ITT: brainstorm ways to make a fat manfaced gaymergrill cry.
My first idea is to laugh at her ugliness. Anyone else have any better ideas?
ITT: brainstorm ways to make a fat manfaced gaymergrill cry.
My first idea is to laugh at her ugliness. Anyone else have any better ideas?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nicole no, pls I love her!
Eat her cat.
Inb4 white knight
She is an irredeemable attention whoring e-celeb. She must be humiliated!
That and I need more fap material, and nothing quite gets me off like watching a woman cry.
She doesn't have a cat.
I know.
Get her a cat then eat it.
Who? She must not be that famous.
Eat her actual pussy than!
You fool no one
user pls.
I don't know what is real anymore?
You best claim her before someone even thirstier does.
I don't actually like her in that sense.
I just want to see her cry.
Post twitter handle so I can flirt with/warn her.
That is how you show affection.
Why would I want someone to warn her?
How does wanting to see someone cry indicate affection? And what did I say that indicates I'm in denial? All I said was that I wasn't attracted to her but just saw her as a good target to abuse since she seems to be an attention whore.
I want to warn her to protect that smi…that blank look. Also you admitted in that other thread you were kind of attracted to her.
my penis and i disagree
I hate tripfaggots, no exceptions
What's wrong with tripfags? Good call on whoever that girl is. She p. cute.
they are the reason we can't have nice things. also: the basic difference of a imageboard to a forum is that people are anonymous. we don't build reputations and we can change identities everytime. having a trip undermines that. tripfags are cancer.
12 cats and a history of mental illness
Having multiple trips can be multiple personalities, then back to anonymous at a moment's notice.
trip still has identity and reputation tied to it. trips are cancer.
12 tripcodes and a history of mental illness
tripcodes were a mistake
Yes but the trip can be discarded, and new ones created. You could even take samefagging to a new level: name-samefagging.
Yes but nigger can nigger, and nigger nigger. You could even nigger nigger nigger: nigger nigger
no, i can not (at least without inverse engineering the hashcode) truly speak as Nicole !!lemNt6jPzI
I like niggers. And tripfags tbh.
I don't feel attraction in the conventional sense. The only thing I'm "attracted" to is women being hurt/emotionally abused and crying about it.
Did you make that? If you make crude drawings on demand I might have some requests.
No I meant one user could generate many tripcodes and characters and have multiple attention seeking personalities at their control. They could fill whole threads talking to themselves, just like now, except who was who would be available for everyone to see.
You could even set up a team to run the "accounts" and have a performance group staging all kinds of board drama.
Tripfags, or as I like to call them, niggers.
I did make that. What do you have in mind?
Something extremely humiliating.
Do you have any skills with photoshop?
I do, but I don't have photoshop. I have been honing my skills with MSPaint to achieve meme transcendence. I have been meaning to install it though so if it's good I'll put it on my to-do list and post it at some point.
why would i need trips for that? i could do the same thing without trips.
Because then you won't get your e-fame points
Why is everyone in this thread acting like retards? Is this supposed to be funny? It's just fucking annoying. Go the fuck back to halfchan you irritating cunts.
Fuck off
op here likes to samefag about this girl. He has been making threads like these for months. Why? I don't know. At least it's the other women he used to post.
If I don't tripfag, how will senpai notice me?
There was another woman? As far as I can remember, I've only ever posted about OUR GODDESS NICOLE. :^)
Isn't that you?
Salt overload
No girls on the internet. This is just some weeb faggot stalker
No, user. I am not an autistic flat-chested fat ugly gaymergrill.
user pls. Our Goddess is only 23.
Yep. This is just sad.
Is the actual gamergrill named Nicole as well? How can I find her?
By saging the thread and sucking OP's cocklenozzle some more you fucking cock guzzling freako
She lives in San Jose if you're really that curious.
I wish I was a goat.
Saging does nothing. Also I am having fun.
More info please.
She is 1/4 Swedish, 1/4 Danish, 1/4 British, and 1/4 German.
Her favourite phrase is "Even the masters can learn a few new tricks." repeat this as often as you can if you love Nicole.
Are there any video clips of her? I'd like to hear her voice.
She's 23 years old
lives in South San Jose (exact address costs money)
works as an intern at Gil'ead (a biomedical company that produces AIDS medication)
broke up with her boyfriend semi-recently
has a degree in Biochemistry from UC Santa Barbara
is currently taking courses at San Jose State University to complete a Masters degree in Biochemistry because she has been frustrated with her current job prospects.
