I need new glasses and I found two glasses from Oakley, but I can't decide which I like more. The Fenceline seems to have a thicker frame and more robust while the Hyperlink seems to be more elastic and bendable so it won't break. The one fenceline is a matt grey while the hyperlink is a simple black.
Really hard to chose, How about you ask some real lofe friend of yours :^) INB4 he doesn't have any Or you can just flip a coin Maybe post pics of urself with both
Matthew Rodriguez
b-but I thought b are my friends. nah I'm an ugly fucker and i don't want a former intelligence agency contractor jim watkins saving my face.
Evan Reed
- take them both - or if you really can't decide, then what is the point? then there is not much difference, so just choose one and be happy with it.
Charles Ortiz
Well they prescription glasses and they cost a shit ton of money. I need them to see, I'm not a faggot that wears glasses for pleasure and style.
Jonathan Reed
fuck oakley then, for a start. they're the Apple of eyewear: expensive and average quality but trendy as fuck. Speaking of which, pic related
Ryan Hill
The thing is, I'm in the military and Oakley is known for durability and quality for their outdoor glasses.
Adam Bailey
Both look very similar so there are two things to judge based on You'll be wearing them for probably the whole day, so that matters a lot If you're gonna pay a lot it sure does matter
William Perry
Those look fucking homo. Oakley also make really fucking shitty glasses man. Trust me. Worst glasses I ever owned and really expensive for what they were.
Kevin Stewart
Both are very comfortable but the hyperlink has rubber pads on it's end and seems to have more stability. The fenceline seems to be more durable while the hyperlink is more bendable like most oakley sun glasses, so it won't break or deform since it's made of a modified acetat frame. But I'll get photochromatic lenses in grey, so the fenceline would look better, because grey on grey.
which one looks less gay to you. Oakley is btw. one of the best selling manufacturers and our whole army gear is often made by them, especially ballistic glasses.
Jacob Long
objectively best glasses style coming through
Evan Russell
You will regret this. They look the same.
Adrian Howard
useful advice there m8
Hudson Mitchell
Hyperlink seems less gay tbh
Luke Scott
ah. try Vuarnet. french brand and the best sunglass lenses available. hardcore sports quality at a fair price. totally badass. all their frames take corrective lenses. vuarnet.com/fr
Joseph Jackson
I used to have the hyperlink, they were awesome and I used them until they broke.
Eli Garcia
Pls tell me more
Bentley Bell
you mean best for op? i hate them
Ian Carter
I mean best for everyone, in every situation
Ian Roberts
The plastic inserts on the arms eventually deteriorated and crumbled.
Jaxon Morris
How exactly did they break ?
Carter Peterson
Matt black glasses look tacky and cheap.
But so do most if not all oakleys so they're the ones you'd want.
Or just work harder and buy them both.
Josiah Hernandez
The arms of the glasses have a plastic/rubber thing around them. These deteriorated and fell off in pieces.
Lucas White
I pay already 400 dollars for one with prescription glasses. There is no use in having two galsses when you just need one.
Alexander Carter
Can you tell me a bit more. Did they also make a creaking noise when you got them and do they bend easily or are they really that elastic ?
Andrew Brown
just get the laser surgery
Thomas Hall
Can't get laser surgery. Your eyes need to have a certain age to undergo eye surgery and I'm 20, which means they still can change.
Easton Barnes
Now I'm beginning to understand.
Evan Rodriguez
Well actually 21 in three days but does that change much.
Ryan Wright
76 people in this thread have told you Oakleys are shit glasses, you know better.
Jace Lee
It's an accessory. If it doesn't matter what you wear then buy them at the gas station.
Adam Brown
this. the kid wants oakley. so be it and be that a warning on the power of advertizing over the young mind.
Jacob Flores
Why did you post a filthy kike?
Jeremiah Cox
The thread has 30 answers and my question was which of these two should I take not whether Oakley is shit or not. I had already sun glasses from oakley and my dog chewed on them, they fell under my bike and I was riding over them. They were still usable. They are not bad, but their price isn't justified. That is the case for most glasses since 70% of all brands are made by the same company which has a monopoly on glasses. Google Luxottica and you'll see. I had ray-ban previously and they are shit. But I appreciate the advice thx.
For my they aren't an accessory since I can't see shit without them. I need them to see and I'm not a faggot that wears them for style reasons.
I wish they had of been there but the stream was still good. They pretty much proved he had a conflict of interest. Comey is cracking.
Caleb Cox
No you tard, I'm saying luxotica glasses such as oakleys, ray bans, gucci's etc. are just as much a fashion accessory as it is something you need to fix your shitty vision.
I have nothing against fashion accessories, but admit that it's why you want oakleys.
Jason Price
Well I like the brand but that's not my priority. It can be anything but I got these two frames to try at home.
Comey is obviously paid by the Clinton Foundation. I hope if he says something against the clintons, that he won't be found having killed himself with a shotgun in the back of his head or with barbells on his neck.