Atheist hate thread

I am still on the fence when it comes to God. Until either side proves me wrong, I will just sit here on this fence.

No, I am literally claiming ignorance on the subject.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you prove dragons don't real?
Can you prove magic teapot orbiting sun don't real?


But you don't believe in things that you can't see and can't prove DO REAL

k den

I am still on the fence when it comes to unicorns. Until either side proves me wrong, I will just sit here on this fence.

No, I am literally claiming ignorance on the subject.

nice flying spaghetti monster meemee


I have no idea what you're talking about.

nice flying spaghetti monster sage


Thanks. Have another.

my point on religion

not even on









There's a difference, though. Dragons, magic teapots and unicorns are, in their most commonly accepted forms, observable things while gods are generally not.

If you’re on the fence, your destiny is hell for there is no neutral ground in the Kingdom. Jesus said you are either for Me or against Me (Matt 12:30). My plea to you is to jump off the fence and believe today, while it is still called today (2 Cor 6:2).

Also stop posting porn pictures you fucking cuck.

It works and that's more than enough evidence for me. God or no, believing in Him is beneficial.

Nice try atheist fag, shouldn't you suck your own cock or something?

Literally the epitome of these smuggies.

Well fuck you then

I see you are one of those types of larpers.



You completely failed to refute that argument.

Knowledge or ignorance has absolutely nothing to do with the word atheist. Atheist means no god. Godless. If you do not worship a god, then you are by definition an atheist.

Nothing wrong with believing in unicorns.

Jesus Christ never said any of us would be perfect. There are retarded cucks in Christianity, so? Far less than atheism, nihilism, muh gnosticism, and especially paganism though.

Nice file name for that image though. "Christcucks" is a retarded buzzword, not sure if you are a shill or fell for the shills, either way, you are stupid.

You're confusing visible and observable. Note that most theists, including Christians, Jews, and Muslims, would take issue with the idea that God is not observable.

At any rate, if a god is unobservable, it may exist, but its existence is irrelevant, like the god of the Deists.

Straw men and appeals to authority everywhere.

Nope. Back to reddit with these fallacy fallacies.

I never said those quotes were correct because Lewis or Heisenberg said those quotes. They would still be truth, even if a layman said it.

You yourself are pulling a straw man by substituting the quotes with, "waa they were said by famous people therefore they are wrong". Either respond to the quotes directly, or fuck off redditard.

Your crusaders spent more time putting other Europeans to the sword for not converting to your desert god religion more than it did mudslimes. Also this isn't Holla Forums

Learn history, you pagan chucklefuck.

You implied it by posting them with attribution and images of the men who said them. If you felt like the ideas could stand on their own, you could have simply expressed them on your own.

I don't respond to "quotes". The Heisenberg quote is just that, and not an argument.

Lewis' argument is garbage, like most of his arguments. He leaps from the creation of the universe to the creation of the human mind, arguing that if there's no intelligence behind behind the creation of the universe, there's no intelligence behind the creation of his mind. It doesn't follow. He then goes on to argue that if thought arises from chemical and physical processes, then thought cannot be trusted, but he has no argument for this assertion, just a poor analogy to spilled milk forming a map of London. I notice that the quote is from The Case for Christianity, which is full of similar non sequiturs, bad analogies, leaps of logic, and just-so stories.

The blind faith image is silly because very few non-Christians argue that Jesus never existed, and brief attestations by other ancient sources based on nth-hand information do nothing but suggest that, yes, some guy named Jesus did exist in roughly a certain area at roughly a certain time and gained a following. Duh. It says nothing about the veracity or reliability of anything else in the New Testament writings, or about the things that Jesus' followers claimed about him.

After seeing these silly images, I didn't click on the others.


just so you know, i'm a time traveler. i was born in 8016 AD

i'm from the future. if you don't believe in all of the ludicrous shit i just told you in hindsight, then you're an idiot. shouldn't you suck on a cock or something?

I posted them because they were convenient. Why so paranoid?

I disagree. You are anti-theist garbage though, guess we should all refer to your superior wisdom.

Browse /r/atheism for two minutes and then come back.

