do you like being Anonymous?
Do you like being Anonymous?
I wish I was anonymous for every hour of the day.
my dicl
Why sign up for spam, when these places are sometimes useful for informationβ¦on occassion.
Yeah. BTW how do I got some CC numbers and info, now how do I get the money out to use now please?
Yeah how do you cash in on credit card numbers Holla Forumsitches?
I like being an anonnymous online and in real life too. I prefer to enjoy my life without people around me making judgements and telling me what is better for my life or to deal with them. I'm not in debit with anyone so I don't have to be exposed all the time.
to you dipshits, yeah
My DNA inside my kid sister might eventually be discovered
not really I would rather have friends and a girlfriend
hell ya, i don't wanna see you niggers
I would love to live in a rural area or to wear some kind f mask legally.
When I was 15-17 I wore a Parka every day.
The hood gave me security. Adulthood gives you responsibilities, so I had to give that up and adjust. Man I miss being a shut in.
Running around like a grey man, not noticed by anyone would be awesome, but I think I give too many shits about what people think anyway.
Yes. Identity is the antithesis of objectivity.
ye, but i realise i cant use my internet fame to pick up chick, cuz that would betray my identity
Good man.
Yes I have a job where I could get fired for posting the wrong opinion on social media. Anonymous image boards give me back some of the freedom of speech I've lost.
Eh me I just came here for various reasons such as looking for lulz and In know big brother is out to get me. "It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you"-anonymous.
Skeleton thread?
i am legume πππππππ
It is my life and breath.
google may not but the FBI and NSA have 0days for your fucking openVPN and tails
Holla Forums has changed a lot lately, but I do think it is the superior chan, and this place has much more of a focus on confidentiality and freedom than 4chan does. Although admittedly, I only come here when I'm banned from 4chan, but I want to make Holla Forums my only chan, as it has much richer content and is less addictive. So I hope I succeed.
haha what's going on you guys what's good
if i wouldn't, i'd be at reddit
This really isn't an anonymous place. Yes we can't identify each other, but we use the same culture to communicate. Take a look at the "hiveminds" and attitudes you have to be prescribed before you'll fit in.
Aw, man, this. This would be so sweet.
All the chans are echo chambers, no surprise there.
only when it lets me say and do shit without consequences
why do you need to fit in?
I work for NSA and I'm not allowed to state my opinion on anonymity.
My duty is to meme everyday, hard and smart.
im not sure i could meme hard and smart. but i imagine theres training for it
Yes sure.
That's what my sergeant told me to do this morning.
why do you keep reposting this man, is your meme folder this small?
A very sensible answer, thank you for being the sole contributor of quality in this kuso thread.