cuckstianity: egalitarian for any not you and yours at the detriment of you and yours, everyone god's children/the same, turn the other cheek/be a doormat(as they apply it,) born a sinner/hate yourself.
cuckstianity: egalitarian for any not you and yours at the detriment of you and yours, everyone god's children/the same, turn the other cheek/be a doormat(as they apply it,) born a sinner/hate yourself.
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White are racist by DNA therefore its not my fault when I lynch a few niggers. We are acting like we would in our natural environment! Therefore the only logical thing to do is to segregate these subhuman whites from the rest of civilized society. That they can be happy while the modern civilized world goes on to colonize space. Right?
Whites already made race-specific bioweapons and neutron bombs, we just need the right person in charge pressing the buttons.
The problem is that religion is informed and a reflection of the culture
As the culture and people change and adopt more degenerate and destructive values, so too with the faiths in order in order to keep "customers"
The egalitarian aspect to Christianity is a major flaw. After reading and hearing some counter arguments about how we need to shake it off entirely, I'm starting to see why. It'll never be able to be rebuilt to how it was.
Christianity is based on worshiping a Jew
think about that
Thus is literally Obama's denomination. Don't try to pretend this is mainstream Christianity at all.
I don't think the trinity has a race, kike.
"Christians" with rainbow flags is easily the most disgusting thing I have ever seen irl
What are you talking about? Jews absolutely despise Jesus and Christians. Their talmud specifically talks about how Jesus was a bastard child and how he's boiling in a pot of excrement for all eternity. Also, the bible refers to all Jews who rejected Jesus as children of satan.
Jews have also been kicked out of multiple christian nations over the centuries
Christianity has it's many problems (the pacifism and universalism to give a few examples), however it is in no way "pro-jew" in any way you could imagine it. One could even call it anti-jew
That's pretty fucking gay, m8.
Maybe you should go to and educate yourself.
Wake me up when you start making threads calling out the faggots in the alt-right.
Unless you're one of those "You can do no wrong no matter what if you're white" type of cocksuckers.
I firmly believe that Christianity was originally about subverting the jews own religion and using it to expose them as the rats they truly are.
Too bad the jews took it back and warped it for their own gain.
1. archive
2. post screencap
anyone want to dismantle the list?
It's not a d&c thread, that's cuckstianity, adhering to that ideology is death, it has to be dumped for natural healthy ethnic identity and traditions.
Jesus worshiped the Jewish god, the bible is a parable shitting on the romans, and people are fucking morons and worship anything their retarded parents tell them is true.
the more you know.
Looks like I'm perfect according to their list.
#1: I've never taken up any space at an anti-racism event in my life
#2: I don't live where niggers used to.
#3: I listen because their impotent rage is funny.
#4: I don't invite niggers to the table
#5: I don't have any non-white friends
#6: I've never suggested that nigger activism should exist at all
#7: I always point out anti-white racism
#8: I'm well aware that anti-white activity has many faces
#9: I'm perfectly okay with not taking part in discussions about race on tumblr or wherever
#10: And I always will be.
ITT we hate christians.
Well done Shlomo, your shekel earnings this month must have skyrocketed!
The truth is there will probably never successful national-socialist movement or 4th reich because of shit like this.
Probably over 50% of christians would rather choose a leftists/jewish/nigger christian over a rightist atheist (since god and their religion is the most important thing to them, bar none).
In return to that, we atheists have to shun them, so there goes any chance of success.
You realize if you follow the links you end up at a christian church's website, who are pushing anti-White. There is no getting around that cuckstianity is bad.
You're overestimating how zealous modern Christians are. Very few (I'm talking one in a hundred or fewer) won't cooperate with or follow non-Christians who share their (non-religious) goals as long as they aren't overtly anti-Christian. Which is of course why kikes have been working so hard to manipulate atheism into something that's more about attacking Christianity than just not believing in any religion.
Hmm… I'm already doing 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10.
I guess I just checked my privilege and didn't even know it!
Sage for intl.
Reported for intl.
Oxymoron, though.
there are IDs on this board you faggot
Oh look, it's an "autist who replaces every second syllable with 'cuck' and equates one or a few people doing one thing with an entire group of over a billion people" thread
two can play that game.
Now wait for OP to unironically bitch about these photos being one out of a million pagans, while doing the exact same shit to Christianity.
What’s your point?
you are crying about Holla Forums shills by flooding the thread with 4 replies in a row, like Holla Forums shills do when they raid here
It's very funny though, how jews whine about being persecuted by Christians when jews were the very first and the worst persecutors of Christians in history.
