4chan is going down
This isn't as fun as lowtax's wacky SA temper tantrums but I'll take it.
I'm a 2004 halfchan oldfag, and I frankly won't miss it.
Oldfags don't go around parading how long they've used imageboards unless relevant to the subject
Lol Im an oldfag xD is a newfag meme
no seriously I was on 4chan back in 2004 not long after it started. It was never good.
I'm a 2004 halfchan oldfag too, but I never stopped missing what the place used to be. So fuck yo shit cracka
If you were you wouldn't be a dumbfuck that saes/posts thumbnails.>>6262544
seen some chan too and though i last lurked 4chana year maybe 2 ago, it'll always be the motherchan.
Welp, if halfchan does die I'll flee to librechan as the pedos should scare off the worst of the normalfags.
Hope you enjoyed rating strangers dicks and making reddit/9gag memes while it lasted, faggots.
Use your fucking brain for a second, we are the second biggest english imageboard, what do you think happens to us if halfchan does actually die?
while cross-posters are generally faggots sometimes they actually provide information like in this case
Do people still care enough to crowdfund it?
They'll just regurgitate their shitty silent webms all over the site
I think we're rapidly approaching a tipping point where the butthurt from this place burning to the ground will be more entertaining than its continued existence.
This, then they'll complain about how they're contributing and nobody replies to them or gives them a backslap, then make a thread bitching about how everyone ignores them and how the board is dead even though they've done nothing but bump shit threads for the last two hours which nobody wants to reply to.
Anyways… newfag here… what is 4 chan?
I've been anonymous for 5 years. Leave Boxxy babe alone
They are all going to flock over here, are they?
Looks like I might have some work to do.
I've been an oldfag on halfchan since 1999, the Y2K thing was a fucking trip back then.
Get ready to rate many dicks
Don't forget the classic spin off: Which dick would you kill/marry/fuck?
Holla Forums might actually outlive 4chan. I'd like to know what the cripple thinks about this.
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
by the time halfchan actually dies, librechan has already been shutdown by the fbi
What a time to be alive…
Who's the half jew/spic?
I'm sort of depressed. I came to this pig hole to get away from 4fags.
Pharmabro. Dude that jacked up the price of HIV meds to unrealistic prices.
I'll work something out if they come flooding in.
So once this place falls under the 4cucks controls where will we end up going ?
god dysnomia
I put my trust in you
They won't leave until 4chan is actually dead though.
Like fleas on a plague rat. Only when the rat corpse goes cold, do they all start pinging around.
that doesn't remove my permaban for posting monroe
let the site die
Dudes on cuckchan. Just emailed mootykins to arrange a meeting to discuss buying.
Either way. Dudes live streaming. If this dude buys 4chan they (the 12 year olds) are definitely gonna find their way here
its over mang, we can still summon the meteor though.
Why to go down if we can make everybody go down with us?
My permaban was for posting this "underage" Japanese model.
If 4chan floods Holla Forums I will try my best to top them from having 50 of each thread. You guys have to try your best to make them assimilate. You can't just say "hurr go home 4cucks" or "gobak2 reddi xdd". That stuff doesn't work.
From my experience on imageboards the best way to let new users assimilate is to ignore their content. If they post a shit thread, don't post in it, don't even sage (because then they'll think they're posting le ebin trolls that make you angry), just ignore the content and they'll realize it doesn't bring them any attention, and then they'll try to do something they see that works and most likely adopt the culture.
The only issue is that lots of them in floods will reinforce their cancer, most likely since they'll be circlejerking together, this can't be stopped, but I can stop them from flooding with 10 of the same thread.
Godspeed anons. Here's to 10 more years of Holla Forums!
Maybe sticky their rate my cock thread (No reddit pun intended)
I was permabanned for posting monroe, appealed 3 times including a full bio of her, her age, and her career, the appeal was denied 3 times until they would no longer let me appeal.
can't even shitpost in chat because it's all 4cucks.
I don't know who monroe is, but literally permbanning an IP is stupid. It was 8 years ago.
