Muh Socialism

Hitler was a liberal

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oy vey

no he wasn't. a liberal is someone who believes in liberty, i.e. the polar opposite of a socialist


get fucked kike. you can't into natsoc.

a liberal believes in both. if he doesn't, he's an idiot

No he wasn't, Hitler was Third Position.

dumb niggers posting in a bait thread

You were played like a damn fiddle

i guess i'm the dumb nigger then




Yeah, we know.

Holla Forums are just retards



hitler ?



Bumping to combat the faggot sliding you

Under Nazi Germany the means of production were privately owned, therefore it was Capitalism.

A quote next to a picture proves nothing.

Right… Hitler allowed some companies to stay private sure, but most was under direct reich control, dont even mention a shit load regualtions on the market.

So check your facts.
Hitler and reich were socjalistic crap.

When I say private ownership, I mean it was owned by one person/a small group of people who do not necessarily themselves work at the places they own, coupled with the fact that this property is used to generate a profit. This is the definition of Capitalism and much fits what was being done in Nazi Germany. Just because the government does it dosnt mean it's not Capitalism.

Following your logic even fucking USSR was capitalistic, as that is exactly how the party "companies" also worked.

Well it was.

If you want examples of REAL Socialism, I would give this a watch:

Imo socjalism will always end in failure and colapse, as it simply can't work at it core.

So I take it those quotes are your 'arguments'?

For the first one, Socialists recognise that people arnt equal as well. A common misconception is that Marx would of wanted three sprinters to all get silver medals, but rather he said they should start from the same point on the track (equal opportunity) and in Capitalist society the concept of money alone prevents this from happening.

As for the second quote, that's more directed at liberals is it not? Who just want a welfare state and regulated Capitalism.

Functioning Socialism does not require a government in any step of the process - it's all about the actual workers themselves at their given work places running the show, not a single CEO/board of directors and not some bureaucrats.

I mean, some branches of Socialism claim that you need to make use of state apparatus in order to defend a revolution and attain Socialism, but that government use isnt the actual Socialism its self, and there are also other branches which claim government dosnt and shouldnt come into it at any point what so ever.

come on Holla Forums it's a shit bait thread treat it like a shit bait thread
use the herb

what's s age mean?