So? Is this supposed to make me care more about your retarded, parroted, anti-theist rhetoric? You are the most retarded kind of atheist. The fence sitters are somewhat understandable, but I don't understand you anti-theist types who will argue for hours and hours on a fucking imageboard, and try to convince others of why religion isn't true. Christians like me argue for it because we think it's true and good, you don't have any reason to argue against it, unless you are a sodomite faggot who just wants to advance his agenda of hedonism, which I think is true.

The end logic of atheism is nihilism. The end logic of Christianity is truth, goodness, and salvation. I'm not being rude to you, just for the sake of it, friend. I'm being rude to you because you are a sin-spreader, and once you stop this garbage rhetoric, I will stop calling you a faggot.

Right now, here's what I'll tell ya: You can either realize Christ is God, or turn into a full-blown nihilist (like I myself once did) and eventually realize atheism is retarded. You can go the easy way, or the hard way (like I went through, and what I'm warning you about).

There are three types of folks in this life. The first person learns from the mistakes of others. This is the best way to learn if you ask me, user. The second person learns from their own mistakes. Not a bad way to make a living, but it's a harder life than the first type of person. And the third, well, they just never learn at all. The only way you're ever gonna get a passing grade in life is if you stick to being the first or second type of person, or a combination of the two. Forget about what happens to the third type of person. Those people live and die, and nobody remembers them.

I was an athezit until I had a Mary siting. Oddly /christian/ allow me to post it there.

good wisdom user. especially that last paragraph. did you get it from a book? or did you think of that yourself?

My dad told me that, I just paraphrased what he said though.
Here's a pupper m8

Another atheist here.

The reason is obvious. I debate against you because you support lies and evil.

If you want to talk to faggots, then talk to a priest.

Wrong. There are lots of things in the world besides invisible gods. Like me. I exist. The real world exists.

"Truth", my ass. You christians can't even beat high school biology. Of course you creationists never stop trying.

Here's what you can do. Tell your god to come out of hiding. It's that simple. Let us have words.

You are still going through it. It's hard to believe in bullshit. All your churches, all of your holy books, all of your theologists all amount to the same nothing. It's true because I say so.

>All those atheist can't argue of other religion beside tumblr shit
And that's why, atheism is just another religion full of faggots

Its a religion of freedom and common sense if anything.


Your assumptions make you look like the fool you are.

I never said I was an atheist, and never made any anti-theistic arguments. Not a single one.

I did take issue with C.S. Lewis, because his arguments are garbage.

I did take issue with the image that addresses an almost non-existent claim among non-Christians. Your pathetic response–to go to reddit's atheism board–is irrelevant, as they are hardly representative of non-Christians in general. I really don't get your obsession with reddit in general. You certainly seem better acquainted with it than do the people you keep telling to go back there (as if we came from there in the first place).

You utterly failed to respond intelligently to the rest of my post.

It's interesting to see people like you, who believe in a cause, but who get incredibly triggered when weak arguments in favor of it get demolished. You're doing your faith a far greater disservice than do the atheists who seem to bother you so much by pimping easily-dismissed images with throwaway quotes and getting extremely butthurt when the poor quality of your arguments is pointed out.

You'd do well to spend less time on imageboards and more time studying apologetics if you don't want to continue to be a very poor representative of your faith.

As I said, you look like a fool. I'm done with you. Not only are you unintelligent, you're boring and unoriginal.

Like Islam is a religion of peace?




so you're an agnostic atheist. welcome to the only actually rational club.

Y'all niggas need Shiva. Maybe if you read your Upanishads he wouldn't have to poke you in the ass with his trishula.

Now tell me why that's more or less absurd than saying something similar about Jesus or Yahweh or Allah or any other of the mutually exclusive conceptions of what a deity is supposed to be. If you can't, sounds compelling.

Every "Christian" on this site wants to gas the jews and kill all other races, and fap to traps in their off time. These people have no Christ-like values. If you want ask questions of Christians I would look elsewhere, maybe your local church or Christian forums

You know, there is some truth in this. But it's not the part that "believing in Him is beneficial." Only children believe in magic.

The real value comes from the part about meeting neat people and helping out with the community. Making new friends and helping others. That is the value of religion. Not the "praise (insert deity here)" part.

No, like I can do whatever I want because I don't have an imaginary superpowered dad to scold me.

There is no God.
But there could be.
It's also fun for me to follow Shintoism.