Hes just trolling their Holla Forums and Holla Forums boards. God forbid that faggot be serious. Wed definitely feel the repercussions here if he actually did.
Shkreli is pretty based, he'd probably run it like moot used to.
I saw this the other day with some guy posting shit content and nobody was responding to it, he then proceeded to make a thread which only a couple of people told him to fuck off.
Fuck, before they come over is there a way for everyone already here to get Holla Forums passes just to fuck with them when they arrive?
wish we had something like this with random dates thrown in just for the keks
this is monroe
Are you even in the chat? he's talking about turning 4chan into a botnet.
You mean you don't have one yet?
What chat? What botnet?
No, I just joined. What did he say about it?
I want an upgraded deluxe signature I know they exist don't lie to me.
i dont want this site to die from extreme cuckoldry. pls
Some poor cuck will try to buy 4chan and use it for whatever reason he wants.
If it actually dies I'll be prepared (i hope)
The storm is coming
I just want to say, I'm really enjoying watching them turn on each other.
I don't think any board has escaped being nominated for deletion.
"Who would ever want to go on this website?" - Martin Shrekloli 2016
4chan on suicide watch
Rolling for dysnomia anal circumference.
How much 'accustomed to anal sex' modifier should I add?
remove captcha
remove all bans
enable proxy
delete every board except Holla Forums and /a/
4chan is fixed
I might consider going back to halfchan if that guy owned it. He always seemed pretty cool.
At least he'd be able to afford the servers they clearly need.
lol he's trolling him over the two hour response time now
Hopefully he'll bring back snacks
He tried to make a thread and gave up shortly after because he couldnt figure it out. Doubt he even knows who snacks is.
I miss snacks.
Kek he's trolling the chat by being a cringy retard playing with nun chuks now.
Japmoot is clearly a failure at life.
I kinda feel sorry for the ROBOTS who will lose their home.
I fucked up
source? what thread is this
link it
Oh god they are all coming here, aren't they?
They're ALL coming here and bringing their filth along with them. As if we didn't have enough of our own
We're gonna make it bro. We're gonna MAKE IT ;_;
We need to quietly reroute the Holla Forums wikipedia article to and we will be safe.
So shes just a porn star that appears very young, like Little Lupe?
Like the way you think user
There used to be announces of the site going down every years, I don't think this will kill it yet
What a fucking retard. The guy used his shitty English and didn't even bother to get someone to edit it. I mean, it's a pretty important announcement. This looks like a google translated poem or some shit.
Are we going to build a wall and make 4chan pay for it?
They can't afford it.
We need to build a big beautiful firewall. The wall will be yuuuge and we will make 4chan pay for it. We need to keep out normalfags who come here illegally and rape oldfags. We need to make Holla Forums safe again.
Guess it's an old fashioned Texas Gang Rape Squadron
Let's fuck them in the ass till they die!
Holy shit, thats a post by Hiroshima himself
Oh fuck
But its obvious 4chans infrastructure is fucking fine since its experienced a small drop in users after its initial peak in 2014. I think the chink is just trying to milk as much fucking money out of the site as he possibly can and is using "infrastructure issues" as an excuse to Jew his userbase
Either way, we might see another small exodus here but Holla Forums being off Jewgle is going to keep a lot of normies away so I wouldn't worry about it Googling Holla Forums + [board name] still works though
Mebe we could drive off most of them by spamming gore for a couple of weeks
Call up 00 1 646 2172783, he's on livestream doxing callers and telling them he wants to fuck their sisters, so only apply if you're a bad goy American who hasn't linked his mobile to his facebook.
Tell him you want to fuck his sister, and that degenerative bone diseases are your fetish. She died years ago so you can absolutely buttdevastate him if you can start off the call calmly so he doesn't talk over you and mute you.
I can attest to this. As a newfag I was trying to get some funny meme sand was told in no uncertain terms to fuck off. Been a month of lurking and I still don't know what I did wrong
memesand thief?
God damn one of you Americunts best call him.
