Look at this ludicrous shit lads, these fucking cunts on the BBC, my fucking tax dollars going to this shit - just kidding, I'm a pure mad bastard and haven't paid my license in years.


Other urls found in this thread:


Good good!

Now some user with coding skills please write up a script that will crawl twitter and create a list of names with ((())) around them.

It's like a wet dream come true.

nailed it.


Proving (((They))) are just as stupid as the goys…

How are you taking it back when it was only visible to those that installed the addon?

Goddamn, take about gold staring yourself.


Wew, you sure got back at us far-right trolls :^)

He's making a list, and checking it twice

Gonna find out who's cucky or kike

Right Wing Death Squads coming, to town

What a lot of people, jews included, fundamentally don't grasp is that there are people out there who dislike jews for legitimate reasons and would want them to be marked because it is of genuine interest of them.
Instead they're so far up their own propaganda that they only perceive brackets as an attack and an attempt to defame them when in reality the cioncidence detector is just a handy tool outside of it just being a meme machine.
Marking yourself is gonna do NOTHING. The point of the addon is no to call people out as jews since you can only see the brackets yourself(a point 90% of media outlets missed) it is to identify them as such.

Either they don't get it or they deliberately play dumb by marking themselves to distract from WHY people would create an extension like that in the first place.

The right stuff made a responce to this.


I don't get these (((people))).

wow i wonder if jews put pride in putting the star of david on back in germany

i hope they make this realization soon because the people are already being catalogued in lists by many. Imagine the look of horror when they realize it's too late.

Do you have any idea where I can find the songs they play on daily shoah?

I'm pretty new to TRS and don't have forum access or anything.

They did….

It's worse for the Kikes, as I don't think anybody bothered to use the addon.

We don't need it, and the blue pilled would never use it anyway.

The ((())) was mainly used to troll a few jewish journalists, so they would would write hysterical stories about the dangerous new Nazi code to put Jews on a list.

That the Jews are so scared of lists, is probably because they use lists to punish the bad goys, and fear retaliation.

I have a theory.

Women have a weird obsession with rape, yet rape is one of their self-admitted fantasies.

And white people seems to have some weird desire to be genetically displaced by minorities.

Maybe the reason that Jews are self-identifying themselves with (((echoes))) is tied to the fact that they act so concerned about another holocaust. Maybe it has to do with some sort of desire to be a victim, and therefore they WANT to be singled out.

It doesn't make any sense, but less and less things in this world are making any sense to me.

Maybe there is some sort of desire intrinsic to humans populations to be victims, that manifests in different ways.

How are they taking it back exactly ? They're wearing an online gold star, I'd say it's a win since we got them to mark themselves.


They all have channels where they publish their songs, IIRC.

Can't find any of the songs but that might be because the guy who makes them(can't remember their names yet kek) "only" does parodies and that could lead to copyright problems I guess.

I just wish there were at least timestamps on the episodes so I wouldn't have to search through an entire one to find a specific song.


Hopefully the mods don't ban anybody in this thread over fabricated bullshit

They believe the whorenalists that said it was some big Nazi code to out Jews.

Especially as the ((())) didn't really exist as a code.

The coincidence detector is a code dude.


It's actually even better than that, this latest push also ensures the treasonous amongst us mark themselves too.


Yes, but don't say a lot of us were using it?

It was a TRS meme, far more than a real thing, until the Jews made it real, that is.

Personally I used it a lot but I never went on TRS.

But your mates from twitter did?

I don't use social medias.


Jews: Oy Vey, we must make take back echoes.

Pol: Look those stupid Jews are labelling themselves, what are Jews stupid.

Jews: Uh, Oy Vey, echoes are hate speech all of a sudden.

Pol: Ha those Jews are turning parenthesis into hate speech, wow those Jews are sure as stupid.

Jews: Oy Vey, Oy Gevalt, don't call us stupid!! FBI!!! ADL!!!! Shut it Down!

The #1 goal of rabbinical judaism has been to keep jews separated.
Everything they do is designed to be separate. Anti-semitism & Holocaust to separate themselves from non-jews, israel to separate themselves from the world, walls & checkpoints to separate themselves from arabs, circumcision to separate themselves from god and now parenthesis to separate themselves from the internet. It never ends this shit.

Lets make all unicode symbols hate symbols!

Sage and report.


Newer stuff might not be uploaded yet. SeventhSon's songs and other featured songs are on youtube if you just search for the daily shoah and click around to find everybody's channels.

can't wait to finish redpilling my father, he needs to listen to this shit


Thanks for semi-spoonfeeding me.

Can't wait for the day where all this content can just be freely uploaded to official channels instead of having to play this dumb hide and seek game with semites.

There's a Chrome extension for this, but I'd never even touch Chrome with a 10-foot pole.

just in case anyone else is still looking for the songs: Most seem to be on this channel.



It's called psychological projection.
Women fantasize about rape, they are disgusted by their own thoughts and so they have to project it on others to feel better. Causing suffering on the side.

Jews are hooked on being the victims since they were from the start. And since they now aren't getting that much attention as in middle ages they want to get it by playing victims, cause more suffering and in the end meme their own shoah.

It's all karma in the end. If you do action that have a goal, even as perferse as holocaust, you will eventually reach it.

Who the fuck is Pol

What has been memed, cannot be un-memed.


I learned the echoes from Jews!

They've fucked up.

Not only have the Jews shown that they are paying attention to the right, they are showing that they are afraid enough of them to act.

Thanks for letting us know I have your attention, kikes. Prepare for phase 2.

Holla Forums racist uncle who knows too much but no one takes seriously because he's overweight and smells a bit funny.

They're redpilling the masses without even realizing it.

Good job, good goys.

Do we have a list of names, photo and known residences?

This is it guys. We will know exactly who is a traitor for the happening

Polite bump

Wow, they sure showed us, by taking the paratheses and marking themselves as Jews they've shown the normies just how pervasive Jewish influence is in media. We're sure done for now.

Time to put echoes around my name. Nothing deflects accusations of bigotry like claiming you're Jewish.

Then again I don't do jack shit with my Twitter account cause Twitter hashtags give me a headache.

Holy shit people who do this are pathetic. Can't even think of a good comeback.


Continue to use ((())) here. In more public of places like twitter, facebook, tumblr etc use )))(((

It's subtle but they'll become confused to all hell.

underrated post and video

We need to start compiling lists of people from these. We need lists of jews, half-jews, and cucks who support them. If possible, dox them with details including their address, family members, places of work, etc.

Google shut it down lad

Oh they claimed it have they?

Just like the last time


That high IQ gene myth disproved once again.

We should start making a list of jewish people in a plain text document or something and spreading pictures/word of it, just imagine the MSM assblast it would cause.

I can't believe they really think this is going to work

Dude, didn't you listen to the Shoah this week? TRS guys wanted this to happen. Jews doing this was part of the plan. Who's BTFO?