Why aren't you married yet user?

The people who post here are older than you think. Some even claim they are married. But I bet most are not. If you're old enough for it to be applicable, why have you not yet wed? And do you plan on ever doing so?

Other urls found in this thread:


I was going to ask your mom but she came with too much baggage i.e. you

I really want to. Have proposed but been rejected three times. I want to be sure of better chances for the next girl to say yes before trying again. It has to be one of the most intense forms of rejection you can experience.

Because I can't find the perfect girl (for me)

Who would that be?

how the fuck should I know? I can't find the cunt

she probably stays inside playing vidya all day

Get her gamer tag and start flirting.

nigger are you kidding me? do I look like some kind of casual?

Do you want your wife or not? You gotta make this happen! I will not rest until every user is happily married.

I can't just hit up any girl that plays a game.

I need to find the perfect one first!
>getting married

I've been engaged twice. Both cheated on me.

Marriage holds no appeal for men these days. You've seen all those studies about men "checking out" of society. The more society is geared to cater to women, the less appeal it holds for men.

They get half the time for committing the same crimes, they're favored in every court case, they initiate most divorces, are less loyal, and they'll take all your stuff, custody of the kids, and continue to drain you of money. They'll expect you to work to facilitate their lifestyle while they take over your house and relegate you to one room, a "mancave". On top of all this, the women themselves are much lower quality. They're actively trying to be men while tearing men down, and being promiscuous. Every girl who wants to settle down has the same story, they used to date (read: suck off) jerks, but now they want to settle down (read: settle for) a nice guy. Why should nice guys settle for used goods?

My last ex left me a shambling wreck of a man, and I had to redesign myself. I was so smitten with her and felt no girl could ever turn me on as much that my already high standards exploded through the roof, and women were all over me. I was dating three girls at a time to get the same enjoyment and it hit me, wait a minute, why do I care about commitment if they're never going to be loyal to me?

thanks for giving me some hope. there is a cute girl I know but she's engaged


I've got my eye on you. I won't give up. You need a proper wife, you're getting too old to still be fooling around on silly forums.

I know.. but I work here, so… :^)

i would rather shoot myself in the balls.
i'm almost 30 ans still smashing PTP.

i hate kids and i find women useless (beside sex) i have no reason to get married.

if i find the elusive virgin +8/10 qt wife material with +130 iq i would definetly consider reproduction and probably marriage.

Use your petty internet power to scoop up so poor robot girl and rock her into non incel status. Then wife her good,

Thanks for deradicalizing me.

I'll save as many as I can.



Men need wives.

So? Why are you here?


if any girl is submissive enough to be infatuated by someones e-peen she isn't the girl for me

i prefer them a little hot blooded.

There are no suitable women to become wives in western society.

I don't want to, because it scares me. I have social anxiety, and think badly of everyone around me.

Don't get me wAsukag, I can be social and even fun. People will listen to me and make feedbacks.

But I tend to make people go away. I don't know why. I've always felt more comfortable when alone.

I "have" a girlfriend, but we are separated now. We had a particular issue, and she left. Didn't talk in 2 weeks, and yesterday she called me. I think she is trying to manipulate me about her reasons, and I just cannot take away that thought. I don't want to be manipulated. I preffer it to end.

One month ago -or so- before the issue happened, I was seriously considering proposing. But now, I "got back to reality". I think I'm destinated to be alone, because I don't function properly with other people. She was "the one", is the first time I felt that, but it's not enough.

And now I think it's all gone. She'll call me in a few days and just tell me, it's over. And eventually I'll find another girlfriend and start all over again - like was in the past - with the exception the new girl wont be "that one".

I really wonder. Why is that? Why must I push away everyone around me? Why am I so paranoic that think everyone actually avoids my presence because I am weird and have asperger-ish behaviour? I know it's not real, people are just living their lives. Is it a form of egocentrism? Or just a symptomp? Can I actually share my whole life with this girl I love or will ever be victim of my own thoughts and fears, to the point I will reppel everyone around me because my own insecurities?

What the fuck to do?

