ATTN Atheist of Holla Forums,why are you a Atheist?

ATTN Atheist of Holla Forums,why are you a Atheist?


There is no god.

Yeah, but I wish I wasn't. I just can't see the evidence for any kind of legitimacy in any religion.

Because daddy didn't love me enough

that's just Holla Forums
besides, what's wrong with peeled babyface?

The problem is the 4chan threads, that's where the line is drawn.

I kinda always was. It wasn't something I decided as a teenager or the like, but the very moment I had even the faintest idea of what religion was (3~5?) I just didn't give a shit and decided to think that there was nothing.

Only very recently has that started to wear away, because I love Ice Age-Chan

i sometimes truly wish there was a god, but everything i see points to there being no god

because logic

because mom doesn't get to tell me what to do with my sunday morning!

Because epicurus makes a good point.
Because the bible isn't treated the same way that other history books are.
Because, if he exists, God hasn't decided to change my mind, despite knowing exactly what would convince me (even if I don't ).
Because God isn't a suitable first cause, since He is unchanging.

When I was a child, I was raised by a very religious mother. I read the bible cover to cover. I went to a private school for elementary, I was mercilessly picked on by all the kids there. The staff and teachers hated me too. I could never understand why, why did everyone there treat me so poorly. When middle school rolled around I begged to go to public school.

I made a lot of friends there. It coincided with puberty kicking in, my voice getting much deeper, growing like two feet over a summer, etc. but even so at 13 I found myself wondering "If god's real, then how come the people who care most about following him all seem to be such total assholes?" I went through maybe three months of being the "angry atheist" but I realized that was stupid, and not everyone who believed could be blamed for one place full of fuckwits. 5am showings of Paster Arnold Murray helped with this.

Problem was, once I started questioning religion, I started questioning all the stories of the bible, and if they didn't make sense and the questions couldn't be answered, how could I believe it was true?

So I like religion, and I like religious people, but I feel like it's true purpose is to keep the less intelligent among us moral, and that's not to say religious people are less intelligent, that's to say less intelligent people are more moral if they follow a sane religion. I look at religion like I look a Santa Claus, you get an extra present, and it would make me an asshole to try to take that away from you just because I don't anymore.

It's too hard to convince myself a God exists


because I can't bring myself to believe it because I'm not stupid

Because it is a useless belief.

Even if it were known to be absolutely true, it tells us nothing about the world.

The simple claim of the existence of a god with no further detail is not a starting point. It doesn't allow us to draw any conclusions or reveal any principles.

It is a difficult question that would require immense effort to prove with absolutely no gain in the end.

The belief in god worse than false, it's worthless.

Do you think you (I'm assuming the "more intelligent" type of person) have logically figured out some kind of objective morality not based around God?

Well OP. I don't think I'm capable of faith.

This thread is only applicable to America (and Sandniggerstan) .
Elsewhere Atheism is simply the default: lack of belief.

because i don't believe in god

simple as that

because it is a comforting idea

Because I have never seen any reason to believe in gods.

well, it's not like I have anything better to do.

This is a standard, boring question that is easily answered in a number of ways.

why are you an A-pinkflyingunicornist?
why are you an A-lochnesmonsterist?
Because you have no reason to believe in pink flying unicorns or the lochness monsters because you have never seen any proof to support the theory of their existence.
For the same reason I don't believe in a deity.

In case you're a christian asking how come I don't believe in Jezus:
why don't you believe in Zeus?
why don't you believe in Budha?
why don't you believe in scientology?
For the same reason as above, right? Well why do you make an exception of your one religion (which in all likelyhood you were born into..)

atheists are worse than muslims

im not
my mind is powerful the jew can not infest it
jews hated jesus, jesus told them to be good people but they could not
so he whipped a few merchants in the temple, then started christianity cause he knew kikes gonna kike

I was raised in an atheist family, this is because my parents were raised in atheist families, this was because my parents parents were raised in christian families and told not to kill but then when ww2 kicked off the same church told them to kill all the Germans they could.
It was this contradiction that made my grandparents drop religion.

even if I was raised theist I would have probably grown out of it just like santa and the easter bunny

I've always hated these threads that start with a template thread starter picture like this. But the thing I hate the most about them? No one puts any creativity into their comment to start the thread, this whole thing could have been cut and pasted out of an imageboard archive circa 2011 and it'd be the exact same thread.

If you're going to do this stupid shit at least make it intresting.

cuz theres no good reason to believe in god

empathy and instincts evolved with tendency to become social species

u r worse than atheists

Penn Jillette gave a talk recently on how becoming more "religious" helped him lose a lot of weight and he spoke about how he thinks partaking in pretend religions can help people with all sorts of things.

Don't get triggered about the Trump joke he makes at the start. He also doesn't like Clinton.

I have my own ideas about god.


I was born an Atheist.

You were born an Atheist.

We were ALL born Atheists.

The real question is; what made you change?

i was born in gods image
for my blood i defend without fear and my family and my nation
it is you who has been duped

"Born in gods image"?


So, your God has a nose, a colon, an appendix, and many other organs dedicated to processing food and walking around the surface of Earth.

I thought he was a cosmic being….tell me, what do his farts smell like?
I mean, you're "in his image" and YOU fart… don't you?

Larper faggot.

Why do you do this to me?

Here comes all the 14 year old atheists who think they have the millennia old question figured out after thinking about it for 15min in the shower after jerking off

We were discussing Atheism and gods.

You changed the topic. You're now discussing me and some other guys.

That's hijacking the thread.

Why don't you go and start your own thread, talk about us there, and see if anybody's interested.

I believe in the goddess DISCORDIA, she doesn't care if I jerk off in the shower or not


for the euphoria

That term has a meaning but makes no sense in this context.

In an image of something does not mean a copy of it.
English language is confusing to some foreigners, I know. Synonyms does not mean; "words that mean exactly the same thing in al contexts"; it means words that have a similar or related meaning.