There was a video posted on Holla Forums a day or so ago of a man with his hands cut off and his arms bound, the skin on his face was also removed, and two men were stabbing him with a box cutter and something else.
Did anyone save it?
There was a video posted on Holla Forums a day or so ago of a man with his hands cut off and his arms bound, the skin on his face was also removed, and two men were stabbing him with a box cutter and something else.
Did anyone save it?
I would really appreciate it. I think it's still up on Holla Forums, I just don't know which thread it was in.
I think it was in the thread about the Latino kids in SoCal who beat up a white girl and stole Trump signs.
Give me a sec. I'll re-encode it (with corrected angles for prime viewing pleasure) in a size to fit on here.
Why would you want to watch it?
Ah, you're correct! Thank you. I'll save it and repost it here.
Go away.
Here it comes, lad. 2 minutes left…
Because I want to meditate on reality.
dont fucking ban me mods…
Sweeeet Chiiild of Mine…
This version was angle corrected for your viewing pleasure.
Glad I could help.
Thank you for your service.
I thought I was past the point of being disturbed by gore.
What can I say? Mexicans have a certain work ethic that cannot be matched!
I bet your faggot ass shoves sausages down your throat every morning. There is no difference between that video and slaughterhouse footage.
How come there few videos of the cartels torturing women?
Watching these videos has made me hate Mexican people in general. I will probably never be comfortable around them again, and no longer want Hispanic gf.
they look pretty fucking tasty actually.
What a shame.
That fucking music…
Leave Hispanic people alone!
leave them alone…
This is the best cure for depression, as bad as I have it I will never have my eyes gouged out, my hands severed, my face ripped off and cuts all over my body while I wait for a death that seems will never come.
new image
They usually just rape them and make them whores instead
I did see some pictured where they cut the girls' hair off and then do whatever and kill them
Jesus Christ that's disturbing. This and that ISIS video where the guy rips the prisoners head off after sawing on his throat are only one that have legitimately bothered me.
Never say never. Anything is possible. :)
Well, at least not at the moment.
Dubs confirms. user can't say for certain he'll never have his faced cut off by a Mexican drug cartel.
HEYEHYEHYEH jewish knt, this webm is not related to any cartel, its related to a pitbull attack in the US of A, i just dont remember the name of the place where it happened, but im damn sure it was from a pitbull attack
Anyone with a pair of balls would take the law into their own hands, destroy the dog, fuck up the owner, and do some time in jail for it.
If that happened to anyone I knew, I'd annihilate the fucking owner, and not think twice about it. In the next life, don't buy a shitty dog you can't handle.
There is a world of difference. Those are animals, veganfag. Those mexicans are notdebatable
same, i would crush the owner the same way his dog crushed the victims face, but no dog is born evil, its the owner that makes it that way
Do you want international military intervention? Because that's how you get international military intervention.
top kek
who knew i'd find truth in such a shitty thread
Its on the YNC you fag
Why do vegans always act so obnoxious?
Nobody was even talking about eating.
well im pretty sure they dont cut the cows hooves and face off, and then slash at its throat with a razor for a little bit before they actually kill it
That's grade A Gore, any backstory to it?
Is your will really this weak? Holy fuck, welcome to the world bucko. There are assholes of every race, pick your poison.
Always be cautious around hispanics, their conquistador ancestors were sadistic psychopats and they all have inherited it, it sleeps in them, ready to wake up at any moment.
this almost ruined my boner