Fuck, sorry guys for the long post, was just ventilating I guess. Just ignore it.

don't even worry about it. this board could use more discussion like this.

Well, thanks. I think what I mean is, I don't want to talk about me. I wan't to know if there is other people who feel the same way, share the same issues and consequences, and how they managed to go through it and be actually happy.

Thanks for deradicalizing me.

I think everyone feels the same, whether they know it or not.

normies are just absorbed in materialism and don't notice it.

the more intelligent dwell on it, perhaps too much.

Sorry, I don't understand that, my english skills are poor.

That raises a question. Is a consequence of being intelligent, or of being self-centered? Yes, smart people tends to over-think normal stuff, make them complex, and feel uncomfortable. But there are smart people out there, with "happy" lifes, people who can relate to others and enjoy that experience. And they also over-complex stuff, but not socially related. But some, just cannot.

1. College
2. I'm gay and my dating pool consists of people who think they're gay but really just rebel against "muh society" and sociopaths with high standards
3. Live with mother, no job
4. Too emotionally unstable to trust myself with a relationship with other people

it's way to complex to say for any specific individual, each has his own set of cause & effect.

me for example: my mom left my life a long time ago and I was raised mostly by my dad and grandmother, i moved a lot so I never really made any long term friends until I was about 11. i spent a lot of time being introverted, playing games and watching anime. i've always been on the intuitively intelligent side of things, even as a kid i was really clever.

i was always kind of odd, i preferred being alone despite having a fe friends. i managed to get by and i was doing alright in highschool until I had some girl troubles and I lost most of my friends

i stayed indoors a lot after this, which only fueled my anime watching and vidya playing time, plus there was the internet, my personal favorite material thing that exists, and the fact that I found imageboards at a young age.

Do you think this is permanent? Will you stay in this unstable part of your behaviour for good? Or you think/hope this will change, and have a till-dead-takes-apart compromise with another human being that you love?


If you allow me to ask, how old are you?

Also, and being the point of this thread "marriage", what girl troubles? How many? And how profoundly affected you?

It's clear your comfort zone is vidya and anime, but you've actually made your way out of it, even for an instant. What made you stay? What are you holding? What are you afraid of?

I don't believe that anything lasts forever or should act like it lasts forever. For all I know, I'm just not as much of a people person as I want to be. No matter how hard I try to be remembered, I'm going to live and die like every other person on earth: alone, empty, soon to be forgotten.

Have you ever thought about how long it'd be before your name faded into entropy? Sure, names from long ago bounce out of people's mouths, but consider how many people have died since the death of any particular famous historic figure and today. Think of how many people are forgotten out of that group. Now consider how many of the unforgotten are going to remain like that.

My point: marriage is empty because it pretends to last forever but doesn't, just like people's memories and names after death.

I'm 22 years old.

Just one girl. We got in a fight and of course all her friends (who were also my friends) kind of hated me for it.
I used to be active and sociable, despite secretly being a weird guy. :^)

I don't really want to go anywhere or meet anybody, just stay at home and play vidya, preferably with a qt that wants to do the same.

don't get me wrong, I don't use vidya and anime as a comfort zone, I've always liked the media, I just spend a lot more time with it since I don't really have a lot of friends that don't do the same thing…
i don't like being alone, but choosing to be alone is easier than getting close and then being alone from someone you're close to.

You are right in so many ways. But I wan't this questions to go to your core, not to the social-build-up we have mentally and behaviouraly formed.

Imagine, in an hypothetical scenario, that marriage is a vessel for happiness. Meaning, you must marry for being happy. Also, imagine your universe is limited to you, and all those names who got forgotten, will end with you, because with your end, everything will end.

In this scenario, where it doesn't matter that you'll die alone, or marriage is pretend, or any other social construct, you must think of yourself. Why are the reasons you are more comfortable alone? What are you afraid of? Do you think that you may be the cause of your own loneliness, because of something you feel but can't explain?

cartoons aren't real yet and sexbots with AI aren't a thing yet, so that way I am not married.

I think I get it. So media is a thing for you, a tendency, call it a hobby if you want. You have passion for it and is not your failure-couch.

