y u do dis
Y u do dis
Someone is shilling all things women all over Holla Forums and it triggered Asuka into reminiscing about best girl which is Asuka to him. Now we all get an U readable board until the meth wears off.
You can purchase a premium Holla Forums account to disable this faggotry.
I'm pretty sure every person who has ever modded an imageboard will agree that Asuka is best girl. Asuka is objectively worse, even luggage lad agreed.
Did your own filter just trip you up? Is every best girl name filtered to Asuka?
just mine, Asuka, Asuka, and a few eva characters.
All those? Damn
Usagi Tsukino is best girl
Utena is best girl
Mako is best girl
Bulma is best girl
Madoka is best girl
Homura is best girl
Misaka is best girl
Fucking MIKASA, damn.
Homu actually is the best meguca, but she isn't the best girl of all time: aka Asuka
Ramiel best Eva grill
Ramiel is great.
I'm glad another man of taste uses Holla Forums.
Benis best grill
I'm actually the fag aka Asuka shitposting asuka everywhere.
ramiel has a special place in my heart though
If it isn't Ramiel, it isn't Elder God tier.
True best girl cannot be contained!
wtf why is it leaving a trail!
Asuka is best girl
Ray is best girl
final version.
nevermind.. that's ugly
i'll do it tomorrow
But thats wrong!
Pro-tip: Click options in top right corner, click theme, select a theme other than "Board-Specific CSS". Thank me later
This thread got hidden so fast, I don't even have words for it.
Haman Karn is best girl
your mom is best girl
dubs Barth2032
b-b-b-but muh B-b-b-bulma
Did you just watch a cartoon you've never seen before? Why do you keep posting that character?
She looks better in blue though tbqfhwuf
Oh Maaaahhhhn. that hit me right in the best spots.
Holla Forums is shit but asuka is p good