Child Prostitution is now legal in commiefornia, thoughts?

as if fucking us over with the ICANN giveaway wasn't enough now child prostitution is legal in commiefornia, TL;DR prostitution is legal for minors, pedos rejoyce I guess

I didn't read all of that shit nigger, but from what I did it just protects the kiddie hookers from getting the book thrown at them, not the pedos. They still get screwed.

well not exactly but it is a lot easier now atleast.


Is this real? Can I pay for jailbait worry free in cali?

it's vague enough that with a good lawyer you can get out of jail free, only demerit I see is the possibility of getting blackmailed, though there will only be moral repercussions only

reading more into it this makes it completely legal for a 17 year old to fuck 0-17 prostitutes, soon enough you'll be hearing of 17 y/o tricking 10 y/o girls into fucking them for a new toy, pic related sadly

Pedowood degenerate lobbying at its finest.

if you can afford the lawyer and can handle the moral heat go for it, not like we can legally stop you

They're getting paid

it doesn't make it okay, children are not fuck toys, even as a loli lover I know this.
yes lolita! no touch!

if it's legal why not

The law says it is ok now. Who am I to argue?

California: Too extreme for Holla Forums.

just because the law says it's legal it doesn't make it okay, zoophilia is okay in commiefornia too, why don't you go fuck a bald orangutan instead?

no, just too extreme for the moralfags and statists

because there's a lot fewer of those around
I have nothing against bestiality though

Because I love children. Top Kek at the moralfaggotry.

Holla Forums his hosted in cali….
hmmm. :^)

Progressivism finally pays off. It's about time!

might finally be time to edit this image

Fuck you!

Nothing has changed, they just won't prosecute the underage victims. A touch of sanity.

That manga got a name?

New plan: Literally pay to groom child bride, keep them high on legal weed, divorce at 24 with new fires in the iron at all times. Underage pussy for life. All legal.

What a beautiful day!

So I just read a brief summary elsewhere, and that's not at all what it does.

The law just prevents the child prostitute from being blamed for what happened.

And reduces the penalty for the John to a misdemeanor.

if you read the whole thing you will realize you need video/image evidence or be caught balls deep in a kid to be penalized, no other way

Fucking degenerates

Some user in California fuck a child prostitution and report back.

This officially makes California a better destination for underage sex tourism than Thailand. They're geniuses.

That doesn't stop a child, under their parents order, going out and prostituting themselves, then reporting it to the cops and getting the payout with no repurcussions.

honestly I wish I could feel happy about this, nothing turns me on more than a loli getting fucked by a middle aged manself incert but this is fucked up, real kids are legally retarded with their brains still developing, this gives kidnappers access to children, literally all they have to do is transport the kid since they themselves can legally sell off the kid, just blackmail with the promise to not tell their parents and you have yourself a legal nameless brothel

Or actually, just a 16 year old doing that of their own volition.

a lawyer can get you out of that since you were not harming or raping the child legally(keyword being legally) and the kid was being paid

They'll be fine. I can think of worse fates for a kid. Besides children start mastirbating very young. I guarantee a good percentage will enjoy more than a few of their customers, and have mind melting early in life orgasms while getting paid for it.

Somebody post this on librechan so Potion will know.

Yeah dude, they can enjoy drugs as well. Underage opium dens when? If it feels good, do it!

I'd rather not have the generation that supports society when I'm old to be drooling retards who only think of sex most of the time

considering marijuana is legal in commiefornia I can see preteens doing bareback for a half pound of weed

Promiscuous behavior is bad, even if it's that adolescent 'experimenting' or bf/gf wash people like so much.

I can jack off to this

moralfag plz

More like a quarter pound. And fuck yes. OP pic related, I'm going to plant some seed in some of the slightly older tweens!

This is the greatest thing I've ever heard. Remember the Salon article trying to normalize pepophilia? And how it was supposedly the next goal for progressives? I am on fucking board now. I don't need much in life to be happy, and legal loli hookers in the US was something I never thought could be possible.