I feel you had one bad moment. I think a girl got you out of your 'system', and made you good, and feel good. But the friends and the rest of the happiness related died with that problem, and with her going away.

In my humble opinion, this will give you a lot of experience. Specially considering how much episodes so trascendent like this will keep comming to you. I feel the next time you will get more of it. You'll feel better, and will adquire skills that consolidate being social and being a loner, having a hobby thats important because its cool but also tells something about you.

Don't worry about the feels. They pass in some way, and get harned in others. They make you grow.

And you said it yourself: "imagine." All of the crap you just said is presumptuous of that one condition, that you must marry to be happy, is true.

Here's an idea: You can never be happy. The human body is made to not be happy. If you are satisfied you become bored and therefore dissatisfied and therefore unhappy. If you are not satisfied then you are dissatisfied and therefore unhappy.

There are no solutions. I don't care about happiness; I just like having my kind of fun.


I never claimed to be lonely, so don't presume that of me. I am more comfortable among other people, but not tethered to another person for all of eternity.

tl;dr your questions are presumptuous conjecture at best. Apply realistic logic and don't assume that I'm a ronery little shit just because I'm on a chan site.

*that you must marry to be happy, to be true.

thanks. also, vidya and anime aren't my only hobbies, i'm quite a hobbyist with a variety of things i enjoy doing.

honestly, my real problem is actually finding a girl. the kind of girls I like are usually quiet neet shut-ins. they weren't hard to find when I was in school, but without a place for them to congregate it's rare that I ever find one.

Oh, I am really sorry, my purpose was not to presume things about you. I just wanted to direct my questions to you.

It's true, an option is that happiness is unreal. That we are just some hormones passing, or that everything is cycling.

I don't think you are a loner, by the way, but, are you introverted? I am very introverted, and very social as well. And other people who are really extroverted can have a real social anxiety.

I guess my point was that, I wan't to understand the reasons for people. The reasons to reject certain stuff, or to keep them to themselves. In this case, your reason. I wan't to know the core of your emotional unstability, like your said in your first post. I wan't to know the real reasons of why you can't trust yourself in a relationship. Besides material stuff, besides this world, besides being in college or being gay.

Why would I want to get married? I like being alone, I also like not being a slave.

This. Women initiate 65-70% of divorces, because the system incentivizes them to do so.

Got a nice house, kids, spending money, and a car, but you're tired of fucking your husband? He's getting pushy, asking for sex more than once every two weeks? Divorce him!

For cause? Is he an alcoholic, an abuser, negligent, an adulterer, etc? Nope, not necessary with no-fault divorce. In many states, he'll have to pay your legal fees, too, so get the best lawyer he can afford!

You'll probably get the house, the car, you'll definitely get child support, probably alimony, at least shared custody if not majority or full custody, and now you don't have to fuck him anymore. What a deal!

Marriage in the US and other western countries makes no sense for men anymore. She can leave and take your children, your money, and your dignity on a whim. By "leave", I of course mean kick you out of your own house. She usually stays, you get a shitty apartment because you can't afford anything else. You raise your voice when she tells you to get the fuck out of your own house? She's recording it, or she's got a friend over, or she's already called 911. You're getting at least a temporary restraining order, buddy.

And so forth. The only way to win the game is not to play.

A year ago I was dating a girl who I really thought I might end up marrying. This was the best relationship I'd ever had – most honest, best connection, some of the best sex, best compatibility.

And then it fell apart. She was an alcoholic, and she relapsed. Then her mom got cancer. As she went into rehab, and her mom got worse, she pulled away. She started ignoring my calls and letters. Eventually I pinned her down and asked her what was going on. All she could say was that she couldn't be in a relationship anymore.

I know A.A. strongly encourages people to stay single during their first year of sobriety, and that was a factor. I also understood that she had to make her mom her top priority. I told her I got that. But she had no more room for me in her life except as a friend. And I wasn't going to go from boyfriend to friend. I know how that works.

