Femanon registration thread: Take 2

Let's try this again. Last one got wiped out by Barth.

1. Post tits w/timestamp
2. Pick a name and tripcode
3. Attentionwhore and femsplain forever
4. Attain loyal beta orbiter PA and defense force

It only takes a moment of bravery for an eternal shitposting license!


im tired

Why tired?


That's not 14. Also no timestamp, nakedness and you didn't pick a name or trip.

Why would any femanon want this?

So if they ever slipped up and mentioned they were a girl, they could break out a screencap and their trip when presented with "TITS or GTFO." I've seen it happen when they abandon thread by a simple slip up in their phrasing and not even to attention whore in the slightest.

tits or gtfo

Not a gril.

Imma hot grill

That's kind of ridiculous. If a girl's sex isn't being used to make a point or attention whore and she just happens to use a female pronoun by accident, there's no reason to demand tits. Anyone who does is an ultra-omega fucktard.

Make me a whopper.

I know but it still happens.

Eat up bby


Thanks for deradicalizing me.

You don't have to be alt right to be an abbrasive autistic faggot every time you sense a girl in the room. But it helps.

Thanks for correcting my record.

Hillary would never endorse young women posting tits or attention whoring.



Hillary Clinton would whore out every little girl in America to African niggers with full-blown AIDS if it meant being guaranteed the presidency. She's a monster made of pure ambition.

Unfortunately, she's still more suited to be president than Trump. How's that for a fucked-up choice this November?

I hear that a lot but have no idea what it means.

April 16th, 7 years ago. The last time a real woman visited Holla Forums.

There was one yesterday and the day before!

Why use that pic then?

You are skinny, but you still have fat flabs

I didn't save the others. I tried to get one to come over and register but she said no.

This won't work OP. You need better bait. Or maybe some dignity

gas yourself kike


I'm not a kike


No one showed up. Why am I not surprised?

We're all masculines here user


Put an egg in your ass please.

Omlet is a twink.

Put on the skirt.

bost ass

Ill do whatever dubs commands, no egg in ass tonight tho.

Almost did it right you faggot

Lick your nipple

Magically make an actual femanon appear and show tits.

KYS faggot

Wear the skirt. You are Holla Forums camslut now.


Good news, degenerates.

Go back to halfchan, faggot

I don't have any fucking skirts
I guess I could try and make one from a towel but…

Go shopping at Walmart and get something cheap. We'll wait.

Yeah do what said.

Make sure it's plaid.

I don't live in the US, and everywhere is closed.

That's not a skirt in itself but it will have to do

It's too close a shot! Zoom out!

Show us your booty!

Ill agree its a shit angle, hol up

Best mod evar

Europe? Details :3

That is actually pretty hot.

On vacation in ireland atm

Sweet ass!

unf, why are you so smooth?

Friday nights best nights.

Bad camera

I'll pump your butt regardless

I never thought I'd see literal faggots on Holla Forums.

I don't like it.

Nice ass

There's been trap threads (amongst other things) on Holla Forums since the beginning. You must be new here.

no u

Omlet please die in a fire

sharpie in pooper plz

Instead of derailing this thread further ill make a new one in a few hours, wait until then to see/request more degenerate shit.


OP here. There's no way any actual femanons will show up. While we wait from Omlet's camwhoring thread feel free to derail this thread into depths of faggotry never before seen on Holla Forums.


I want to see your bare twink ass.

RIP Paulie, the ulitmate buggerer buryer. I need to rewatch the sopranos

Oh so ironic, coming from a moe poster

Omlet is the only reasonable volenteer on Holla Forums, the others hand out permabans like candy for nothing or trivial infractions.

moer tits?

why are you people so fucking gay all the fucking time?

Lucky sevens gets to hear the truth: you've been surrounded by homosexuals all these years, closeted or not. Sorry fam.

Kill yourself.

Thanks for re-radicalizing me.

meant to quote :^)

Kill yourself.

jesus christ seriously kill yourself.

Stormfag detected.





Thanks for re-radicalizing that other guy.

Ok, and? How is this in any capacity an insult? You see, calling sjws out as such on this site is a valid argument because they know that they aren't supposed to be here. Calling out Holla Forums users isn't because we ARE supposed to be here, this is our home. you are in the minority.

Vagina proof required.

Do an extreme closeup so we can check for mangina surgery. Can never be too careful.

It's just fun to do. I don't mind Holla Forumstards as long as they are able to laugh a bit at themselves for the "tard" part. And they usually do :^)

Sure, Holla Forums can get /fringe/-tier retarded at times. I think most of us acknowledge that.

Holla Forums did something wrong.

Omlet best girl

Now with the audio vid version if you need it.

This is wrong though

What's your counter argument spergy white knight?

That is not what happened. She slipped up telling a story. In fact the thread went on for about 15-20 more replies as it sailed over everyone else's head as well. It was the thirsty beta that called out for tits, as proof, and took a few posts more posts for others to catch on. And she fucked off, but not before the faggot rulecu- ck user had killed a decent thread.

If she had "accidentally" slipped up for attention instead of an honest screw up you really had to look hard at to find, then I agree. But that's not what happened.

How do you know faggot? Women are more desperate for attention than you realize. 3DPDs literally just have to flaunt the fact that they are a proud wymym that deserves free attention all the time. If you don't realize this you are delusional. Also it's seriously starting to smell like a case of pic related with you

Because no one noticed. In this case the rule was misapplied and it was thirst and deep scrutiny that exposed her, killing the thread. She said no and fucked offf immediately but am epic spergfest ensued for damn near 70 more replies afterwards.

It was the anons' desperation for attention from girls that was the problem in this case. A thirst so arrid it sucked the whole thread dry. In 9/10 cases you are right, but in this case it backfired. And that is 100% on that user.

Okay, I wasn't in this thread so in all fairness I can't really argue against you. You may be right, but tits or gtfo is otherwise a pretty solid rule.

I agree.

Any respect that I had for this fag of a moderator is now officially expired.

Omlet is best grill in this thread


This is why I still come here.