She runs a streaming channel and a You Tube channel.
Anything else you'd like to know?
The twitch streaming and YouTube channel names.
Obviously this video was before she dyed her hair red, :DDDDDD
can I shitpost in this thread?
But I can't have you warning her about my sneaky behavior, now can I? :)
And besides, if you tak to her she might get suspicious and search for the router I'm using to tap her internet connection. And if she removes it, I won't be able to keep up to date on what browser she's using (Google Chrome), her operating system (Windows 10 Build 1511), what software she's got installed (Steam and other games), her social media account names and passwords… it would just be all bad. :)
Not her. She's a natural brunette.
I was just joking about warning her. Maybe if you were going to go completely nuts and swat her. I just want to see her YouTube and twitch videos.
Found her. Linked her to this thread. Let's hope she shows up.
Proof or you're just roleplayig user.
the nicole tripfaggot started to really annoy me
Aww, why's that?
Should I send it?
Yes samefag, send it.
Then kys
I've never used twitter. How long before we can expect some results?
I've never used it either, had to make an account just now
Forvever. I wouldn't rat OP out, I promised. Someone else can for fun if they want though.
Well, I was expecting a little excitement for a while there. Guess that won't happen though.
Do it up. Make a throwaway twitter and summon her.
Nah, I prefer to take a back seat approach to things.
If she sees this she sees it, if she finds out I have access to her internet traffic and know her day-to-day schedule she finds out. If she doesn't she doesn't.
I suppose I may show my hand before I leave San Jose though.
Summon her to another thread sometime when this one 404s. Don't include that info, just get her here to talk shit. Maybe summon some Holla Forumsirgin white knights if she's still cared about over there and make a true shitshow out of it. It could be fun.
This has an extremely low potential for lulz. Probably zero.
Censor her video games.
I might do that. I might also do that at the same time as I do something IRL (not anything dangerous or damaging in case any FBI or moralfaggots are watching).
From what I can tell it seems like they don't care about her.
The folks at /anita/ seem to have a strange obsession with licking her toes, though.
I think she has at least some potential. She's an attention whore and a bit of a sperg. And even if there's no lulz to be had, I could still spook her out with a bunch of boxes and some well worded letters containing information she thought was private.
If nothing else, I shall try to get her to cry. That will at least provide me with good fap material.
Dude you can download videos of eastern european grills being whipped and spanked until they cry.
Good looking, slim eastern european girls too.
But satan, the fact that she's titless, ugly, and fat makes it better! It means I can imagine calling her a useless fat tub of lard as she blubbers autistically.
Also I've long since watched those abuse videos to the point where they're boring. Fresh meat would be appreciated.
Take a backdoor approach to things: raep her pooper.
I loved you, monster
Anal sex is degenerate user. Real non-degenerate Aryans abuse their cumdumpsters vaginally, not anally.
Besides every time I think of anything involving anal anything I remember that I'm only a few dozen miles from San Francisco and I feel uneasy.
I think there was a mod called Nicole once. But I'm a different Nicole.
Did she quit? I thought she was one of the few that stayed when lowcard ragequit after pedoshit got purged.
My nigga. Anal is shit.
How do you know?
OP already said he stalks her relentlessly. Probably has all of her family history and DNA profile as well.
That's why it's fun to inflict on people.
With a broom handle or stunt dick maybe.
I don't stalk her relentlessly. I saw her one day at Santana Row and because I had nothing else to do at the time I shadowed her for a bit. Learning peoples' private information is just a thing I've always been good at.
Oh now THAT sounds fun! I'd go for the extra-splintery broom handle though.
practice safe sex. use a condom
Please no raep the Vivian.
But a splintery broom handle sounds more fun!
Where did I ever say I would rape her? I just want a little pinch and a squeal is all ;)
Unfortunately, rape is illegal and so cannot be contemplated until after society collapses.
Well if you succumb to a moment of weakness be sure to use your dick and her pussy, and to put a baby in her. Best punishment.
Stop being a total pussy.
Her parents would just get her to abort it.
But a broom handle carries the risk of intestinal rupture, which is more fun.
I want to see this happen.
She's smart, I want to fuck her.
Eh after hearing her voice I lost interest. She does seem to be reasonably smart though.
What's wrong with her voice?
Too plain. I think I built it up too much in my mind.
How can a voice be "plain?"
I meant normal. I built it up as super sexy, or weird quirks or autism.
Come now user, why would you think someone who looks that autistic would be in any way "sexy"?
Wishful thinking.