So we broke up. And that was the best I ever had, the only woman I could realistically imagine getting married to. I'm 35 years old. Between inheritance, investments, and work, I'm financially secure. I'm decent looking. I can make conversation. But I'm introverted, isolated, and not very outgoing. I don't think I'm going to do better than her. I'll probably never marry.

Oh I don't know if I can help you with that, I've had a few relations, long but not much, and all of them just "happened", was not actually looking.

I used to go a lot of anime conventions but never meet a girl there. You'll have to mix game and nerd. Or just wait. I'd wait.

I can't trust myself in a relationship because if something relatively small happens, I fly off the handle and overreact. I would never attack someone unless attacked first of course, but sometimes I fear that I'd end up stooping to that point for one reason or another. I'm only 18; not mature enough for something like a lover's trust.

I have a waifu you fucking normalfag
maybe when AI becomes a thing

Why overreact? Examples?

I can wait. I'm a patient.

Fine. I fight and argue with people a lot. I'm generally regarded as unlikable because of how argumentative and aggressive I become whenever I sharply disagree with someone. Even if that person is family or someone I care about a lot, I'll stop whatever the fuck I'm doing to tell them that they're wrong and the reason why, and if they don't agree with my sound, empirical reasoning they can suck my dick.

Someday all men put aside the waifu as a childish thing and pick up the 3DPD. It's just the way of life. It is a necessity evil.


pussy is overrated m8 kys fam

not for individual men

Time will prove me right.

For the vast majority.

I'd like to have some reasons as to why it would so that I know that you're not basically bullshitting a future-tense boolean "yes it will" answer

Trust me, I believe you, the way you post tell us. But not saying it in a bad way, I actually like that kinds of display.

So you think you are almost always right? And everyone is, as consequence, wrong? Also, do you think you are intellectually narcissistic?

Hey, this are questions. I'm not asuming any shit.



I fell in love with a married woman as a teenager. She was committed by her husband with her families help.
Came out and had decided and/or been brainwashed to not want any more romantic involvement with me.
Spent a few years as distant friends, pining over her.
She died.

I expect no one else will ever be worth marrying to me unless we're both agreed that it's just for economic benefit, and unrelated to our relationship.

no, 3DPD is not. marry 3DPD isn't even necessary for producing offspring anymore, and one day they won't even be necessary for producing offspring at all.

Loyalty. That is the only thing that prevents me from seeking out a relationship. It's like the meaning of loyalty has been struck from our vocabulary today. Everyone is always prepared to jump at any chance they get for something supposedly better than what they have. This is not that much of a problem with men, but is rampant with women. They lie, manipulate, test, and drain, and once they find something else that they think will give them more than what they have, such as sex, money, status, etc. etc. They literally will do anything for it, even down right dishonoring things like sucking some dudes dick they met yesterday with full knowledge that they are destroying everything, but just don't care. How could you ever love something like that, nor expect true loyalty and love back? The more and more i think about it when the subject comes up, the more it dissuades me from seeking anything out.

Its fucking awful, and it's better just to find something that gets you through life, like video games, travelling, jobs, hobbies, and things like that. You might feel lonely and sorrowed now because you have noone to have that type of connection with, but its way better than giving everything to someone just to come out broken, terrified, cynical, and depressed.

that sucks…

If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't be telling the rest of you that. The fact that I'm telling you things that aren't nice means that I'm not enhancing the truth.

I don't believe that I'm ALWAYS right. To apply ALWAYS to human tendencies is to apply NEVER to an improbable yet certain event.

I'm mid 30s, married, child, another one on the way.

this guy gets it..

I can't prove a prediction, which is just general folk wisdom. Obviously it's not literally "every man." But you are most likely not as damaged, special, rugged individualist, hopeless case or whatever you are to defy basic human nature and paths of life. Many before and after you will swear up and down that they will never get married only to end up doing so. Chances are most of the people ITT will too.

You shall see my friend.

Congrats. That's wonderful.

It's amazing how inclusive and kind you have been through this thread. Thank you for existing!

yeah maybe if I can find the right kind of girl.

