Aragorn wasn't a country, Aragorn didn't participate in the reconquista. The histories like El Cid aren't linked to Valencia and Barcelona. Isabella wasn't queen of Aragorn. Their Mediterranean influence wasn't a key pillar in holding back the Turks and fighting the Barbaries.
You forget that Catalonia is not just Barcelona. Aragorn was Catalan as well.
As for secondary, no, fuck that. I am Portuguese first, European a very very VERY distant second. I am more than happy to be called a second rate white by krauts or brits. Heck if we're to believed shitposters, I'm not even that. I don't really care. But you'll have to do the same to me you do to the Aragonese before I yield.
This isn't about being oppressed. It's about my nation and my kin. Blood and soil, as say the pagans.
They couldn't because ultimately the English used what little influence they had to veto it. And good for them
I just gave you enough proof. Please go back to reddit if you can look at all the funding EU gives Scotland and how hard SNP shills for them and not understand it really is
It's true. Your entire Scottish independence bullshit is built on the pop culture shit of Braveheart. You don't know your own history.
If you don't understand why Scots think they got a raw deal out of the Union, maybe you should wait until you get to secondary school.
No, I don't, considering it was Scottish thinkers and philosophers of the so called Scottish Enlightenment crafted what it means to be British
Look at that list of names and realize that those are the architects and thinkers being Britain as a nation, then realize how retarded you are for actually thinking just because by sheer result of population density, London is the capital, that Scotland wasn't as if not more important.
Take pride in your nation. Don't spit on it because some Jew cast Mel Gibson as a guy whose story is so vastly misconstrued he'd probably be pro Britan if he were alive today.
I gave you a link that showed why Belgium is NEVER separating. Brussels is the capital of the EU power and the NATO power. If you honestly think any independence movement is allowed movement there, you are a joke.
As for Britannyémocratique_Bretonne
This is today. I admit I had no idea they'd gone full Kosher.
But here's this
So yeah.