So I do.

Acting as if Christians don't also do whatever they want. You know Christianity comes with a "Get Out of Hell Free" card that can be used an unlimited number of times. And subconsciously, they are aware of that. So they can do whatever the fuck they want and then simply pray the sin away. Then they're good to go. So convenient.


Well sure, but athism is more ethically responsible and honest about it.

You sound like the typical "born again" christian. Every "born again" christian I have ever met was either an alcoholic, a drug addict or an ex convict. Every single one. Screw up your life, get old, turn to religion, then bash young people for having the exact same fun you did.


This is the good parts of religion. And believe it or not, many self identifying Christians actually subscribe to this philosophy. They just don't go around talking about it. They go to church and try to be good examples for their children. And they try to help their local community.

You faggots should take this into consideration.

the book the religion is based on has very specific list of conditions u need to fulfil to get out of hell, so actually every time a christian lives the way atheist lives, they r not doing what theyre told, so they r going to hell. In turn, atheist would have the hell pass too, by that logic, cuz they can just ask for forgiveness on their deathbed and punishment avoided

Goog shows.
Discovering the truth w/Dan Duval
Age of Deceit 2
Labyrinth of Truth (52 parts on YT)
Corrupting the image lecture by Doug Hamp (on YT)
Firefall talk radio

None of the men will save you. But they may help you in terms of their evangelisms and testimony. Trust no man but God, use the scripture as your compass.

Look for undeniable truth.
It's not a knowledge issue, it's a heart issue.

When you know that you know that you know,
Do not be decieved. Seek Him with all your heart, the prince of Peace, a saviour required, a saviour that can rescue you in this matrix.

Jesus Christ is Lord. Seek Him and you will find,
and come to know exactly what I am talking about.

Everything that breathes, knows their is God. Take away your distractions and if you're serious, you don't have worry what anybody else says. You'll find out how deluded this world really is.

Godspeed OP.

and while you're at it, don't forget to question your own delusions at some point.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”


Don't let organised religion, including christianity let you dictate your views on God.

Religiosity is evil. Sadly, the modern day church is dead. You get "christians" who you will see/experience/ who are so lost because it's become a feel-good lifestyle and then you get Christians, who will serve their Lord with fear and humility until death.

How many real christians have you ever met in your life? I can think of 2.


"I vomit you out of my mouth" - Laodicean
"Do not bake cakes for the queens of heavens" - Catholicism
" Book of acts church - signs, wonders.
Where are the sings and wonders of today's church? You won't find it in the shekel seeking christian MSM. It's become a business.

"you will be surprised by those who will be there, and those who won't." = in the lord.

When you pray, you are, in real time, already seated in a heavenly place.
Come boldly to the throne room of God.

You are mind, body and spirit.

Feed the flesh (mind, will emotions), Feed the spirit man. Crucify your mind, live your live in the spirit because we are not using our OS the way it should. We have access to a lot more ram, HD space, computing power if we co-inhabit with Christ. See Him and you will find it. Don't listen to the shit you hear on watered down religiosity, regardless of religion. Also, beware of deceptions and demonic interpretations.

Get a bible. It is a living word and testimony to your life and salvation. Forget man and his pettiness.

I'm not here to argue with you.
It's what in your heart. You're looking for man made excuses to deny the Truth which is the only foundation we as man have to go by. You can ignore it with a hardened heart as much as you want, or you can take the "easy path" and do it alone.

There will come a point in your life, if it hasn't happened already, where you will have to make this decision alone. When we go, it won't be you with your friends, your family or even epicurus. It's going to be you facing your creator. And you will have to answer for everything you've done in this matrix. So ignore me if you wish, mock if you wish.

But I'll give you some guidance. I had those same questions. They were resolved when I found the Lord. Go find him because what I've got is so special, so rare, so wonderfully beautiful that the God-shaped hole in my heart has been fulfilled. Go sign up your heart and put your name in the book of life.

True love = free will and choice.
user, with love, I can beg you to ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and save you, but He isn't putting a gun to your head. you have been given that free will. In order to love. In order to complete your destiny should you choose it. Why should you choose? Because we are fallen.

God bless you user. And please do look into it. It's a ride that never ends and a place where nightmares go to die. Where death has lost its sting and where you go to hide, rejuvenate and live the way you were meant to live.

