Reminder that leddit killed the internet.
Reminder that leddit killed the internet
How so? Reddit is p. good.
How is it good
It's excellence is what makes it good.
what is its excellence that ya speak of
The excellence comes from the fantastic userbase, which creates the great content. That's what makes it p. good tbh.
If it didn't create some kind of content, how did it kill the internet?
Reddit didn't kill the internet… Cellphones did.
Cellphones expanded the internet into more people's hands. It only grew the user base making it better.
You've just answered your own question.
kys normalfag.
Do you even hear yourself?
get out reddit
No seriously, how the fuck do you figure the goddamn internet belonged to you? Not imageboards, the whole thing. Explain.
We solved that long ago
Welp, you're retarded.
You failed to understand the fractal nature of the problem.
BBS, newsgroups, web forums, then finally the internet itself is consumed by the normal masses, who create nothing, and destroy everything.
Yes, the internet itself is fucked because the normies attracted the media, and the media attracted POLITICIANS.
Our pristine lawless frontier is getting wrecked by pointless laws, which largely anarchist geeks didn't even need.
Think of travel destinations going from undiscovered paradise, to nasty tourist trap, with chads and skanks vomiting all over the place.
SURE you can move on to a new undiscovered place, but sooner rather than later you run out of world.
The internet is infinite though.
Just came here to say I actually got banned for making that other pro reddit thread. Check the ban list for "Remove Reddit" as the reason.
You win this round, Holla Forums.
No. It really isn't.
Sure, you could make a new website, but everyone is connected though social media now, so the time between genesis of your cool new thing, and its destruction is measured in mere months.
Anyway, it's not even about the internet, because stuff still has to ultimately be produced by A person. It's no coincidence that meme production (really just human culture) was incredibly high at the height of somethingawful, yet today has fallen to practically nothing.
The internet is fucked. Countries are making NO FUN ALLOWED laws, and everyone is aware in the back of their minds, that the NSA is databasing everything, which has a chilling effect.
Nostalgia is the thief of joy
Hardly. Even the mighty cultural powerhouse halfchan hasn't crapped out a single thing in the last few years.
Redditors are still making advice animals.
As for normalfag channels like twitter, even when they find a meme, it's usually viral marketing in origin.
There's nothing that doesn't have the stench of corporate on it.
Reddit is actually good now. No joke.
Dammit I just checked and it got lifted. It was for three whole weeks, no joke! I laughed.
The voting / karma system is core to the site though.
I'd rather deal with 100 autistic channers with tourette's, than a single self-important karmafag.
That is true, and it's horrible.