Tfw installing new desktop and have to use shitty laptop
that's not tits
post random images i guess… at least enterain me
this laptop has nothing but firefox on it.
AAAAAnd flood detection hates me.
Don't worry guys, my armpits smelled like dick already kek
give me one fucking reason why did you install winshit except for games?
Sauce on first image plz.
thanks for the memes boys.
installing windows 7 on skylake is a pain in the dick but I think I found a proper method.
Amagi Brilliant Park probably
Amagi Brilliant Park
OP here.
that's actually my only reason
every other computer runs gnu/lincks
okay I managed to inject some usb 3 drivers using dism
installing now. :^)
How do I start using GNU/Linux?
thx bae
This is a really bad introduction. I'm familiar with it because I have a programming background, but for anyone who's not already interested this is a failure of an introduction.
windongs is installed.
time to fuck it up.
my computer is the more shitty in this board
1. is a notebook
2. the wordpad is not working because i cleaned whit glass cleaner
3. the volume is low when I press the space bar
4. the audio of the videos is desynchronized
5. i cant play gta iv
6. is very slow
7. its locks sometimes
I know it was the first search result.
ITT: Windows fags
Almost done! Just a few more programs and system configurations left.
I don't have that retarded cooling shit in the back though
Why would you give a noobie Arch, which is a pain in the dick for even seasoned linux users?
did you remember to save your dotfiles?
Arch is ez-pz for a seasoned Linux user.
It's not even that hard for a noob, assuming said noob has common hardware and can read directions, but I wouldn't recommend it for a noob.
It's just a pile of broken shit with its unstable upgrade system.
Some would say its the best way to learn
it's done!
But… but… what about muh bleedn edje?
Seriously though Arch is for trendy wannabes. A so called "seasoned user" would use something stable like Slackware or Debian for a personal desktop. Even better, use a BSD.
OP here. Debian is master race.
I dream of the day I can run all my games on it natively.
it cracks some nasty trips too!
Good choice, xir.
Haha some of these sited incidents… like the Neil Tyson one in March 2016… are hilarious. Makes me sad at the same time.
why is it whenever i see some else's specs they're always missing a DVD drive
updated speccy, so now it reads it correctly.
I actually have a DVD drive to go along with this computer. I'm waiting on my new case to arrive, right now it's just thrown together in my old case. I wanted to get the OS installed before tomorrow.
Current case only has room for a laptop DVD drive.