Tell me your fantasy Holla Forums
Your Deep♂Dark♂Fantasy
Tell me your fantasy Holla Forums
Your Deep♂Dark♂Fantasy
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I want a GF
That was deep.
I want to be Aidan Gillen's secret lover, to whom he comes to get away from his bitchy wife and needy kids
I want to stroke his hair while he pours his heart out to me. I want to suck each individual hair on his chest and stomach, gradually working my way down to the hairs at the stem of his penis
I want him to enter my ass gently and then gradually start going harder until I beg for mercy. I want his jizz to slowly leak out of me while we cuddle by candlelight
no homo
I want to be a shitposter, but my mum won't let me
That's all. You guys can go on and on about fucking anything, but in the end is all we all want. To be relevant. To someone, to a group to everyone. Sexually or socially. We just want to be relevant.
I want to be relevant in my way. I want my personality to be an example.
I want people to want to be like me. Women to suck my dick as it was mana from heaven.
I want to slap people and listen them thank me as i do.
Because that's what we are. Maybe we have souls and there's a big scheme going on around the universe. But i can't see it, so i just want the world to be more the way i want.
i want to be a japanese girl
Desu desu
Suck a cock
My dear Otaku.
err, correction then:
i want to be a japanese lesbian girl
To late to change that now.
The cock is waiting…
You want to be a good japanese girl?
You need to learn the ancient art of bukkake .