USS Liberty

Today, June 8th, marks the 49th anniversary of Israel's attack on the USS Liberty.

Embedded video:

Important Documentaries:

And articles:

We should take this opportunity to spread a very powerful red-pill regarding Jewish power and influence in the USA.


Please keep this bumped.

Could we get Trump to retweet about this?

As long as you don't frame the tweet itself as anti-Israel, he might fall for the "remember the troops" schtick.

I've made threads in remembrance of this anniversary on every forum I frequent, and I hope other US Holla Forumsacks do the same.




You must watch these documentaries!

It would mean a lot to me if he did.

I phrased it poorly.

He doesn't want to appear anti-semitic in this part of the presidential race.

Of course he knows about the incident and its perpetrators, but getting "tricked" gives Trump a plausible deniability.

Like with the Mussolini quote, or retweeting something from "white genocide"-poster.


USSLiberty Survivor Pres Johnson Ordered US Jets Grounded - Bryce Lockwood

Spingola Speaks: Phillip Tourney, USS Liberty Survivor

I don't know what the problem is. They thought it was an enemy ship and when they found out it wasn't they payed compensation fees for the families and for the ship.



How about you bother to watch and read the materials provided for you in the OP?


Not suspicious at all.

Mods please sticky.

Bump. Today's anniversary deserves greater recognition. It one of the greatest documented examples of jewish false flag tactics.

And who in their right mind would downvote or try to call you a nazi for honoring dead US troops? You can't lose by sharing this info.

Twitter is silencing any accounts that talk about it.

The lack of narration hurt the video. As someone that doesn't use twitter I had no idea if what was shown constitutes evidence of censorship.

It was just a screen-cap video. Here I will clean it up a little.

Here you go.

Much better. Thanks.



this is disgusting everyone should know about this