Ok, I can see you are somehow justified to be this way. Not thinking in absolutes is always a wider view that most people cannot use or apply.

I don't want you to think I understand you or any crap like that. The fact remains: We are all islands. But something that worked for me: Act like if you where "humble". Be more observant. Use irony or sarcasm, be more subtle, not violent, nor overreacting. It will be useful eventually. But don't change the way you are, except for feel you need to, of course.

except if you feel you need to*

I hope so. Despite what some people say I think you're a very good guy. And an obvious goofy sweetheart.

You're not supplying anything in favor of your arguments. You're basically telling me "I think you'll get married because the human body is driven to reproduce even though I don't know you at all"

Let me spell it out for you: I don't plan to marry. I don't plan to have children. The most I'd ever plan to have in life is a boyfriend. I plan to graduate with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, go into either software development or IT or something I end up becoming interested in within that discipline (maybe teaching, who knows), and spend the rest of my life doing fuck-all until I eventually die a spontaneous and potentially painful death.

You know the difference between that life and a life where I chose to marry? My free time is spent doing shit that I want rather than shit that someone else wants. People who can't live life the way they want to should just quit living.

Reminds me of the vid on efukt of the girl who got hired as an extra for one of those CFNM "bachelorette party" videos who blew one of the guys and took his load, then started crying afterward. The efukt guy couldn't figure out why at first until he saw…her wedding ring. In the heat of the moment, she wanted to suck a dick, without any regard for the fact that it was all on video, and didn't regret it until she realized that people–presumably including her husband–would find out. IIRC, she was like a 6, too. Think you're safe if you pick an average girl? Nah, she can get as many dicks as she likes. That's just the dynamics of human sexuality.

i want that meme shirt.

I am 19 years old, living with my parent, never had a job, never had a gf, have a waifu, jerk off to things most people don't even know of, have a distaste and distrust for all 3DPD to the point where my dick can't even hard to 3DPD porn, and hate the very idea of having children

I don't want to married, I have no reason to.
Don't really understand why people think males can't reject females.

I agree with most of what you said, but this part depresses me. We are more than that. There is good people out there, including woman, I hope you eventually find that, if you need to.

boi do u know me irl?

what anime is this

Who are you? Are you the hero that we need or the hero that we deserve?

I've never met anyone full stop. I've been pretty much a ghost since I was 11~12. No friends, never had a relationship, nothing. I've just about given up any hope of true happiness and love

What really kills though is that I almost had something. I almost had that typical anime "childhood friends" love story, but in real life.
I don't think I was meant for love. Consequentially, I won't marry.

Have you started visiting


regularly yet, or are you not yet at that point in your marriage?

because "general folk wisdom" is right, I guess.

We'll then it may not apply to you. But it's more than just breeding. There are emotional and psychological drives as well. But you know yourself best. It's no skin off my nose if you don't.

Thats the exact type of stuff I am talking about. Its even more depressing when you find out it is almost natural and instinctual. It makes you sit and wonder not just about relationships, but humans as a whole. If they are capable, willing, and without thought able to do something like that, what does that say about being human? Is it a curse? A pit of constant disappointment and heinous behavior? I don't know man, all i know is that it feels bad, really fucking bad.

OP is no hero. Just your run of the mill faggot. But I'm pleased to see real discussion and deep feels.

pretty sure it has a lot to do with male disposability. Males demonstrate what they have to offer, females pick from the males that demonstrate adequate ability, so a male not caring about being chosen by a female is seen as type of suicide, not to mention the fact that he is seen as a drain, as he isn't producing more then his means demand

Please don't use this hurtful language. You were being so kind up until now. pls no bully, we are here to listen and validate.


This thread is depressing. Stop talking in this thread. Talk about dicks or boobs or something. If I wanted to activate my feelings I'd go watch SU or something.

There has been threads like this in the past, and there will be many more in the future, brother. You can only run from it for so long, the cycle of reality catches up eventually. The only thing we can do is feel the feels together, user.

No, because I can't trust people, especially women. Besides that, I don't really get anything out of the deal besides more work.

