Does anyone know why Holla Forums and Holla Forums on 4chan are down...

Does anyone know why Holla Forums and Holla Forums on 4chan are down? I've heard some rumors about them getting shut down.

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the entire site is down you sperg



What's wrong with you?

Yeah nah every other board i tried worked for me its only Holla Forums and Holla Forums

You're on Holla Forums thats fucking worse

At least here you're allowed to say "Holla Forums". Checkmate halfvolunteer

pretty sure you're allowed to say Holla Forums anywhere you wish

This site is vastly superior in both community and site features.

Loads are down in a "no content" way, but even the up ones you can't post to.

2MB limit and now this.

RIP twice 2Ch.

Shit man, I really really don't want 4chan here.

4chan demographic of today would be way more likely to move to reddit


They got the entire site down, you sperg. Probably for maintenance. Again.

You've heard shit. Best case scenario, you were around when people where shitposting about Loltax "purchasing" 4chan out of Hiroshima.

On 4chan that get's your post deleted and your IP banned.

Well someone got warned for something

Is there a 4chan board that is a) on 3-digits post count, and b) hiding the post number AGAIN to disallow checking for dubs?

In the ban list post numbers are always "XXX"

i just said it out loud. nothing happened

w-wait. why am i hitting myself? why am i hitting myself?

They are? Man, it's been a long time since I ever checked that shit. When I got banned I usually just switched VPNs, what's the point on appealing on bans? Hotpockets gonna hotpocket.

Some of those bans are pretty harsh. 3 days for not really doing anything.

So, are pedos banned here now?

From my experience all sites get stricter and ban more things with time.

I have never witnessed a site become more lenient.

Why not try it?


I agree.
/r/coontown didn't do nuffin wrong

that cost Pao her job, hey, brighten up

no youre not cunt in half chan you hav to say 4+4 or some shit go back you volunteer

half chan down?
they need time to adjust to this,

You've betrayed yourself.