You can only post in this thread if you are toasty and warm in your bed.
Bed thread
I am comfy as fuck, how about you anons?
Wish i had some of that
Pretty comfy with 80s tmnt cartoon marathon playing.
Pizza incoming
the smell of the rain make me happy
In bed but not comfy. Feeling sick today.
I'm toasty and warm in my computer chair underneath my bed. Does that count?
A chair can fit underneath your bed?
Some sort of bunk daddy long beds?
That must be a big bed.
What kind of bed? A loft?
For you!
Yeah, it's a loft bed. It's a nice way to make the most out of a smaller room.
Yeah, I've got one too. It's top/comfy/ under there
I'm pretty comfy in bed now because my school turned the heat on after a few sub-freezing nights.
Where is it cold? Here it is hot.
Vermont, it was warmer today but touched below freezing twice this weekend.
What is comfier, putting someone to bed or being put to bed?
tfw: you are a fucking pleb in the metal
you can do both by doing it alone
mah nigga
Where are you in Vermont user?
You too
Yet another day spent shitposting from the comfort of my bed
I won't give any exact details, but kinda central, so within reasonable driving distance of most of our cities and larger towns.
Two down comforters, Holla Forumsitches
i feel the warmest in my bed when im watching people suffer in the other side of the world with gore and shit.
feels comfy mate
Are you being scratched by feathers poking through the cloth?
I want to be toasty and warm in bed with Rem.
The remix of the ost of line is gold
never heard of her
How do we solve the energy crisis in the world?
Some form of combustion would be my best bet, although I'm not exactly sure what fuel source would be best at the moment.
Any ideas?
Well, Uranium is supposed to run out in about 150 years.
Perhaps we should first start considering making our nuclear facilities more useful. I hear their utilization factor is only at 33% at average. (77% of the energy from the uranium never becomes electricity).
Second, we should probably start rethinking the waste, I'm starting to imagine that maybe we should dump all our radioactive material on the moon. Alot of energy is wasted on the handling of the waste.
Third, I'm open to suggestions of new technology. I hear that cars in the future could have their own mini nuclear reactor, perhaps this should be experimented with too.
We should have a proper "How to solve the global energy crisis problem"-thread on Holla Forums.
For laughs, right?
Reporting in.
Perhaps Holla Forums would surprise us, I don't know..