Trump's life?

So with Trump well on his way to becoming the Republican nominee, and with his numbers against Hillary in a national level starting to overtake him, there's only 2 things that can happen to stop Trump without rigging the election. The unlikely and the likely option (feel free to share your other opinions)

A: the elite give him something that he wants or blackmails him (he's a billionaire so he can pretty much have whatever he wants) and he steps down, very unlikely


B: he gets assassinated.

The leftists are so mentally ill they would praise his assassin, and probably see it as they're protecting the world from le Hitler. How can the Trump team protect him better?

Continue to report all threats of assassination on social media to the Secret Service.

I love watching them whine about getting a visit from them.

That'll stop the edgy young adults / teenagers, and don't get me wrong, I get a kick out of those too but I seriously fear for his life because of some crazy leftist terrorist group. Anyone know any sites similar to Holla Forums for mentally ill leftists?

Something where edge Lord communists and the load would meet up that isn't affiliated with 8chn

The Secret Service isn't fucking around. They've already driven right through police road blocks because protestors were just a little bit too close for comfort.

He's in good hands if you ask me.

Besides, lefties hate guns.

this starts the civilwar 2

I'm sure they want to Kennedy him, but I do think they fear the public backlash if they cheat him or kill him. We are on the brink of civil war, neither side really wants that. They will try to subvert and corrupt first.

Only one party survives the near future, the free people or the tyrannical bureaucrats. And they aren't going anywhere without a fight.

If they manage to make it look like Trump legitimately failed and retain their control, they will go full totalitarian. They will never allow another 'Trump event'.

I really hope you're right. It just worries me the possibilities, like for example bribing just one key guard to do some dirty work. But I guess that's life.

How do you guys come to the conclusion that a civil war would happen because of it? Are people ready to die for trump?

Trump's campaign is not about Trump, it is about America and the very ideals that founded and guided it that are now being eroded and destroyed. Of course people are willing to die for their liberty. If you give in to globalism and collectivism you become a weed to be mowed by the bureaucrats.

This is pretty much the line in the sand for America and the free world, there is no recovery if someone like Clinton is allowed into power. Have you missed the plans to erase the border and the second ammendment?

this and something about not being able to kill ideas.

I want to add that I really don't expect or have faith that people will rise up against tyrants, but we are nearing the breaking point. It's fight or die, and no matter what happens it will not be pretty. Trump is a final stalwart in the preservation of the constitution and sovereignity.

The secret Service is probably the last high ranking organization in America that's almost completely unpozzed and right wing. Even Obama didn't risk fucking them up (we need women in the secret service guys) because he knows if they're incompetent or stupid he's dead.

Oh trust me, I've heard what Hillary wants. I guess I'm just in a state of depression when it comes to the population. Hearing how my colleagues talk about trump, and then look around at each other with this crazy leftist stare, like they're saying through signs "look at me, I said something good! Praise me!" Everyone is just so focused on their selves and not their country to give enough of a shit.

I just have no confidence in the idea of a revolt. I feel like America is going to have a slow death because the average voters brain is fried from too much entertainment

They are still falling apart though, ever since they were merged with Homeland Security after 9/11.

They have staffing shortages, budget problems, and that one guy that hopped the White House fence they were powerless to stop for way too long.

I can see where you're coming from, but you're overestimating the sorts of people in the left. Most of them precisely are those edgy teenagers, rich upper-middle class media types and boomers who will never have the balls or ability to take out Trump. The only people on the Left I can see having the will to go through with it are the genuinely mentally ill SJWs, the loonies and drug addicts, and they most likely don't have the prowess at firearms needed for an assassination.

If Trump gets taken out it will be by a professional, special operations type job most likely blamed on "those evil Islamists attacking Israel goy!" and will then be used to turn the alt-right into generic American conservatives yapping for a new war to avenge Trump. They won't let it get blamed on the Left.

From what I've heard, the SS went from being a coveted assignment that all would want to keep for as long as possible, to kind of shitty under DHS with people wanting to retire early.

Interesting, I never imagined the media blaming ISIS or some shit for an assassination. That would be a fiend day for the elite. Killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Guess we can just hope for the best though.

man like that probably has a deadman's switch.

also, i'm surprised that one incident and his response wasn't a bigger splash.

i think he ought've milked the position he's put himself in

he's a man with everything and could've lived comfortably, but he decided to put himself in danger by making all the right enemies and running for president

all for america

the people gotta understand this

There's one camera angle that kinda sorta looked like he had something in his hand pointing toward trump, like a pen or scissors or something.

If he had something, it got lost, because if they had found a weapon of any kind I think things would have been a hell of a lot more serious for him.

Oh well, at least he's going to court and owes $25k in legal fees, and his gofundme is being ignored.

But user, he's a racist evil bigot and literally hitler!! How should you support such an evil man, I don't ever want to speak to you again!

anyone else think that Bernie would stand a much better chance against Trump, it wouldn't surprise me if they jumped horse and made Bernie the democratic nominee, this could be why Hillary's been having her coughing fits, it seemed awfully strange how early the republicans decided the nominee compared to the democrats.

