Trump's life?

So with Trump well on his way to becoming the Republican nominee, and with his numbers against Hillary in a national level starting to overtake him, there's only 2 things that can happen to stop Trump without rigging the election. The unlikely and the likely option (feel free to share your other opinions)

A: the elite give him something that he wants or blackmails him (he's a billionaire so he can pretty much have whatever he wants) and he steps down, very unlikely


B: he gets assassinated.

The leftists are so mentally ill they would praise his assassin, and probably see it as they're protecting the world from le Hitler. How can the Trump team protect him better?

Continue to report all threats of assassination on social media to the Secret Service.

I love watching them whine about getting a visit from them.

That'll stop the edgy young adults / teenagers, and don't get me wrong, I get a kick out of those too but I seriously fear for his life because of some crazy leftist terrorist group. Anyone know any sites similar to Holla Forums for mentally ill leftists?

Something where edge Lord communists and the load would meet up that isn't affiliated with 8chn

The Secret Service isn't fucking around. They've already driven right through police road blocks because protestors were just a little bit too close for comfort.

He's in good hands if you ask me.

Besides, lefties hate guns.

this starts the civilwar 2

I'm sure they want to Kennedy him, but I do think they fear the public backlash if they cheat him or kill him. We are on the brink of civil war, neither side really wants that. They will try to subvert and corrupt first.

Only one party survives the near future, the free people or the tyrannical bureaucrats. And they aren't going anywhere without a fight.

If they manage to make it look like Trump legitimately failed and retain their control, they will go full totalitarian. They will never allow another 'Trump event'.

I really hope you're right. It just worries me the possibilities, like for example bribing just one key guard to do some dirty work. But I guess that's life.

How do you guys come to the conclusion that a civil war would happen because of it? Are people ready to die for trump?

Trump's campaign is not about Trump, it is about America and the very ideals that founded and guided it that are now being eroded and destroyed. Of course people are willing to die for their liberty. If you give in to globalism and collectivism you become a weed to be mowed by the bureaucrats.

This is pretty much the line in the sand for America and the free world, there is no recovery if someone like Clinton is allowed into power. Have you missed the plans to erase the border and the second ammendment?

this and something about not being able to kill ideas.

I want to add that I really don't expect or have faith that people will rise up against tyrants, but we are nearing the breaking point. It's fight or die, and no matter what happens it will not be pretty. Trump is a final stalwart in the preservation of the constitution and sovereignity.