TBH I have no idea what you are talking about. I just came here because I have a twisted sense of humor that normies say is fucked up. The old cuckchan user base seemed to be the only place that supplied that shit. I go there and not only is there almost no oldfags the entire place is a SJW haven with kiddos trying to be edgy and its owned by a Jew. So I do some digging to see were the oldfags migrated and this was the best option. And boy am I loving it here. There's not a whole lot of daggots with they're endless dubs, traps,porn,dick rates and discordians. Now I'm not saying no that a little porn is bad but they fucking can't get enough of it.
They should do that. Start by closing /lgbt/ and /s4s/
Not a single fucking reason for those two boards to exist.
they should merge boards, I dont see a difference between soc and b on 4chan at this point, maybe more radical ones like /film/ (or whatever they call it) and photography be merged because they both circlejerk about cameras and directors/photographers
Nowhere. This is our home.
We need to draw a line in the sand and let those newfags know they cannot cross it.
Oh, you mean you 4 months experience trying to fit in by shoving les dank maymays down on imageboards?
Or else we will give them the bayonet!
Men of Holla Forums stop your dreaming, can't you see their shitposts gleaming
Oldfags do not reveal their power level
I'm a 4chan user who posts here sometimes when I get temporarily banned from 4chan for a day. Hence why I'm posting in this thread.
Good riddance. Anyone with a sense of humor bailed when Moot went full retard over Zoe. It's been shit ever since. (*)
(*) It was shit before, too.
unless someone claims you are a newfag, while acting like a newfag. Come on, you know that you eventually have to reveal it now and again. I usually only do it when I am drunk but I eventually find the need to reveal my oldfaggotry.
you mean like webm threads, pony shit, pol threads, and lots of smirking anime?
you are the fucking only reason this board is shit
Heh nice try kiddo
bah, don't worry, cuckchanners don't lie this place cause either
A. Newfags and plebbitors think is mean and evul and filled with pedo nazis drumpfers
B. Oldfags think its too slow and "reddit"-like
chances are you will end up catching only like 1% or 2% of the current cuckchan user flow.
The rest will go to reddit or somewhere else.
I mean i will try my best to actually integrate here but maybe Pharmabro buys halfchan and saves you.
I'm making a list of what kind of user would come here and who wouldnt and it doesnt look that good
Oldfags - about 10% of them, if they havent jumped the ship they wont do it now I think
General 4chan faggots - most of them for a few weeks until they realize this place isnt really modern 4channy
Edgefags - again if they havent jumped the ship or were banned before they wont come here now
non nsfw board users - all going to reddit as our hobby boards are all dead
animoo and manga fags - probably going to reddit too, maybe 20% coming here
dedicated shitposters - already here
that bad* but I dont know how popular the animoo and mango boards are or any board on 4choo by now
FTFY, excuse pic, mobilefag at the moment
I tip my fedora to you, you are a gentleman and a scholar! Have my upvote!
Nice IP, you fucking faggot
What if we take all of the newfags, and put them in another chansite?
Do not worry my brethren. For if even one of those faggots so much as dares post some shitty 4cuck thread on our board, I will drown them in the most angry of sages you have ever witnessed. I will report them so much the based volunteers heads will spin. I have prepared multiple folders of rare gore images that I will liter the premises with to take down stragglers. I will personally pull out my most smug of anime reaction faces, and I will not hesitate a moment to use them. I will tell each one to go back to 4chan/reddit (via my encrypted folder of image macros) and use the header font multiple times if that is required. It's not what I want to do, but if it comes down to that I wont think twice.
The line will be held. They shall behave themselves and assimilate to our unique and vibrant culture, or else will forever regret the day they stepped foot on OUR Holla Forums…
Semper Kek
Fuck, the hackers are going to get him!
Cheers, I designed it myself
It'll turn into a social media shithole selling every bit of user data possible as soon as it's acquired.
wiki fags already changed it back.
What's the fucking point you nigger? Do you want all the halfcucks flooding us? At least that would've slowed them down!
I didn't do it, this faggot did
Ehh i wouldn't be so sure. Maybe he actually likes it to be the master of cancer (at least for the mainstream)
Why don't we just keep changing it back then? Like a game of cat and mouse with wikifags?