Nothing wrong with a feels thread. It can be good to open up. Do you feel like this is something you are pressured to do even though you don't want to? (get married) Or something that just isn't going to happen for you?

Thanks for deradicalizing me.

I can't get married because of mommy

In these times, it's actually getting married that's the radical notion.

Both. Not only did I not want to do it in the first place, but it feels like I'm going to be polarized against marriage simply because my mother's been pressuring me for upwards of eight years to get married. I'm 35 and make about 105k/year as a software engineer. I'm saving up for the sexual revolution where robo-waifu-maids will cater to the whims of the men who waited patiently and peacefully, wishing that the ideal girl or man were real.

No, this isn't shitposting.

So why did the talking make you depressed? Do you feel like you are letting your mom down if you don't give in?

I feel like if I give in that I'm just the same weak-willed brat that started high school 20 years ago, and if I don't then I'll alienate myself from my mother.

so, you're a software engineer, any info on those 'obo-waifu-maids' ?

Because I value my money and sanity. Western women have been completely corrupted by feminism. At this point I'm considering 3 options, from most to least preferable:

I need to get a job that's more than $10k a year…

i don't know what I want to do for a living. I don't like the current "jobs"

I think I understand. Sorry user.

Thanks. It's cool to have someone who understands.

software != hardware
I write code, not AI or blueprints

Not everyone's made to churn out code and edit others' shittily-formatted code for a living. However, you don't need a degree to program. Even just learning it as a hobby will make you plausible, as a good number of graduates applying for software development jobs often fail something as simple as the FizzBuzz test.

I've learned a bit of python, but I don't want to code for a living. I want to do something I actually enjoy being a neet lol and get paid for. The issue is finding something I actually enjoy…

Maybe the future full of robots will enable us to have more creative jobs, if we even need them at that point.


just asking, maybe you've heard something, or whatever. I would imagine someone with a career in tech would be more up to date on shit like this then the normal person

user… what I'm saying is that I enjoy being a neet, so I want a 'job' that enables me to function as one.

is there a way I can get paid for shitposting and making OC?

No, because I've never even had a girlfriend, every girl has rejected me and I've become a cynical bitter asshole that doesn't like 3D anymore.

Marrying is for idiots, faggot.

Marriage requires you to be prepared to deal with the consequences, it's like asking for a court to make sure you are doing your relationship correctly in exchange for a big party. I hate big parties.

Joke's on you, I tried 3DPD first and took a waifu after I was done with that crap.

you seem desperate to become one

Asian women are no better. Feminism isn't political, it's women's natural given political power.

Never ever.

Because the only girl I ever loved left me.

As if I needed another reason to kill this bottle of bourbon, but you gave me one.

Thanks nigger.

Maybe I can get satan trips to improve my night?



My fiancee left me 5 months ago. Her family didn't approve of me despite me being a much better man than her father.

satan trips confirm satan will finish this bottle of bourbon tonight.

I would tell you OP. But I don't respond to datamining threads you know. So , sorry.

This tbh

because he said no
also "get the fuck away from me who are you"

The question isn't "why are you not married", but "why would any man get married?" (in as things currently are in the west)

Smart men don't get married.

Because women are scum not worthy of even life. I'd have to live with a sickly, poisoned, insane feminist mind.
I'd rather stab them all to death. It is the only cure for feminism.

I am not a smart man. I got married.
But I got divorced very cheaply (She paid for it all).

0/10 would not get married again.

cuz its a terrible idea, u stupid fuck

I think it can bring a lot of happiness, but you need to choose carefully and really want to do it.

I will get married when I find myself a good girl .

data show 50% success rate, divorces 5 years after the birth of a child and misery for men

Link to the "misery for men" part. I've heard married men are happier, and that married men are actually happier than married women.

Lies and propaganda!

Seems that it doesn't so much make you happier as much as stop you from becoming less happy:

also men r forced by culture of bitches to marry and be drained before they learn there is any alternative.
So: married get regularly happy, if marriage lasts. Marriage lasts in 50% of cases. It may last for long due to happiness being there in the 1st place, regardless. And men rarely have choice.