Oh and speaking of that
It just goes on and on…
No true Christian can support israel, even God himself forbid jews from creating israel until he himself said they could and he hasn't said jack shit y
We live in the Kali Yuga.
Shit's fucked no matter what religion you subscribe too. Sure as hell isn't getting better by fighting each other.
Where's that Iron pill comic.
So… you don’t get it at all.
Jews are still mad that Jesus called them out on their heretical bullshit. I see the Pharisees never learned, and they fooled mainstream Christianity along with them.
John 3:16 for life.
Hey when you get this butt hurt you may want to consider turning the other cheek
This will end with Christcucks coming out of the shed to spam the tread with comments on how native European religions with no connection to semitism are Satanic and MUH IMAGO DEI
Wake me up with Varg the kosher pagan burns down a synagogue rather than a church for whites.
every. single. time.
That is not the image i posted?
What should I believe in?
You can either be a Christian or save your lands, you can't be both.
The New Testament taking white peoples natural empathy and fairness, and turning it into a cuck house reading for the raping and destruction.
Of course you must turn the other cheek because of Stick Kike.
Holla Forums thread.
Is Common Filth being cool again or is he just being facetious?
Yeah, except our ancestral religions were racial, while Christianity preaches that we are all equal under God. These pics are hillarious.
Norse religion especially starts of with a very strict racial view:
"Óðinn sends Heimdallr to Earth to create a better human race. His first attempt is called Trell, but he is black, ugly and stupid, so Heimdallr pays no attention to him and keeps trying.
The next result is Karl, who had red-brown hair, is tall and strong. He is still not satisfied though, so he keeps trying.
Then finally he gets a son called Jarl, that is fair-eyed, intelligent, beautiful and fair
Heimdallr had finally created a man who is good enough for Óðinn and Valhalla, so he teaches him - and only him - the runes of the gods and Valhalla is opened up to his kin.
His kin is the only one that will be let over the bridge that leads to Ásgarðr.
The others will ignite and fall down like rocks if they set their foot on this bridge, that is guarded by Heimdallr."
Sage because I'm tired of threads like these.
After 2000 years of Christianity we still haven't removed the Jews and Muslims from Europe, I wonder why?
The Pope and the Archbishop of Cantebury, every fucking priest in Europe.
The Church of England called Farage racist for commenting on the rape of European woman. These people should be fucking hung.
I am also sure the Jews hate Bobby Fisher, doesn't mean Bobby isn't a Jew.
Yes, the only religion that got that much freedom, all the other religions where exterminated. I wonder why the Christians weren't as harsh towards Jews.
That explain why Jews where free to move around in many European countries since the Middle Ages and why they weren't slaughtered like all the other religions.
Oh wait, no it does not.
You think everyone with a different opinion then you is Holla Forums trust me we all understand you have paranoia
Here is the thing about God…. he has abandoned us. Why do you think Prays and Miracles don't happen anymore?!~
Whites are always racist, blacks are always retarded, spics are always dirty, Jews are always shiesters.
Are you that faggot that keeps shitting up the comments on TRS? Yes, I think you are.
Jesus certainly didn't like you merchants.
The King James Version made a mistake when translating to English.
Do you know what it was?
All mentions of 'People of Judea' Were replaced with 'Jew'.
That's right, Christ was declared 'King of Judea', not to mention was born in Galilee, which wasn't Talmudist, and finally, Judaism wasn't properly founded until the 1200s.
The Pharisees were Talmudists. .
And the final nail in the coffin. North Africa and the middle east were white (with some mixing through trade) before the Arab invasions under Muhammad began in 600 AD
Ham, Shem and Japheth.
Finally, someone said it. I see the occasional post in threads like these where someone actually explains that Jesus wasn't a Jew.
The kike on a stick meme needs to die.
Fuck off.
"Christianity is inherently cucked"
Sure, let's ignore the couple hundred decades prior to this one. You know, the ones when Christianity was still based on scripture/teaching and not entertainment/feelings.
Matthew 23:33 argues otherwise.
Nah, eat shit, intl.
lol kill yourself.
haha nice, I guess Wicca is represented of all pagans and amazingathiest is representative of all Atheism.
Everyone knows the UCC are heretical hedonists who delight in sodomy and faggotry.
Pagan fags why are you so focused on dividing Holla Forums? I'm starting to think you are actually kikes.
He is so based.
Only thing he isn't based on is race
Who said anything about Atheism ya fag?
" If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha." 1 Corinthians 16:22
Where is the politics?
Unless they are jews, right?
The fuck denomination is United Church of Christ, where did those fuckers come from?
I really don't see why this is so shocking or debatable at all.