I hear that edgelord networking is a hot market. How can we flip this?
They'll lock it, if someone has a sockpuppet with some edits to it other than an IP we could just revert it back to the edit and I think our edit will get priority, but I've never used it before so it's pure guesswork.
Do any of you faggots have a wikipedo account?
i heard some cuckchanners talking about leavin to Eternity
which chan is that?
Can I get some of that gore. I'm a newfag and need to stock up in case the cucks come here
I think the best way to make shkreli buy it is to appeal to his ego. The dude would just love it if he has is own personal army.
Everything is coming up Holla Forums.
16chan is down, Freech is now a textboard, Endchan & pl are dead, now 4chan is suiciding.
De facto imageboard supremacy incoming!
How smug do you think he is Holla Forums?
If they come to us then sure, they'll be an increase in trap, anime and dubs threads but traffic is traffic so Holla Forums (and other threads) might become a little shitty but at least it won't die.
Having said all this, the potential migration makes me want to kill myself more than the sandniggers coming to bongland
"I'm going to make 4chan more multicultural" - Martin Shkreli with the biggest shit eating grin ever
hold on, Shrekeli is a good guy?
i thought he was the guy rising the price of some AIDS medicine some time ago?
what happened, what did i miss?
Black guy: "I'mma get dubs that'll show y'all"
This is truly a great time to be alive.
hes not a good guy hes just hilariously funny, he's kinda like dr cortex from crash bandicoot, hes a big time cunt but you cant help but love his goofy and funny ways
Yeah, he's the aids guy.
Maybe it's worth posting on for once?
He's an autistic investor, that's it. Chaotic-neutral.
That's why he's a good guy.
Winter is coming and I'm getting really comfy.
As the BO of a hobby board I won't name my board, but you could say it's about being handy this is true. Nobody on 8ch gives a fuck about anything but porn, vidya, I would say GG, but those faggots left so not relevant, and anime. Actually doing something constructive and building something that isn't a homemade dragon dildo or fleshlight doesn't interest anyone here.
I don't even know why I fucking post here. Its not like anything interesting ever happened here besides bankanon. That, and some of the drama between jewsh and kikewheels was kind of funny. Not like the two wheeled wonder posts here anymore. If he even is alive still, he's too busy chasing dope.
If he's still alive, I hope Rodrigo doesn't get him. even though he's a faggot cripple who sold out to a kike
This is exactly the type of people that need to be here fuck all that other normalfag bullshit. I don't fucking learn how to make a homemade gym with plates and toilet paper rolls. Man fuck that shit.
I'm getting sad and cold.
How could you guys not want this? Martin triggers normalfags and goes on the news to troll.
How is Hiroshima having trouble with traffic when he's already almost killed all of it? The only people left on halfchan are the dregs.
kek, damn. I remember when 4chan peaked in 2015 after the exodus when the SJW mods took over and Tumblr declared they were going to "raid" halfchan by staying there and subverting it. Looks like even those fags ended up leaving
My main concern is them coming here and destroying another site, We need to be as unwelcoming as possible to that swarm of locusts.
Maybe. But more halfchan fags know about Holla Forums than you realize, 8chans been in all the mainstream news stores in shit so there's no way the average halfchan tard doesn't know we exist already
The things keeping them coming here are the fact Holla Forums isn't listed on Google and that a lot of faggots think this place is "hurr too slow!"
If you check they're saying we're stormfags. They only stay away because they feel unwelcome (they're unironically SJWs, now). Most halfchan migrants come to 8/b/ first and is why there are suddenly so many complaints about Holla Forums here.
Pretty much spot on
/mlp/ has already started migrating to /pone/
We hit 70 PPH I'm so excited wtf it was 7 yesterday
So uh, if halfchan is dying, why haven't we been swarmed with traffic? Where's everybody going? …Reddit? Please tell me it's not reddit.
Does this mean we can finally trash the ponyfucker cyclical?
No, because dysnomia is the biggest horsefucker there is.