NEET is WAY more comfy than marriage.

What if you are married and NEET? That's kind of where I am right now.

Holy SHIT! Call NASA!

u r married?
why did u have to get married? What u gonna do once the bitch notices u r not givin her money, divorces u a taks half of everything ull ever own?

There is absolutely no incentive to marry for a million of reasons - no virgins, ugly, old, defective, crazy, feminist, obsessive, lying, cunt, marriage laws, in-laws, her friends, soul sucking vampire, prostitutes, whores, cheating, divorce, gifts, anniversaries, nagging, anime, hentai, games, hobbies……….

No we're not married but have been together about three years. We live together. I put in towards some of the bills and rent with my NEETbux, she works and pays the rest. She wants to get married someday but knows I am suspicious of it and that it might never happen.

u best not fuckin get married to spite an user on a chan

Lel. Of course not. Just sharing my situation.

Because the state won't legally recognise the union between me and my waifu.

I'm campaigning for 2D marriage rights.

Because I can't find a man that values loyalty as much as I do


D-dick? You post first, sweetie


Nobody wants to see dicks. What is this.

Even women don't want to see dicks. They shit like "Only when it happens to be attached to a guy they like".

Where's tits … who cares what, if anything they're attached to.

so tits?

keeping it real huh ?


I'm not financialy secure right now, and my veiws seem to be quite different from that of the vast majority of people, making me incompatible with 99% of the population (50% because I do not like dudes). From my experience, most people would consider me to be 'old-fashioned', and associate me with the elderly or Muslims & Hindus. Not only that, but I am looking for a virgin to marry. I want to lose mine within marriage.
I'm not religious, but, I was raised around people who were, and I kinda just act like them. I think those who want virgin women, or who just any woman to marry should wait until they are married. I think it might be healthier for everyone, and society.

I'm a little scared of the robo-waifu acceptance, I'm fine with it, but still.
Personally, I'm going for women, or 3d lolis, and I hope I can find a girl or woman to be my helper in this world.

do these people have no self awareness

I'm old fashioned, I don't plan on dating until I'm capable of getting married, and I don't consider myself capable of getting married until I can support a family.

So right now I'm just trying to make money.

Thank all of you for this nice thread. That's what I appreciate most about 8ch

I'm not even 20 and right now. I struggle with myself, life and even finding girl in the first place (kissless virgin)

Guess it'll be very difficult for me to get into a healthy relationship to even consider marrying.
I just want a girl that is loyal, I can take care of and that loves me for the weird being I am.
But I can't see myself even being able to ever afford to support a girl, let alone a family.
Also as mentioned before girls seem to just go for the best chad they can get or abuse of you. So finding a girl that I can take care of without she abusing or leaving me are not very high

TL;DR: kinda old fashioned. Not able to live up to that old fashioned attitude. Want a girl that won't leave me for better or being weird

because my peepee doesn't work properly



Would pills fix it?

a bit but they give me side effects


enjoy your functioning weewee, user


I actually have had problems before, but the pills seem to have jumpstarted me and after just a few times I don't need them now.

Im too awkward for people to enjoy being around for extended periods of time. I would be married if it were my choice.

Was attempting to exterminate white people BEFORE they fight back part of your plan, ahmed?


Because I'm a loner and I've not been with many girls. My one serous relationship ended pretty badly. Still, I would get married if I ever find the right girl, and I'd like to have children. Would have to be 100% sure it was right. Parents went through two bad divorces. It's left me a bit jaded on the idea of marriage.

How would you know if I was already married?

There is, but they're rare as fuck.

I can't find a good woman. I've been single for a number of years now.

Are you a woomin?

Rolling for a quad bike

The faggot girl is gone, user. Sad to say.

Shit, way too early
Holla Forums is dying, confirmed

Oops, 36 hours ago. Even more gone.

Hopefully the sissy cunt is dead…

Rerolling for quad bike


The very few here are aryan, Stacey. And I'm not a moon or cow worshiper.
Without the trend of 'experimenting' or sexual freedom, things like that would not exist or importing bad foreigners., this thread probably wouldn't either, and people would not do homo.

not quite ready to hang myself

Fuck user, I just got out of depression, don't drain me in again

Loyalty is a delusion spread by those with an inferior product.

