Summoning the Greatest Army of Trolls the World Has Ever Seen

It begins, brothers.

Clinton Versus Trump.

This is fucking easy. There is so much shit on Clinton. She's utterly incompetent, completely corrupt, disastrous - I don't need to preach to the choir.

All she has is money. She is paying millions for online shills.

We do it for free.

With the power of our autism, we will completely overwhelm their low energy shills. Our memes will be danker than theirs. Our numbers greater. Our responses faster. Our concern trolls more subtle.

Don't be idle in the greatest meme war the world has ever seen. This may be the last time in history the Internet will be so free, and it will be in part because of the power we currently have - we - us, literal autists and outcasts - have more power than governments, billionaires, and the jew. We need only reach out and use it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Europe and Brexit is way more pressing and requires a lot more work to unfuck. Focus on the cunt a bit before October will give us enough time and it'll be.more effective since it'll be more recent in people's minds when they'll go out to vote.

Maybe make a thread about what you need eurobros. Derailing something like this isn't helpful.



I am neither autistic nor an outcast, and I do not think I am alone here. We just unite under the common cause of memetic warfare and 'tis glorious



We do it for free user

May the memes flow and let the internet know of their supremacy!


They are primed and disgusted with the Clinton. #iwillneverstandwithher exists and we will win.

Share easy to digest memes for the first bombardment to soften up their defenses.

Share infographs to hit them with and pierce through their thick skulls.

If that doesn't work show their stupidity to their friends and family to shame them into capitulation while bringing even more people to our side.



Infographs don't work on people who don't think user. I mean, you can't have a fucking brain if you're voting for shillary.

I think it would be better if we went full Holla Forums when it comes to the memes. It worked with Jeb, Rato and the foolish foam boi.


Never underestimate the willingness of the people to be abused, especially those on the left. They want to be oppressed because they fantasize about how one day they'll get to be the oppressors.

+ this

thankfully those days are drawing to their end. These are not our agents, but they bring up the same dirt.



Show now mercy. The battle is on.


Professional shitposter reporting in. I'm a Yurofag but I will still help to kill the witch

Hillary Clinton ordered a hit on a rape victim's cat in order to intimidate her into silence.


I'm doing it for those delicious liberal tears

We /bmw/ now







So,what's the plan

I will start official thread soon

That is so fucking evil. We need more information on this.




If you want to join in memetic warfare, join official thread here:

Shameless shilling I know

We need to get in contact with Anthony J Hilder he is very interested in exposed shillery the dyke.

Im in, this sounds like a great idea.

Fucking haunting.

I will live to see the fall of this evil goddamn witch, by Kek I give the God-Emperor of Man all my strength! Nice WebMD

May Kek grant you 50 blessings.

Kinda makes you wonder why those with so much potential, are outcasts, doesn't it?

We are so smart, normies are coming to us for help in surviving, while simultaneously planning on throwing us under the bus because "We Smart Nao"

Such an underrated movie.

So, as you can see, it doesn't really matter if we outsmart the jews and win, because those we fight to protect will kill us for not being under jewish control.

I've been woth you from the beginning.

With* fucking keylag.

keep funding that juden, right?

Be smarter than them. They will use your ideas maybe but only crude imitations and we keep our pseudonymity and go entirely gradualist once the immediate threats are gone. Once this election ends we need to go operation: mayhem. On your own we need to infiltrate everything. Then one day we'll find ourselves the ones in charge. Use the methods the cultural marxists cunts used but smarter and more gradual and you will see fruit.

They are being controlled by the jews.

It's like a radio controlled zombie army.

And they want all goys smarter than themselves DEAD…

Because that's exactly what the jews want.

oh, no wait, you are absolutely right…

Jews would never try to interfere with the intelligence of goy populations…

That's silly, best ally would never betray us!

The book is infinitely better.

The movie was kind of shit tbh fam - then again, the Federation was kind of shit in its own way too.

I've been posting pro-Trump, anti-Hillary arguments on /r/BernieForPresident all day. This is the first time my karma has ever been in the positive. The place much be crawling with you faggots.

Anyone got that one picture with an ameriburger killin civvies for Israel, while merchant imagines the opposite scenario?

Plz to help, can't find, thanky you very much.




How scared do you guys think the jews would be if Intelligent Goys started breeding again?

We don't do it for free, we do it for the future.



May our combined autism blur the lines between memes and reality.

You can ALWAYS count on the support of peter, to rob paul.

it should be KEK VULT

Psychological containment program on the event that an extremely intelligent goy is born…

Containment, behavioral conditioning, taking credit, and identity theft….

By jews, TO goys….

Checking those dubs.