If we get a small influx of newfags we can train them. If we get a large influx we will be destroyed.
dysnomia can limit the influx
have you ever run a board?
there are all the features you need
We're gonna make chan culture great again. We're not saying no one can come in, we never said that. We just want to make sure they're sending their best people, and let me tell you right now they're not sending their best people. Someone's doing the shitposting.
These are pedophiles,weebs, waifufags, wizards, bronies, the scum of the Earth.
normalfag detected
we have a fucking pony thread on cyclical who are all fucking namefags
we don't have many weebs
I'm only 8 years off from being a wizard
some Pedos are still here though, just quiet enough to not notice too often.
How old is Ushijima anyway? I am not much into Japanese women but there's something about her.
Would you rather have 50 pony threads cluttering the catalog, or one that you can hide forever?
but I can always hide the thread I suppose.
shit didn't notice that
here comes the migration lol
4chan peaked at the fappening
I was on 4chan before Moot was born to his cuck pappy and coalburning momma. And I can tell you that it is high time that shitfest dies.
so, do they have a date for when Hiro starts cutting/merging boards over there? i bet its gonna be super salty
Was permabanned for telling someone with very serious gender identify issues (not even trans yet) to seek the help of a psychiatrist.
Anywhere you fucking want to which includes any other chans out there
Use this script, replace nsa stuff with whatever you need.
I call bullshit. Post your ban message.
>imblying serving 700GB active content + 200k users would cost that much
This is why webdevs who don't optimize should kill they're self.
Web is cancer.
Peer2peer chan is the FUTURE.
Anonymity is the most important thing when it comes to CHANs. Currently Holla Forums is suspicious and 4chan is google cancer. No wonder John Titor is afraid to use the internet now.
Chans don't need to be zero realtime tbh.
I'm developing a secure anonymous encrypted self-host chan that doesn't require cancerous browsers with HTML5 and JS cancer. Threads are archived forever as long as they stay seeded on your chan box.
isnt that what nntpchan is
I feel like Shkreli would experiment with what he could get people on 4chan to do. It would be like a giant ant farm for him.
it's just a meme, and it will always be that way. :^)
The best way to force them to assimilate is to bring back the pedos.
If you support free speech then you understand that legal pedo threads should be allowed, if you are against them then you don't belong here.
thats just good. keeps the normalfags out.
Why don't they kill the /hr/ board?
And honestly, jifs should be banned from /gif/.
Any jif porn is like, a one second loop which is bad enough when done right, and even worse when it isn't and it's a 1 second seamed loop.
But that one second seamed loop will have the same filesize as a 10 second webm, and a much lower resolution.
Holla Forums culture is shit, the only problem with 4chan culture is (ignoring the inherently shit boards) that moderators are anti-fun.
I posted "how do i get internet on bote" on /g/ which is a legitimate question, and got a global ban in a few minutes.
Of course, I then posted exactly the same thing on Holla Forums and the thread got deleted a few minutes later, but fortunately crybaby mods here can't do global bans.
We really need a system though that does less to promote already popular boards, and gives lesser boards a chance.
Whoever runs Holla Forums here should not be running it, they'll anchor any thread that isn't all-caps; and no doubt there's a Holla Forums-like board that isn't shit, but I wouldn't know what it is.
Yl yl and steam beg threads coming soon
I've been banned on here b4 on a vpn IP. Legal pedo stuff should be allowed. Free speech for all.
Eh. Some rich guy 'll probably rescue 4chan. As low as it has fallen, it's still a part of internet history and I feel a lot of nostalgia for what it was.
I really do hope it dies now just to put it out of its misery but 4chan has been in trouble before and came back.
Of course, the reason 4chan is in trouble is because it has too many posters using too much bandwidth making it very very costly. If they all came here then Holla Forums would have the same problems funding itself. Perhaps the refugees can be shared across several chans like masterchan and joshchan and so on to lighten the load.
Is hotwheels even alive anymore?
That happened here, it was why infinity next was a thing.
He hasn't even reached his final form yet
Yeah, but now imagine with 50 times more users.
good riddance halfchancer
I guess you really are an old fag, grandpa.
Killed by Jewsh in a final act of revenge
im sure theyll find a decent new home over here