Bernie seems more then ready to take the nomination.

I know you Bernouts are in the denial phase, but can you at least keep it on Holla Forums?

I feel mostly the same way but Trump has done a great job of waking people up and galvanizing them. People, even if its a small percentage of the population, are seeing how corrupt and criminal this government is. They're seeing the invasion of their country and the hatred the government and the invaders have for them. Like Scott Adams said, people seeing illegal immigrants waving Mexican flags and assaulting and threatening people on the streets is a persuasive picture. They're seeing how deceptive the media is. All it takes is that small percentage taking action, and people are pissed.

Part of me has to believe we still have the potential because if we don't, America and Europe are gone. The world will enter a new dark age. That's the plain truth of the matter.

Blessed are the Nips, for they will inherit the earth.

No seriously, I'm no weaboo but if whites disappear then Japan and maybe South Korea will be the next target for the rapefugee hordes. They should stay nationalistic and xenophobic as shit purely for their own survival.

what, i support trump

maybe instead of being an edgy faggot you could explain to me why that's not possible

Debbie what's her face on the DNC is literally 100% in the tank Hillary shill, she would kill herself before letting Bernie be the nominee.

As for Bernie having a better chance, there is that one statistical model that predicted Trump will win against Hillary 97% and against Bernie 99% chance, and I have to agree because if Reddit has shown us anything it's that a sizable chunk of his supporters aren't old enough to vote, causing him to lose.

an assassination attempt would be pretty hilarious tbh. I have this mental picture of some leftard trying to bum rush Trump, who then draws his gun and just shoots the faggot.

toppest kek you can't be serious

every country has enough useful idiots in it anything is possible, couldn't they have the mass media pushing the narrative that Hillary is winning and then simply rig the election in her favour, even with all your guns i doubt you'll fight back.

Hillary dies or goes to prison, who becomes the nominee?

Joe Biden.

You might laugh, but I'm dead serious. Debbie would sooner make him the nominee than Bernie, and in fact there's one guy that recently said he's convinced Hillary will be indicted and Biden will be the nominee.

neither of these things have a realistic chance of happening though. quit grasping at straws m8, it's pathetic.

your right, the globalists have nothing in store to stop trump from winning apart from assassination, discussing every possible scenario is pointless. Trumps going to win this in a land slide no sweat, it's all smooth sailing from here on out boys! we did it!

Schultz, pretty kikey last name
But do you think they'll drop in Biden

My opinion on Trump is that there are two possibilities:

A.) He's got a lot of shit on the shadow government. A dead man's switch. If he dies, everything that he compiled during his mingling with the power behind the curtain is released. This guy has been preparing to run since the 80'.

Let's not kid ourselves guys. IF the shadow government wanted him dead, he would be ALREADY. Every SS agent has his price, and I don't mean money. Wife, children, whatever. And don't forget about thousands of MKUltra victims.
He's a renegade that prepared thoroughly when he saw what they are planning and defected at the most crucial of times. He mentions thermonuclear war in every of his rallies so motivations are not secret.

B.) He's in with the shadow government and it protects him. He's the King of the Jews that the Protocols speak of. Commandeering, energetic and charismatic.

I don't know which is it but Trump waking people up to nationalism, (((them))) and general redpilling that is going on is pushing me towards the A option.
A One World stooge would NEVER EVER EVER support nationalism. That's against the core idea of a unified world.

Maybe "the shadow government" as you imagine it doesn't exist. Maybe there's a bunch of competing power factions in the government and industries that feed from it.

Maybe they never expected a plutocrat from outside the corrupt political class to step in and fight for the benefit of working class whites. God knows no one else has in living memory.

Maybe he's also spent enough time in private with the other elites that he has as much dirt on them as anyone.

And maybe his own personal behavior is upstanding enough that he doesn't have much dirt on him to dig up.



I actually agree the Japanese are next fittest after us. I've been saying for a while that if America survives, we should take the Japanese in as our partners to lead the world for those very reasons.

South Korea is fucked, the marxism has soaked in there and they are aiming it in Japan's direction.

Rope yourself kike

if japs aren't hitlerchic or natsoc already, how do we plant the seeds over there? if things turn sour, it'd be nice to have someone save us

Aren't the secret service the real reason JFK got assassinated?

We need a concerted effort to translate our infographs and post them on places like 2chan.

Secret service know what they are doing, I am not worried.


The japanese airsofters creamed themselves when Chris Costa visited.

Abe has been strengthening the Self-Defense Forces and expanding their legal definition of self-defense. Abe is tough on immigration and said no to the "refugees". In his recent speeches, Trump has said bluntly that the US is being ripped off by Japan, who are not paying their fair share of cost. I'd like to see Japan have a more equal relationship with US, whilst still remaining close allies. I couldn't tell what the nip sentiment is about the nature of our alliance, though the Okinawans aren't happy about having to contribute more than their share of the load.

i dont think they would use ISIS or any islamic group as that would essentially solidify the Anti Muslim narrative in this country on top of proving trump completely right and turning him into a martyr for even for the normies on the right

*even for

What am I looking at.


this. what is that?