Praise God for that. Thank God for people like you. We need for inquiring minds.

I'll argue with you on your level though.

Believers are even more deeply smug and obnoxious than non-believers because while most non-believers entertain the notion that they could be wrong. Most believers have an unshakeable faith in what they believe and take every opportunity to signal to others how righteous they are for holding that belief.

You will hear atheists like the faggot OP say things like "I am still on the fence when it comes to God", but you will almost never hear your run of the mill believer say they are "on the fence" about God.

Soooo you have one faggot OP on the fench, called agnostic. While you have all other anons ravagly fight the excistance of God with retarded example that they saw once on tumblr.

Nice try faggot

Actually, it's a relationship that we build over time and through experience in the spirit as well as our journey in life. Our faith has brought us to a place where we have learnt to trust God fully. This doesn't mean that we never have had our doubts in the past, etc. David, is a great example of this.

Self-righteousness is a sin in itself, so many people who smugly claim to be "christ like" are ever more off than the fedoras. Sadly, it's difficult to to identify who is who but this is why people are people. regardless of religiosity or lack thereof.

Jesus Christ came to die for the sinner. If only more supposed church goers would live out His will, maybe the image of Christianity would be better. I fully believe this was the case 60 years ago. Today, it's a subverted business run by zionism and hedonism. .

Most people throw the baby out with the bathwater. But you are completely right in your arguments. Sadly, it's the element of pride which bothers us as humans.

hey man thanks for all that but you're kind of preaching to the choir.

if by "god" you mean a totally transcendent ultimate truth, then there is a god.

problem is. it's not possible to make sensible statements about the ineffable. because it's ineffable, d'uh.

so all theology is bullshit.

since you seem to be a fan of jesus, try looking into the gospel of thomas. the kingdom of heaven being within you and all that.

anyway, have a nice day. i need to continue trolling the "deus vult" retards. it's just too much fun to resist.

Epiricus had the fallacy of thinking God was benevolent. Even if we base Greek mythology all gods are just there to let you do your shit, and punish you if you end up being an ass

Is called free will, you can do whatever you want like the degenerate you are, but expect that you have to pay the bill at the end

so you worship an evil god?

way to go user.

also, there is no free will. this is just another illusion. bad news for the crowley fanbois :/

This is a strawman and you know it. Just because you are part of the minority and remain skeptical doesn't mean everyone else is doing the same thing. Atheists are the most arrogantly flamboyant faggots on the face of this earth, nothing can change that.

The gospel of Thomas is more trustful than any, they found it 40? years ago in a close crypt so there isn't any change made by human, dates and test confirm is real but the only one butthurt about it are the chatolics due to being in some ways against peters

I appreciate your sentiments.
I wouldn't say all theology, but I will agree, if you do too, that most of the religiosity we see today is complete bs.

I tend to avoid Gnosticism because it's a completely hedonistic exploration of one of the adversarry's promised which we had in God already. I also do not align myself with Catholicism due to the above being joined after the council of nicea.

I actually lol'd at the deus vult part and I see your point.

Fun fact, Jesus was among the degenerates, he was there to heal, save and deliver. So the image can be appreciated with a smile and not an offense. Even the disciples were known as sons of thunder as they were known for brawling. Jesus wasn't an effeminate cuck-like fag, he was a carpenter with rough hands and a face the normies didn't take a liking to (According to the word, obviously not in those exact words but it's all there)

Regardless, I appreciate your kindness and hope you will someday come to learn what it is to hide in the secret place, to be covered by the shadow of his wing and to enter the valley of the shadow of death without fear. Our war is not against flesh and blood,(material) but against powers and principalities (realms, snares) of the heavens.

Do not let the fowler set a trap for you, do not get into bondage, if you are, He sets the captives free. This is the spirit which is in jail. And that is a bigger reality than most of us wish to admit.

But as I said, thanks for being respectful and generous with your explanations.

Have a lovely day too and thanks for your input. God bless you user.

No, I believe in God and understand that he isn't here to be my bitch. And if I be a faggot like all the "Nuatheist" it will not end well.