Checking THOSE dubs…

forgot to check these dubs.


messed up picture filename…



this one doesn't like snowden

The target aren't shillary voters. They're too retarded for the truth. The target are angry Bernouts.

And this one takes credit for other peoples discoveries.

They are placed into positions of power, because they are easy to manipulate, and deceive….

These dubs are uplifting.


Hey guys, I just had a thought. What are the chances of either/both a successful hellary general and bernout 3rd chimpact ////IF//// Trump were to take the crazy kike under his wing as his VP?

Also how butthurt would both the GOP and DNC be?
Could we meme this to take care of the election early and focus on Brexit/Germany/everything else that's going on?
Or do we wanna milk the general for all the chaos it's gonna generate as things stand?
Also Trump has his own will and motivations. It's possible that despite what some may want, it will be completely subverted by Trump's cunning hand alone. All he has to do is ask the guy and announce it.

look what I found.

she keeps sending me that picture too.

It's wildly exploitable.

Well, hillary is basically owned by the corperations and international banks, isn't she?

I think they want her in power BECAUSE she is so easy to exploit, actually.

It's time to ramp up research and development for high-energy memetic warfare. The amount of novel chaos our wizards will inflict upon ))the system(( will be unprecedented, underestimated, and completely unforeseen.


And we can subvert that to our own needs.
To think we wasted our time with that yid- to think I wasted that time.



Bring back the force of the old user with 10x the redpills.


I like it.

You can always count on the support of peter, to rob paul.

Take out the ;^) at the end




Is posting this kind of shit your job?

But, we've never met.

I just made this for the cause. Pls rate

We shall become the Knights of a New Republic! A glorious Republic to CRUSH Zio-Communism and save life from the BORG!

Hold up, she's hiring online trolls? Where's the application boys? We need to get that job and be super bad at it. Maybe even openly racist and anti semetic.

kek wills it

Do not underestimate Hillary Clinton.

She is ferociously intelligent, a good debater, and frankly she is both charming and a master of comic timing. Rarely if ever is she caught off guard, and when people try she is often surprising and disarming in her response. You are soon to find out how shrewd, limber, and frighteningly likable this woman is.

She has greater resources that most of us can imagine - not least among them, lethal doses of dirt on just about everyone in Washington and in the media. She has for decades focused on this singular goal of the presidency, and her husband has put the full force of his office, reputation, and corruption at her service. Beneath her burns a diabolical and murderous blast furnace of a political machine, honed day and night to ruin enemies, punish disloyalty, scare the shit out of just about anyone who presents a threat, reassign blame, deflect controversy, and look good doing it.

The most important thing for us to do in the coming months is to treat her as a serious danger, to discourage all Trump supporters from approaching her as a joke or imagining her to be weak, feeble, or clueless. She is none of these things, and she probably also isn't dying or even sick. Trump himself doesn't need any of this pointed out to him, but his campaign should be reminded of it from time to time, and the rank & file need to be reminded constantly.

This is going to be a big and nasty fight, and she is well prepared for it. Be sure you don't forget that.

So she's a freak creature? Time to meme, boys!


If you think Hillary is intelligent, a good debater, and charming, you are dangerously autistic. The election was rigged, no one actually voted for Hillary. She was promised the nomination and they erected a straw man for her to knock over.

I doubt she's ever debated a political outsider in her life. Bernie Sanders would pitch softballs and the rent-a-crowd would cheer when prompted. She's an idiot, and the FBI can verify that. She's a protected idiot, but an idiot none the less. For fuck's sake, she's a woman. No amount of money will make Bill not a rapist.

we will live to see this by Kek as my witness


I am so fucking ready

See, I want to be a part of this… but my skills in memetic warfare are weak. Who can teach me in the ways of the meme?

3rd pic: O.P.P.

2nd: pic, mary jane watson.

1st pic: the echo of instinct.



A long fight it may be but we must all remember one thing.that it is better to die for the emperor than to fall slave to the forces of the jews of chaos. That is a fate worse than death

do it!!!

>and 10 feet higher

>we do it better than the professionals
>and we do it for free

and my dank memes

Setting aside the facts of the matter, such as the laughable idea that Hillary Clinton is charming or that she has been corrupt "while looking good doing it",
Your suggestion that Trump's supporters should be "constantly reminded" of just how "Super srs" she is, in addition to your (1) marks you as a memetic saboteur.
Be gone from this place with your terrible ideas.

I think they complement each other really well. The stories and events are entirely different, but the feelings they inspire are the same.


Is there a simple explanation of what the fuck that means? I mean, I've been in some of the threads on esoteric memetics and never heard of that shit.

