Working with other ethnic nationalists: Segregation The idea is we work with influential blacks (other races too) like Muhummad Ali, Black panthers, Nation of Islam etc, redpill them on Jews etc, and work toward our common desired goal of segregation. We motivate them with ideas like they will be governed by blacks, have black police etc. Nationalists are always the smartest of their people–so hopefully they will be the most influential as well.
At 1st this can be just within the country (starting small) and then the bigger step of moving people eventually back to their own lands.
In such a way it will be out of the hands of gov.
Has this been tried? Could it work? What are your ideas..
Jaxon Smith
Another idea is we could start LARP-ing/meme-ing as blacks in black forums etc about "how we blacks want to segregate from whitey"–get the idea out there.
'No moah whitey cops b shootin at uz' etc
Really sell them a black utopia Chicago 2.0–or whatever, where "we" can be free to embrace of blackness–"unfettered by the white powers that be". "Its time to build our black identity".
One possible way this could play out (not optimal way, but better than status quo)–is it scares the shit out of blacks and makes them realize how dependant they are on whites.
And then we can control/trigger them with the segregation meme.
Samuel Roberts
Having nationalists of various races working together for a common goal could be very great approach because if there's a multiracial movement promoting the importance of ethnic separation, then nationalism would lose its mistakenly perceived connection with racism. It would change the dynamics enough for the Jews to have to come up with a new -ism or similar kind of accusation to explain why nationalism is bad.
Brandon Ward
Yes, and offer that we pay for the gas.
Xavier Morales
The slave trade is always good bait to start with.
Christian Bennett
Das rite
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Working with Black Panthers and Nation of Islam are bad ideas because these guys are heavily pro-Left.
The Black Panthers in particular are just wild dogs for marxist cause.
Wyatt White
Wouldn't what is best for a black nationalist to be to destroy you? Fuck your wife burn your home and take your shit. You are in competition with every other nationality in the world, if you are not you are not a nationalist.
Adam Evans
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-Whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-Blacks were brought into EVERY Black country and ONLY into Black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane Black man to notice this and what kind of psycho Black man wouldn't object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the White race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Cooper Perez
Hey did you know in the 60s they changed from mandatory segregation of schools to giving blacks and whites the choice. Of course most blacks chose to go the black schools and whites stayed at the white schools. So they realised that this was bad and had t be changed.
Jordan Foster
Alain Soral has tried this since 2009 when he founded the Anti Zionist Party together with Muslims and non Zionist Jews, his success has been rather small to say the least.
Not saying it cannot work, just thought I'd give an actual real world example.
Jordan Perry
Balkanize North America
Give the west coast to East Asians
Give the cajun states to Blacks
problem solved
Easton Rodriguez
What this guy said
Michael Brown
This would just result in economic collapse and mass starvation, may as well just skip a step and do an honest genocide.
Kevin Murphy
I don't think it can really work. You're talking about people with an average IQ of 85. If they're actually FROM Africa, we're talking about an average IQ of 75.
They are literally too stupid to understand the difference between jews and whites. They are incapable of making the distinction.
Juan Moore
Unfortunately it is the only way to solve the jewish problem.
Cooper Wright
Its a board for black nationalists, but its been dead for awhile now.
Christian Powell
I'm all for this.
Best way for them to get what they want, is have their own nation.
Its the Jews that want us all mixed together.
Normally this would fail for them, but we will have robots, so they don't have to do anything but refrain from having 7 kids.
Luke Morris
Reminder that this is the same nigger who has been posting 'what if we just leave blacks alive and help them? they're not worth the gas xD' for the past few days.
Jayden Sullivan
You retarded nigger?
Gabriel Smith
rockwell worked with nation of islam who gives a shit how they run their monkey empire as long as they fuck off from ours.
islam in general knows about the jq. except isis who's leaders likely work for isreal
Ryan Scott
"no" - west coast
Adrian Perez
If/when the kikery starts up, everyone can just tell the Jews to pack their shit and move to Tel Aviv because they already have their nation.
Nicholas Jenkins
You realize that area is larger than the size of France right? That sub-20m number includes SEAshits and currynigs.
Justin Jenkins
This is not our goal. Our goal is the reaffirmation as our race as the dominant one, and the expulsion of all non-whites from our land. They do not deserve any of our clay.
The only nationalist I'd ever ally with is one who does not want to take away land from us whites.
Agreed, but the assumption that they will be returned must always remain.
Jacob Ward
Most demographics know of the jewish problem. We just get caught up arguing with each other over what to call them. As a result we are crippled, and the jew is allowed to continue profiting on our indecisiveness.