God is giving you the possibility to be kind or a dick. It's up to you if you want to do it. Look at all the shit Old Testament that have to be disregard Bing not valid anymore Babylonian try to challenge him, he shit them out. Sodom and gommorra are shit place like San Fran and he smith them out. The world gets corrupt too much, he flood it.

Think about it like a scientist, we are the experiment….he watch what we do and if we make too shit he remake it from 0

gnosticism, if understood properly, has nothing to do with hedonism. it was among the ascetics in the desert where gnosticism flourished before it was declared heretical.
you need to study the subject with an open mind. don't be fooled by the lies of irenaeus and the other crooks. read the sources, there are many that surfaced in the last decades due to archeological findings. don't look at gnosticism with the hateful eyes of those who tried to destroy it. forget these preconceptions.

anyway, do this or don't. i don't wanna force my views on you. it just saddens me that people judge so quickly without even making an effort to understand a subject.

but i guess that's life and i'll stop rambling now. good luck.

Just like how paganism has become synonymous with satanism. Christcucks love to bend words to their favor.

let me rephrase that for you: fools love to bend words to their favor.

i'm the guy who was rambling about gnosticism being demonized by orthodoxy before but to be fair i must say that've met quite a few very decent and open minded christians, too. they're usually in trouble with the higher-ups in the clergy though and are sometimes being accused of being heretics. or they just shut up in public about their private opinion on certain christian dogmas.

oh well this is a bit sad.

Yeah, I know… I was agreeing with you.

the burden of proof is on whoever initiates the debate, or so I thought

Back to reddit retards. No one cares.

Im an Atheist and hate those fedora tipping pastafarians. The FSM is something stupid a child would think up and think is funny

Theists have had thousands of years to prove there is a god and yet have to provide a single piece of evidence outside of their holy books written by men.

Picture two
Most of those people were born a generation after the supposed death of Jesus. Their claims are all hearsay.

You have no argument whatsoever. Typical sheep.

It’s very telling that you christians and feminists use the exact same retarded insults.

Literally only amerilards care about this topic.
All amerilards are stupid so nobody cares what they do or don't believe in.

At least it keeps their sharting in one designated mart.

My goodness, you're right.

SHART away my fine ledditors.

Atheist here.
Do you happen to have more 'tipping' pictures?
If so, would you kindly post them?
Thank you.


Here's a proof by contradiction that an (almighty) god can not exist:

Assumption 1: God exists
Assumption 3: God is almighty

2 => God can proof that god does not exist.
=> There is a proof that proves that god does not exist.
=> God does not exists.
=> Contradiction to 1.

=> One of the assumptions has to be wrong.
=> Either god does not exist, or god is not almighty.


My limited understanding of gnosticism places man above christ, knowledge abiove faith. I may have been lost and I appreciate your link, but i'll have you know that the jesuit system is also gnostic and as anti-christ as they come.

Regardless, thanks for the provocation. I will look into it.

God bless you. Do not be decieved.

Fucking autistic tards, this shit started when big companies paid for superspecialists tards for doing a single thing in a fucking assembly line, then media overrated those tards and their opinions…

Most physicists are theists/christians for a reason and atheism is no more than garbage forced by propaganda, yes, what you call "liberalism" is just crap, washing machines liberated women, not feminism, so they created a new religion based on the belief that every belief is wrong and that they dont have a belief, the most stupid shit ever, this is why autistics tards and edgy teens are the biggest fandom of atheism, at the end is just a new religion created to force people liberated by machinnes to work.

Is anyone a Theist here but not beholden to a religious group?

Not exactly what I was looking/hoping for but thank you nevertheless.


hypocrites make the best teachers.


That's what we call "special snowflake syndrome" m8. Fuck, even Islam is more logical than that vague crap not that I condone Islam.




Good. We don't need people of weak convictions.
Actually, we don't need anyone. Atheism is not a fucking sect and whatever other people believe or behave like is irrelevant. There's no "we" to speak of. You must be some dumb fuck anyways OP.

This. Its fun to argue back and forth but at the end of the day, any "christian" here loses by default just for being associated with the hacker known as Holla Forums.


No nigga, what? That line of thinking get's destroyed by the Bible. It is absolutely all about faith, all about believing you are nothing, Christ is everything and only by Him are you saved. Saved from your own sin and saved from this shitty world which is going to hell in a handbasket no matter what you do.

