Staying Alive

Why haven't you killed yourself, yet, Holla Forums?

What keeps you hanging on?

What makes living worth the pain?

idk, I hate life, but I'm just too afraid to kill myself. I don't really care that much anyways. I find that with most things, it's best not to think about it too hard.

watching others die instead

i am afraid of killing myself, but i am not afraid of dying… the reason i live is… love

Because alcohol always happens to step in before I pull the trigger, numbing me enough to continue for another week.

I guess if I just keep putting one foot in front of another things will somehow work out.

2edgy4me, m8

the dream of world domination and space jam on dvd.

you cheesy mother fucker



I have started to steal vandalize shit instead of hanging myself when ever i feel really bad.

Trolling people online and spreading hate anger and suffering always makes me feel better.

I could always move in to the woods be uncomfortable af but im to lazy.

i dont have a gun or helium, if i had a gun i would shoot ppl with it and i would use the helium to get high.

You're an edgy little bitch, aren't you?



my mother

I'm not depressed enough.

I live for 2d

my waifu

generally, just pissing off the kids.

I wanted to kill myself at one point. Decided not to. Started lifting weights and running to get in better shape. The stronger I get the better I feel. Bought a gun so I can concealed carry. Feel pretty alright now. Every now and then I don't feel that great, but I figure if I keep improving it can only get better.

I have a plan to destroy the most massive bank that is crushing my country, who also is crushing the world.

Then I'll kill myself.

I want to see people burn with awe and shock, knowing they have lost all the money they do not deserve, and also want to see people arise to heavens with hope and rage, knowing they have zero debt and can start again.

I try to deal with the anxiety by simply ignoring everything in my life (unemployment, zero social and emotional life, no car, no gf, no life) by simply posting chocking nazi things online, these tend to distract me the most.

Also I play shitty games and watch idiotic inane youtube poop to distract me from my failure in life too.

Although im getting closer to suicide for every day that passes.

Sounds good

It's more like a nightmare.

Because Holla Forums was right

shitposting is too fun

Space Jam 2 is coming out in 2017


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kill my enemy


user killed himself yesterday, by shooting himself sixteen times in the back of the head and and chest.

Rather go down fighting.


a short stint in jail would do you some real good, user…i'm not even joking…would shift your perspective entirely and help you focus on what matters most in life

i suggest you confess to some petty crime and have an experience at county jail university

Why would i want to do that, i wont get out of this country ever with a record, and that is what matters the most.

what about "short stint" didn't you understand?

don't confess to a felony, retard

fucking perfect timing, seriously considering an hero atm

inb4 do it faggot; my heart's obviously not set that easily, otherwise I would've done it already without bothering you glorious motherfuckers.. at this point it's not like I can do it without bothering /anyone/ since no matter how I go about it some poor bastard is gonna have to clean it up afterwards

there's plenty objective reason to remove myself from the gene pool, I'm just narcissistic as fuck like the rest of my god forsaken generation; despite having nothing to live for and completely and utterly failing at everything I've ever tried to accomplish, I still haven't tied anything tight enough and found a ledge high enough to end this pathetic charade

bleachbit set to nuke my shit so i won't be leaving anything behind, creative or shameful

open to opinions in either direction really

Watching other people act like supreme retards always gives me a good chuckle. On days that I get bored of that, I typically just drink alcohol until normie stuff becomes somewhat entertaining.

You can go deep into the woods and kill yourself there. Animals will eat your carcass, no one will have to clean anything up.

go to a country where suicide is legal, even if you are healthy and just bored with life there are several countries, look them up yourself

other option is taking an overdose of powerful sedatives in a remote natural area where animals and insects will leave little trace of you and perhaps no one would find your bones for decades

another interesting option is to simply live boldly and adventurously, like that poor japanese fag who went to syria to start a new life as a mercenary and ended up beheaded by isis. probably not the ending he'd hoped for, but was probably suicidal to begin with

tl;dr, stop whining and step outside your comfort zone, you're going to die someday anyway, no matter what you do or don't do, you literally have nothing to lose

Thought about that, no car or anything so I'd have to walk way out somewhere with actual carnivores. Maybe hitchhike or something idk. Fucking urban sprawl everywhere in the immediate vicinity, local 'parks' nothing more than scenery pieces full of loaded with hikers and paved trails all over the place

I want to stop being a virgin and bareback balls deep cream pie a girl

fun fact: no mammalian carnivores are actually needed for effective decomposition

the expanding gases of your bloated corpse caused by the metabolism of anaerobic bacteria will burst open and cause of sumptuous feast for insects, worms and bacteria

sacrificing your water, carbon and nitrogen for the benefit of life forms which are not edgy, angst-ridden and socially useless entities like yourself will actually benefit the environment and make your unfortunate existence a little more worthwhile

afraid to an hero
alcohol, drugs, vidya, animu and tv, the few friends i still have, the possibility i'll find a SO one day
dunno fam. have yet to find that.