Unironic praise for current year. I'll be stoned with naked little girls rubbing against me. Do Not Disturb.

you guys go for it, I'm most likely gonna kill myself if this isn't reversed in the next 10-15 years.
last thing I want to see near death is a bunch of child sluts advertising their cunt through social media like McDonalds in american television


also florida is known for being full of batshit insanity, being a natural disaster factory, and having a fuck ton of people on sex offender lists. Google Floridaman for more stories. For some more fucked up info, I think in Arkansas you can marry at 12 under certain conditions, not sure if it's even in their books anymore. There's fucked up shit everywhere from my understanding.

yes I know you mentioned california, but I had to weigh in about florida - you can't laugh enough at it

No, but you can sell your jailbait ass worry-free in cali.

enjoy having your wife fuck the local hobo for some weed because weed also feels good

I thought we purged all the pedos

can I see this now please

nah, just bang them

found the californian

jim purged the cancerous tripfagging ones circlejerking in their thread

Well I guess I can't blame the lurking pedos for getting excited over this. It's pretty…it's certainly something, isn't it

Californians are some of the most annoying people I know, and pussies at that. I hate california, stop thinking everytime someone wants to point out something they're against you. You allow you shitty poster to go unupdated, you fucking stupid cunt. I take time out of my fucking day to tell you some fucking useful advice and you act like an assuming little bitch that needs to get hard fucked in a corner for a few good days. fucking google floridaman you stupid fucking bitch.

What are you even talking about? What does Florida have to do with anything?

and yes, it is useful because you can update that shitty poster that's rendered in fucking ms paint

I didn't make it and I already know what floridaman is, they're retarded in the charming kind of way but florida actually produces useful things, unlike california
stop getting so buttmad that everyone bullied you in your californian school you californian cuck

It was to update the poster of the states - florida has gone to shit in more ways then one. read to see

Ok I see.

I just got trolled this whole time by you, didn't I?
damnit - good one


misleading title and link

get gassed OP

I wish this shit could stay in my imagination but there is literally nothing stopping this from happening in california now
muh dick

Nothing is going right. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I'm not a pedo.

They weren't trying to do that.

Prostitution is one thing that mad the West bad. Also, the best way to use cannabis would be to use parts of it (not the trippy part) as medicine, depending on ones needs, or to make products out of it.
As for 'fucking' for free, marriage is not free, and some believe simple joining can strengthen the bond.
it's not kid, either. I'm not gay.

idk, I was being completely serious, user

This seems artificial.

SB 1322, Mitchell. Commercial sex acts: minors.
Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution.
every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor:
(b) (1) Who solicits or who agrees to engage in or who engages in any act of prostitution. A person agrees to engage in an act of prostitution when, with specific intent to so engage, he or she manifests an acceptance of an offer or solicitation to so engage, regardless of whether the offer or solicitation was made by a person who also possessed the specific intent to engage in prostitution. No agreement to engage in an act of prostitution shall constitute a violation of this subdivision unless some act, in addition to the agreement, is done within this state in furtherance of the commission of an act of prostitution by the person agreeing to engage in that act. As used in this subdivision, “prostitution” includes any lewd act between persons for money or other consideration.

apparently exempting minors of no prostitution laws do not mean child prostitution is legal
fuck off commiefornian

ur artificial m8

I think someone was samefagging to rile up the moralfags.



OP teasing pedos only to smash their dreams. Cruel.

I fail to see how my subject is wrong, the bill clearly states in the first few lines that underage people are exempt from prostitution laws in california and fucking them will only result in a misdemeanor which is 9/10 times nullified with a less than dirt cheap lawyer, please do explain

I want to fuck them for free with absolutely zero reprisal, and I want CPS to pay for it.

most kids can't aren't criminals, they are innocent and pure


most children are naive and dumb actually, that's why they can't make their own decisions in anything except for whom to lose their virginity and how much it costs now thanks to commie McFornia

Don't underestimate a child's sexuality or ability to love.

I reported your post to FBI.