What's wrong with calling ourselves Meme Magicians and what we do, "Meme-Smithing"?



bumping with some MAGA shit

This is something hillary supporters are doing to trump right now. I saw their confidence wane as Trump ould not stop winning and bernie still had a real chance, but since the nom has been sealed up and the oyveying from the repubs because of rayciss comments they have been convinced teump is tanking. We know the media is the lugenpresse and they carry Hillary's water. It is just a paper tiger. They don't know that. They drank the koolaid and think trump has folded.

We should take this opportunity to not make the same mistakes they are doing right now.

This is a very important point.

The germans made a similar mistake during ww1. Their propaganda portrayed the french and british in a comedic and stupid way while the french and british ran with the idea of the militaristic demons.

Fear motivates people more than amusement.

Heres a question though. How to demotivate liberals? They arent motivated by fear like we are. These are the idiots who dont cross the street at night when a suspicious thug is coming towards them. These are the idiots that leave their door unlocked in bad neighborhoods because itd be rayciss to lock it. How to demoralize someone that suppresses their own experiences at the expense of their safety in order to virtue signal?? It's probably not through fear.

tell them to drink bleach like in the olden days

I don't actually agree that the type of person you talk about actually exists.

The people in actual bad neighborhoods know the reality deep down and will easily be convinced to join the right side if they haven't already.

The problem is the insulated people in mostly white areas who don't have any real life experience to draw upon when it comes to countering liberal brainwashing.

How I would target those people? If I consider my path towards the redpill I'd say stuff like liveleak plays a huge role. People are still primal apes by heart and seeing videos of a white girl getting stomped on or stabbed by a bunch of niggers triggers people deep down. Especially men can be convinced this way while women might have a more psychopathic and apathetic reaction to it.

Make the men men again. Redpill them and the women will follow. I genuinely think that focusing too much energy on women is a waste of time. Make people with redpilled views manly again and they'll automatically imprint their political views upon their girlfriends and wifes.

tl;dr I don't entirely agree with your premise and think that even the most beta fucking cucks can be converted if you shove reality into their face hard enough.

Opposites beget opposites.
Just like in cult circles, use polarity to your advantage.

Men recruit women, women recruit men, ad infinitum.

The example i used about locking door is a real interaction ive had with a liberal who literally told me that life is better not living in fear. He also said he lived 3 miles from the ferguson riots.

This webm contains the master key.
She mentions viewing ruined iraq as a "business opportunity"
(((They))) Use their host country's millitary to fuck up someone else's country while making billions via war loans and (((their))) shares in the weapons industry.
Once the dust settles (((they))) install a puppet government which awards contracts for rebuilding to (((their))) international corporations which then proceed to offshore that people's wealth and the wealth of future generation's labour.

The face of Hillary in the first vid seems a bit…fake-ish? This might be confirmation bias or just bad framerate of the vid but look at vid related and re-evaluate how "real" her face looks.

Why was Clinton born rounding third base and thinks she hit a triple?

Infographics are great for self gratification, nothing makes me more smug than a fat steamy image full of statistics smacking unprepared and defenseless internet goers across the face.

as long as they keep blocking proxies, the memes will not come

Hate to tell you this but Verhoeven made it as a parody of the right wing. The moron liberal that he is made the greatest fascist utopian film in hopes that people would 'get' it and be opposed to it. Unfortunately for him people who identify with it see no problems whatsoever.

blame the kikes who abuse proxies, not the mods who are working to keep the board on-topic.

I'm a bit burnt out at the moment to be honest. The shit with the NRA hasn't made me exactly happy. But this woman scares me way too much,

That reminds me, I made some normie-centric Hillary memes that could use disseminating

All I have is a shitty twitter account nobody pays attention to so I can't really do it myself. Which brings up a point, we need a guide on what social media groups to infiltrate and which twatter celebs have a high probability of retweeting us for maximum meme dispersal.

Alternate version because the word 'bitch' could scare particularly cucked normies

that's what you are


This, especially due to what just happened a few hours ago. Without support for Brexit, we're fucked.

I think our strategy needs to be altered to face Hillary. Simply doing he same brute memes isn't going to work. She's a woman.

Females and men have very different attack styles and different ways of perception control.

We have to figure this out.

I think the best thing we can do is slowly ensure that she fallws upon her own sword

Just spam webms of this

I'm too lazy but if you make webms of those clips, with no edits or text, the extreme cringe and character assassination will hit harder than a lot of these meme images ITT I reckon


Lets give the history books a chapter on how a fucking imageboard made a US president

Guys I have an idea: what if we make acounts on social media like twitter or tumblr with niggers as our profile pictures and tell people not to vote for Clinton? I mean, those nu-male faggots will pretty much do anything if a non-white tells them to do it.




Spread this far and wide, this is the killshot that will lose her spic voters.