Your country
Could be better, could be worse
Yes, very. Best fucking country on God's green dick.
Sorta, sure could be a fuckton worse.
United States. No, but the states are only ever a small percentage of the problem. That wasn't part of the question though
You mean don't jinx it? Alright then. Juu fugen homosegsuaali :DDDDDDD
nope, planing on killing myself next week
Michigan, within the Detroit metro area; I can feel that city seeping out into everything around it like a plague
why wait?
I accidentally posted it here instead of the comfy gondola thread
don't have the shit I need, and I'll have car I can use to go get the shit I'll need next week
r u semen demon
Yes. Send help.
I'll send semen
Thank you.
do you know any mafia members?
Do you work for fat tony?
how much longer until everyone suffocates from the trash
No i'm from northern Italy, Mafia is less influent here.
I mean they do exist here and probably have a lot of influence but don't act openly like in Calabria, Campania or Sicily.
There's California.
Pretty happy. Considering I live in the greatest country on Earth
I'd be even happier when Trump wins. But even if he doesn't Shillary is just going to be the status quo bitch whos going to continue Obamas Bush' policies so it could be worse I guess even though she's a literal criminal who would've been sentenced to death already if she didn't have corrupt ties
Liberal faggot, it all checks out
Of course Trump has a samurai sword rather than a gun, the chinky bastard.
Just look at those slanty eyes.
Ching chong nip nong the hebreru fears the samurairu
Poles actually have a good reputation in Norway. It's the Roma and drunken Lithuanian truck drivers we bitch about and you just catch the fallout.
Also, Norway. Happy as fuck despite the oil crashing and having 13 months of winter every year.
Everyone has the same answer if they're being honest:
Life is shit and always will be.
I will be once Trump loses and Hillary keeps him locked in Trump Tower
Kinda, Atleast it's not nigeria or somalia. I'm happy with that.
Hello fellow kiwifag.
Australia, my cunt.
It's pretty good in comparison, but it's fucking expensive as shit and quite violent. So kinda.
But objectively, I am very happy ❤️
Have a qt3.14 gf and we're engaged.
I'm trying to get my life together and it's going good, slowly.
My family loves me even though I'm a complete retard and I have a lot of friends. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life yet I still visit this place for reasons unknown, seeing as this place is full of lonely virgin weeaboos and edgy fat kike faggots. I'm getting laid within the next few hours so that's gonna be fuckin sweet.
Enjoy your crippling depression or shitty country you fucking nerds, my life is, and always will be, better than yours ☺️💕
Poor soul. How is Israel treating ya?
Thanks for deradicalizing me.
sup bro
What do you fucking think?
For the most part. Could use a gf and legal weed. It will get better if Trump wins and if he doesn't we'll finally get to stop LARPing and use our funs to play RWDS innnawoods against Hillary
Granted I love a lot of things about this place, but the politics make we want to leave as soon as possible. If Maryland was a red state, I'd stay here for the rest of my life. Too bad two counties have so much clout that they fuck up elections for the rest of the state.
Maryland reminds me of Connecticut a lot, but only with slightly better weather
Well, it snows less. We have crabs, but you have lobsters. I fucking love lobsters.
And drivers fucking suck in Maryland. Pretty sure I found some list where we were ranked 2nd worst in the country.
I want some fucking lobsters now, though. You think we can work out some sort of trade agreement where I bring you crabs and you bring me lobster?
Sure. I can give you crabs no problem!
With a post like that, it's almost as if you didn't read my post.
We have crabs here too actually, although I bet they aren't as good
Maryland blue crabs are known around the world. It's one of the few reason I don't want want to leave this state.
Even worse, I live in the fucking south where almost every pregnancy is a teenage pregnancy and the schools suck shit down here except for Texas they actually have better schools than the rest of the south
Crab posting outside of /n/
You could at least be happy that it isn't Syria or Africa you cunts
Dubs confirm America is the land of freedom and not a muslim shithole.
Liberals an cons are equally retarded, I'm closest to libertarian if anything
All I'm saying is that some of these fags should keep in mind that America is a first world country
Be happy fellow ameribro
You aren't a Syrian that's getting bombed constantly.
Your life could be much worse. Be glad you don't have to evade daily air strikes.
No I know, I fucking love living in the US. I'm just depressed as fuck of lately
Yeah I'm pretty happy at the moment, just as long as we don't give up the internet here with in a couple of days I'm good. And there goes the lightbulb at my desk.
Datamining Threads.
Best Threads.
Someone else doesn't live in Russia? Sorry you Untermensch.
no fuckin way
>sort of… it'll be better once we're independent again
Are you from 20years in the past user?
Is getting better. Finally we got someone in the gov that actually want to change shit and we are starting to get back.
I don't agree 100% because sometimes they say objectively retarded bullshit but overall I have hope