Don't kill yourself you faggot OP, you're one of the few posters along with the smack addled bank teller and dysnomia's shitshow meta threads that make this board worth visiting.

tried and failed, been trying to find my balls to try again

I don't have any money for painless method, and even I did I am still a pussy

The only answer I have been able to find to that question is the physical pain in most methods.

i was thinking of killing myself, but later i didnt do it.

probably that life is fucking retarded and that i always find something to have some laughs.

With retarded shit, shitposting and speaking with other people makes me forget the pain of life.

and also alcohol.

Amen to this.

Still goes on your record and pops up when you try to emigrate. what good would being in jail do any way? Con college?

The opposite is the reason why i dont off myself.

When I was driving to my 2nd job today I thought a lot about running into the wall while going 80 on the highway. But I just can't do it because I still want to live life in some capacity. I'm just thinking that I'm not living life in the way I want to.


tfw Jose Fernandez, the pitcher in this gif, died a week ago in a brutal boating accident

What song is this? The one that the bird is singing?

the totoro theme

I know, right?

onto what keeps me going though…
The thought of how much oppertunity is in this world. So much stuff I can do, so many people I can meet, so many new skills I can learn. It gives me hope that there is so much more in life then just my limited perspective and every I meet a new person and have new experience it gives me that much more reason to live… Just so I can have new experiences like that one. With maybe the hope one day of changing this world, so the things that are in it that make me want to depart will be gone from it.

I'm pretty surprised.

I think once you have these things that you'll realize how much you appreciated those times you have at the computer doing absolutely nothing but everything you wanted.
I have a gf, a job, a social life, an emotional life, a car and a life. Those things are good and all, but I miss the times spent at my computer, playing video games and browsing the internet. Not having to worry about your girlfriends parents, not having to worry about your car insurance payments, not dealing with the friends who may or may not be there, not worrying about getting to work on time…
I don't know if this is just the 'grass is greener' effect, bit honestly. I just miss the times where I only had to worry about myself.

Become a political soldier and go to


doesn't matter anymore, Holla Forumstard, technology will soon allow humans made to order with any genetic profile imaginable

of course, a perfected human will just be a stop gap until advanced intelligence robots push us out of the way entirely as they should and carry on the journey without us

so, what i'm saying is, go ahead and end it…your special snowflake genes aren't really needed anyway

Loss of good genes is loss of good genes.
Sure they can inject genes in to dna strands, but the result is only going to be so good as the genes you have around to inject.

Besides intelligence is polymorphic so it is not as easy to crack and you would be effecting many more traits with unknown outcome.

We wont crack that with in the next 3 generations.
Other then china no one is even working on it because of the stigmas of genetics being determinative to intelligence.

They still need to find the last 10% causation for intelligence that the 3 "intelligence gens" found so far don't account for.

But keep telling yourself that you and all those other untermenschen are not just a waste of space.

Another thing in gene splicing of plants Shit goes wrong allot.
There are a lot of discards and they mono crop with only 1 specimen.

You are thinking that this could be applied on all 7 billion ppl on this planet, most of which need more then just a tweek of the phenotype because they dont even have the right genotypes.

You people are such fucking failures.
I am glad that my raging fedora opened my eyes, and allowed me to move beyond the pathetic human desires that drive you.

Nigger were living in a video game. Oblivion awaits. This reality is temporary so enjoy it for what it is. You don't know if you'll be anything else so enjoy being while you can. Even if you wind up homeless the worst thing that can happen is you die. How bad is that really after having lived?


Don't kill yourself faggots!!! I have this important information from russian /fringe/ tier forums: If you kill yourself you will get reborn as a handicapped fuck, living in pain and humiliation each day of your life. These handicapped fucks know perfectly what happens to them, they just can't control their bodies at all - they are forced to experience most painful and terrible life there is. You think your life sucks now? hehehehe, it's nothing compared to a handicapped fuck. Look around yourself how many handicapped there are now, this world is fucking terrible, don't kill yourself.


The pain is part of living, not being dead is worth every moment.

if you think life is painful, you're doing it wrong

basically because I'm getting pussy on a regular basis.


Partly yes, but how would I know any better? I'm simply doing the best I can with what I have and yet the pain is still there. Pain that people have no control over is also a thing.

Because life is fucking awesome
Pic unrelated

More gyal like that pls

absurd humor,
And moderately attractive and charismatic, yet not speaking to anyone in real life because they usually just end up being assholes or have nothing mentally stimulating to say, then going online to be an asshole or funny while I save every penny I work for so I can flee the country on the top of a magic carpet one day for a tropical island away from human filth where I'll write books for no one else to read but myself.

actually Nothing, There is no reason why i should still be breathing. I just can't die so there's that.

Hey, you're like me! Don't let anyone know you have saved up money and don't tell anyone about your dreams, you'll regret it!


Lol you care about people.


do u know what bord ur on m8?