why the fuck is milo the leader of the alt right movement? he literally is a faggot degenerate who is just putting on an act for the fame and money
Holla Forums will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
He will be gassed along with all the other faggots and kikes on the day of the rope. Until then, ignore him.
Holla Forums never defends Milo
A handful of aut-right cucks do.
Pick one, retard. That kike homo Milo leads nothing but a life of degeneracy.
You're either a kike shill or a closet faggot projecting.
100% degeneracy.
If you had ever used this board before, you know that whenever he's brought up, most people shit on him here.
Milo is to the aut-right what Glenn Beck was to the teaparty, except Milo is less gay.
lurk more before posting newfag
Check the URL friend, this isn't cuckchan
don't come here much , do you mr.sheckleberg?
He's not.
You have to go to reddit and rallies to find losers following the fag jew.
Guy dick rides gamergate.
Guy dick rides alt-right.
Only edgy fucks like him. He's probably just ignorant enough to actually believe his bullshit article he made on the alt-right.
He's doing that typical homosexual shit of trying to be the center of attention.
OP is Milo trying to bait Holla Forums.
A contradiction that only the clueless can't see.
[citation needed]
I like Milo because he trolls the fuck out of everyone. SJWs get upset, cuckservatives get upset, Holla Forums gets upset. I don't think there's a group of people this guy hasn't thoroughly rustled. If you can't handle a gay Jew saying things you don't like without whining about it loudly on an imageboard, you are a pansy. Grow a pair.
He isn't
He's a waste of space, and discussing him in any regard is a waste of time. I'm depressed to admit I know who he is because he gets posted here too often; so this is the last time I'll address anything to do with him.
He's not only disgusting in his mannerisms, but he ultimately achieves nothing - his whole gimmick is to infuriate morons, while getting cheers from other morons; he exists solely to provoke reactions but has no arguments of substance and would be ruined should he ever partake in something requiring any form of intellect. He is part of the lowest class of people alongside Shapiro, Hoff Summers etc. and appeals only to them; naturally he would be popular on 4pol alongside that idiotic preacher, and that "alt-right" ""comedian"".
It's nice that you've found a way to feel superior to everyone :-)
The only thing good about him is that he triggers leftists pretty well. That's… all I have. Sorry.
Because the alt-right are neocohen cuckservatives like that faggot milo
You ain't from around here are ya, boy?
just remnants of gaymergate coming in from SJW butthurt
I used to like Milo while I was a libertarian, but he is a gigantic faggot that spreads degeneracy. He's like the friend that you avoiding bringing to fun events and you have to resist punching all the time.
1. Holla Forums hates Milo.
2. Holla Forums doesn't identity with the alt-right.
3. The alt-right doesn't have a leader because it isn't an organized group.
4. Milo isn't even alt-right, he's a soft right kike faggot attempting to co-opt the "movement" , before it even forms.
5. You're the only one trying to imply he is the leader of anything. Go away.
Shit thread by a shit OP trying to start shit. Replying because I have to.
>Holla Forums never defended Milo a jewish racemixing faggot will never and should never be defended for obvious reasons
And furthermore
They should fire you
Spoken like a true SJW shill posting in a goon D&C thread.
He's using the Alt-Right to further his brand. Nobody knew or cared who he was until he latched onto Gamergate and gained a reputation for being a faggot who makes fun of other faggots.
He's done a lot more to point out liberal lunacy than you fucking nobodies.
I bet.
We're not the popes of the alt-right, we don't even identify as alt-right, we're just right and we don't like that faggot Milo.
sage all Alt-Kike threads and Milo's expensive travel itinerary
Why are you even speaking in we in the first place, you autistic sperglord?
The only Twitter alt-right eceleb dumbass who hasn't utterly kiked out on us is that Cernovitch guy. Milo and RandPaulZ are utter shitters.
Not an argument. When his trajectory is proselytizing pro-gay, pro-racemixing bullshit, I'm glad I haven't done as much as him.
Going after liberals is shooting fish in the barrel. And there are bigger bastards to go after.
Nyet, once more we are the right.
if you listen to his latest speech on that college in claifornia, he openly said "I'm not alt right, I just read their websites for my job"
he doesn't even claim to be part of it
also at the same speech he literally said "Hitler was the first social justice warrior"
the guy's a classical liberal tbh
Who said milo was the leader ?
You sound like Don Quixote. I'm sure you're doing a lot for your cause from your basement.
How can Holla Forums be so blue pilled on how much Holla Forums is shilled? Seriously, every time I come here, you faggots are always taking the most obvious D&C bait. If the site got DDOSed again, you'd probably tell people they were being paranoid thinking that you were being targeted.
Still not an argument.
Easy solution - don't come back here, faggot.
Go back to freech first, goon faggot.
milo isn't a leader of anything
TRS doesn't even defend this piece of shit anymore. He only swings for low hanging fruit to remain relevant among people he's trying to co-opt and eventually kick out of our own PRO-WHITE movement. Most people see him as that.
not really. he pretty much leads everyone on the alt-right
What does alt-right even mean? alternative right, as in right of the cuckservatives. Milo is a subversive kike piece of shit, but "alt right" is salvageable as an abstract.
You know how we will gore post run off faggotry? What if this is a similar tactic?
This is what I'm wondering. Do people here just hate the term because they associate it with spergs? I understand the alt-right to just be anyone more right-wing than the American Republican party, including white nationalists ancaps and "muh freedom of speech" twitter shitposters
He isn't the leader, he's a leader. So is Vox Day, so is Richard Spencer, so is Andrew Anglin. Pick your faction.
No more, Is he "one of us"? threads. I find some of Milo's behavior reprehensible, but I can hardly imagine we would be better off without him.
Holla Forums is alt right, but then again this whole argument is just meaningless semantics anyway
Holla Forums is Nationalist, alt-right is a bunch of youtubers
Reported for coal burner thread
Why would I defend an unrepentant homosexual?
These disinformation tactics are geting pushed harder everyday, stop bullshitting moishe, milo is just an opportunist