be having 250+ pound men get beat by a woman half their size.

Duthty Rhodes tryna make America great again back when the shit was hard

Phil Mushniuk was the NWA president in 1950

Puroresu is superior to Rasslin, but only barely.

Puro > Rasslin >90s garbage deathmatch > ROH spotfest > WWE style

The Rock is half-black and he was champ several times.

This still gets me fired up because what he is saying is true.

This still gets me fired up because what he is saying is true.

she´s married to bork now

Loved watching the WWF while growing up in the 90s.

That's probably why he didn't stay champ.

While we're on the subject, any /wooo/kies here getting sick of Kirt + Co.'s shit? I made a designated shitting streets joke and got a three day ban.

Since plebbit migrated over, Kirtaner and Spardot lost their fucking back bone. Now /wooo/ is a "my feewings" hugbox and any kind of cultural or political humor is banned or wordfiltered.

We need a wrestling board for like-minded Holla Forumslacks

Hold the fuck up I haven't stepped into the Berenstein universe without noticing, have I? I clearly remember his race being openly stated as Samoan, whick is completely different from Basketball-American.

Dude's a wop, not a nig