The Feds have no power in Commiefornication.

so Florida is the state equivalent of a lolcow?

How unbalanced is your life? You don't workout much do you? You probably haven't been on a vacation for a very long time either, right?

Don't pick on me I'm just an innocent lover of children.

Perhaps you should consider getting a card at the local gym. You know, working out a little will probably make you feel better?

I have a physical job that keeps me in decent shape. I just collapse after work.

Well, how about going to a conventional bar, taking a drink and just talking to a random chick. Ever done that? You know, being normal isn't always bad.

They are too cancerous at that point. Any girl old enough to get served in a bar has picked V up major baggage, usually from a messed up childhood.


Morality doesn't exist and you could never prove it.

Have you tried? You'd be surprised at how easy life can be if you sometimes just do the most obvious thing.

Jesus user I don't actually want to fuck kids. I can only shitpost so much until I break character ;_;

Neither does time, measurements, math, and so many other things yet we still use it.



Tinyeye brought me nothing

Those serve a reasonable purpose. Math is objectively true though, and I guess the essence of measurements and time are too, even if our measures of them are subjective. Morality, on the other hand, is man's opinion and only worth how much power you have to enforce it.

Just enjoy the rest of the time that your subjective opinion is considered moral, its too bad it won't last, but then again what does?

So I'm confused. Is it now legal to fuck kids r not?

Learn to read.

FFS, after like two lines it becomes pretty clear they're making it so you can't charge minors with a felony for prostituting themselves. Everyone else still goes to federal pound me in the ass prison.

The interesting grey area will be that now a 17 year old can maybe get a ten year old to give them $5 for sex and get charged with a misdemeanor instead of rape.

But people are too stupid to write laws that aren't idiotic… no real news here.

That sucks. I knew it was too good to be true.

It's just our local world's end prophet looking for ammo to keep everyone as distressed as possible to alleviate their own autism, who would have thought that people don't randomly go actually making child prostitution legal.

tl;dr: OP is that one permatriggered moraltard we put up with

I really need to know where this image is from.

It is possible to have sex with a child ethically. They can give consent, you just need to be careful not to push them into it. An actual transaction takes out the grey area, if they work independently or with a good employer and not an exploitative pimp.

I wish Jim would do his job and remove filth like you


Words are fine, just no pictures.


There is one issue I see with that stance and that would be: I don't see why a child would ever consent and take pleasure from the action itself. One could also say that possibly, sex that early will ruin how the child will behave later and misunderstand the connotations of sex, f.e. not treat it as something private anymore and try to have it with many people. But you could also argue that other things wildly condoned in society (can) damage children too and that at some point people have to take responsibility for their actions, which also ultimately applies to children, regardless of how little they understand their early behaviour can impact their later behaviour.


Try searching for:
Female:dark skin, group, impregnation, english
on sadpanda.


Did someone say impregnation?

what i understood, after reading 3 sentences, is that ppl under the age of 18 will not be prosecuted for loitering and being whores. It means the childs pimps and service users will still be prosecuted, but not the child.

morality is instinctive motivators to act 1 way or another in society. Its real and it serves the purpose of maintaining the species

I'll impregnate you

Hedonists are not a problem
The problem with atheism is the nihilists bringing everyone down, fuck those guys trying to ruin everything with their edgemaster ideolofgy.
Nihilism is a poor excuse for lacking empathy and pooping on everyone's party.

pig enabler

first in line on eve of the gallows

Guess what I did before even asking, and guess what I found. I also tried with rape and with school uniform.

The art look very familiar, though. My first guesses were saitom and Tony Taka, but those seem to be wrong.

If you have any more hints or even a solution, please help me.

All this bill does is push that "experimenting youth" culture. I think the popular slope many believe in is a fake one.

Second pic related.

As a nihilist I can asure you: I don't give a shit about your party. I ain't gonna shit on it either.
Don't know what you mean by nihilism or what "nihilistic" people you've dealt but for me it's nothing about bothering other people.

Nihilistic Paedophiles?