I'll marry you! Have all my children!

I don't think so beta faggot :)

cuz marriage is a bad idea. 50% success rate, men being coerced into it for lack of knowledge of other options and happy marriages r only among those, who were happy already

Chances are she'd fucked another guy, probably more than one.

My friend's girlfriend recently broke up with him over some stupid shit–he was playing too much vidya or something–they got back together in a week (or two, can't remember) and in that time she fucked two separate guys, one of which was a fucking carnie working at the local carnival.
And he took her back.

Trips of truth.
Society is broken.

Are you black?

You know Holla Forums is cucked when there is a serious discussion about marriage, and OP is genuinely confused as to why men don't get married.

I'm 36 and in a miserable marriage which is about to fall apart. Believe me when I say that every time guys warned me about getting married that I shouldn't have mistakenly brushed it off as a joke.

It's for real. Marriage sucks. It's like you get totally comfortable with another human being and just give up being a better you and you wind up becoming lazy, complacent, fat, bald, whatever. It's like retiring on being a competent person.

Before I got married I was 180lb, full head of hair, sportbike, great job, etc. I literally had life by the balls and I could get pussy all day and night.

Now after 10 years? I'm 260lb, bald, don't have shit, unemployed, sold my sportbike to pay for rent and a plane ticket so her little cunty teen daughter could come live with us and fuck up my life even more than it already was.

It's a nightmare and I wish for a bullet in my brain every morning I wake up. It's like I'm stuck in a groundhog day except it's in hell and I'm not Bill Murray. Fuck my life.

my waifu must have gotten lost in the mail

Sounds like it's your fault, you fat bald bitch.

I'm nearing 30, working two dead-end jobs for peanuts, and am ugly as a motherfucker. I'm getting fatter by the day because my depression has finally led to binge eating, and I have no charisma or sex appeal.

Thanks for bringing it up, OP.

With the shit women are pulling nowadays and how fucking rigged the divorce system is it's like playing a game of Russian Roulette with all six bullets in the gun. You are gonna lose and blow your brains out.

Also a high majority of bitches nowadays are not loyal.


You sound like a GREAT catch, user. Wanna hook up for some serious dribbling?
PS. We know it's you, Jacob.

No Im white. Her parents are miserable people who try to make their children miserable people too.

I'll give an example of their behavior

I should be not-yet-married. She has some kind of emotional disorder (probably borderline), she cheated on me, she has abused me emotionally for years.

I wish I had never met her, never dated her, never slept with her, never moved in with her, never married her. But at every step the pain, humiliation, and inconvenience of leaving has seemed greater than accepting the sunk costs, admitting that I can't get anything that I've lost back from her, and soldiering on.

what's "old enough"? Legal age to be married in my country is 16, what the fuck OP

You must live in the west.


Unless you plan on having kids never get married user.

Social anxiety led me to shitty relationships with gold diggers (I had a good job), then being single and friendless for a long time, then outright paying random college girls for sex off craigslist. I became addicted to the latter for a few years, and then left to travel around the world, where I'm now having short-term girlfriends in every country. Right now with a stunningly hot 19 year old for the week.

At this point I'd love to find the right girl to settle down with, but I haven't found her yet. When I do I'll stop traveling and set up a real life for myself.

Maybe sounds like a bullshit story but it's the truth.

Because I'm not sure what's going to happen in the future.
She's loyal and all but I've never REALLY been into her like my last ex. I've never been gushing about her, she keeps invading my privacy, she can't (read: won't) get along with my friends. She's anxious all the time AND I don't find her the most attractive.
She's not proud, but she's not confident. She's not ugly, but she won't do what is important to help her change (from being overweight). She doesn't have a job, she lives in poverty. But she's kind and I really love her. She's obcessed with me.

You know that one girl that always swooned over you but wasn't that pretty and would do ANYTHING for you? Yeah, she's that girl.
And I'm with her.