You can't be saved by works, you can't earn your way to heaven, and this world is not worth saving or stressing about. The only person in charge of actually making that decision, the Lord your God, already did. Only faith in Jesus Christ gets you a ticket to somewhere actually worthwhile.

You could just believe in Christ and be a loner, you'll get saved. Have no genuine faith but instead worship yourself, your friends, your community? Think that's all that matters? Enjoy hell. Its not too late for you user. NO MAN gets through the father except it be through the Son.

Remember that time a dude named Jesus was born of a virgin, did a shit ton of miracles, and then came back to life 3 days after he was executed? Yeah, he was a literal god.

I pretty much treat god like a unicorn.

If the scientific community hits us with "Unicorns proved to be an impossibility that never existed," I'd be like "Okay. I hope my taxes didn't fund that research."

If they say "Unicorns proved to be real and just prefer to ignore you and keep to themselves," I'd be like "Okay. Fuck unicorns."

i remember, because i was in church yesterday. i was all alone there, when suddenly jesus appeared. i couldn't move or say anything. he approached me. i was still unable to move, then he opened my pants, touched my penis, which got hard immediately and grew to 12 inches. jesus sucked my dick until i came all over his face. then he just disappeared.
my dick is still hard and still 12 inches long.
its a true miracle.

That story is enough evidence right there to start your own religion. A miracle happened and you wrote it down. Why would you make any of that up? It says its true right there on the post. Only cynics and unbelievers demand dubs!

Now you just have to tell the rest of us how to get a wonder woman pearl necklace from Jesus (or rather, on him) and how to keep our long dicks afterwards.

i will behead everyone who doubts me.

went to moshe today, because i want to be a 9 year old girl (even if it means that muhammad rapes me all day long and even if i will lose my 12 inch dick).. nothing happened, yet. maybe tomorrow. saw kayne wests wife though. not sure if that was a miracle, though.

See this tards:

One thing is a god like poo in loo believe another is the first cause and teachings.

Go and read a book please, but try with a guy related to the topic.

You have a fuckton of christian dying because they withnessed miracles, its time travelling, aliens or God.

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the other way around. Shouldn't it be the responsibility of Christians to prove that god does exist?

God is self-evident



I don't think you know what self evident means.

Which god?
If you look at the major religions, there are about 3000 gods.

So you're "on the fence" about ONE of them… and you are a firm disbeliever in the other 2999 ?

What's special about that one?

Muh god is super spekial aktually.

I'm not sure if my penis is my god tho.

How is that shoop so good

By that logic christians should welcome jihadists to settle into Europe and they do so actually, what cucks. Personally i think those semitic desert religions should stay on desert. White - European Christians are just brainwashed traitors.

Go back to tumblr.

Have you ever considered to use your brain to make up your own mind.

Have you ever considered to use your brain to mind your make up.

Dumb ass nigger bitch

Proving my point that the god of the bible is observable.

fedora butthurt is best butthurt

No, I'm just racist and also dislike you. I didn't like your post.

wow that's just rude

I am rude, so what? I'm well within my rights to be upset because you posted something I dislike. That's such a shit way to write.

Somewhere in the world, someone is getting memed on.

man this user is living the thug life

hold your tongue, young man. no more coarse language!

I'm not a thug. I've a job and I do just fine. I just don't feel the need to play pretend on the internet. Look at this picture, this is what you do in your spare time. Just piss yourself, and not even in a sexy way, just sad and alone.

Stop living.

your a big big meanie!

See this

Next time try reading before posting.

Holla Forums

The father of all liberal abominations, even nihilism is like that (protip: buddhism)

Would someone dump all of these drawings? I see them around but I always forget to save them.

If you Larp as a theist, might as well have fun. Pagans at least knew how to have a party. Semite religions are the most evil in the world.


Please stop.

actually reading her post makes you look like a faggot, OP

poor animal. its brain is to big for its skull so his eyes are pushed out, his tong sticks out because it is to long for its mouth.

When the Eugenicist Aliens arrive they are going to wipe this whole cesspool of a planet out, i look forward to that fucking moment of justice.

Its one thing you dont give a fuck about breeding defected dogs.
But why would people breed defect children, i just dont get it.

Stop lying using green text.