PRAISE BE TO KEK! It is I, Saint Obamas Momjeans here to give upon you the First and Only True Bible of Kekism. In it you will learn MEME MAGIC, How To Praise KEK, and will have spent your NEETbux making the fire rise faster. Give this 5 Stars and spread it on all social media. You don't even have to buy a copy to spread the word of KEK, let's just get it the highest rated Religion book on Amazon and Kek will be pleased.
Liam Davis
Can we at least see a few pages of what you were able to scrape together?
Leo Gray
Give it time. It literally was just published to Amazon, there will be a preview. It is Full Color. Kek will be pleased.
Christopher Jones
Mistakes were made, OP is a faggot.
Andrew Ramirez
top kek
up boated
Nathaniel Long
In the eyes of Kek we are all faggots. If you can't afford $11 with your NEETbux perhaps you should an hero
Grayson Ramirez
This is but the first book of Kek
There will be more
Jacob Barnes
….this stinks of jewry
Alexander Fisher
Kek represents the male aspect of Egyptian's primordial forces and isn't whatever you put in those pages.
Samuel Thomas
one of Egyptian's*
Jace Nguyen
nice mason dubs
I feel like this could be a classic some day
1000 years from now this book will be going for 1 billion keku dollars at auction as a first addition
Leo Cruz
Kek LARPing is getting too retarded and autistic.
Julian Perez
The Jews only wish that YHVH was as cool as KEK
Asher Fisher
Top Kek
Xavier Robinson
You are correct kind user I will unpublish this edition eventually ;->
Elijah Lewis
Kek is pleased with the autism
Brayden Wright
Blake Perez
Top Kek
Alexander Peterson
KEK, PBUH, will bring an end to Ramen-dan impose by his noodliness FSM.
Nathaniel Parker
Jace Adams
Brandon Adams
Praise Kek
Owen Stewart
Caleb Wilson
Dominic Myers
literal shilling ITT
Adam Ward
Kek even blesses you my child
Christopher Torres
Jose Jackson
why would they ask for the stop of the pendulum?
Daniel Long
(((Someone))) is attempting to earn shekels off of Kek.
Camden Myers
Damn son.
Chase Morales
though 11.11 is pretty pricey for 28 pages. unfortunately I don't know the symbolism I assume is behind it
Dylan Sullivan
TGSNT for a documentary (27 episodes but each is 15 minutes long so very manageable)
"Hitler's Revolution" by Richard Tedor which came out just a few years ago.
Both are comprehensive and very well-sourced works. These should be your starting points. Hitler's Revolution can be found along with many other books in the Holla Forums reading list for September.
Does any user have the MEGA link?
Jacob Perry
Sorry wrong thread
Jaxon Gray
Check them Trump dubs fam. First Tarot card is the Magician
Julian Taylor
First Tarot card is the Magician
John Hall
lol, fools dubs
Chase Powell
Also, you better fucking MEGA that shit faggot, like with the Memetic Warfare book
Eli Powell
then why not make it a dollar as an ebook?
Kayden Edwards
Lincoln Powell
Sorry for what ever I don't know I said. I buy paperback so I don't know ebooks.
Jack Watson
If you want a digital copy of the Kekist bible, buy a copy, scan it, and upload it ;)
Samuel Bell
Wyatt Miller
Your memeing is weak and your ebook is thus unreliable.
Evan Price
But wasn't there one written on Holla Forums a week or so ago?
Connor Jackson
OP smells like goonshit, if he was a follower a kek he wouldnt sell it but spread it on a pdf for free.