So Holla Forums, how do we take back our media from the vile Juden and Make Cartoons Great Again?
How do we stop Jews from destroying cartoons?
Little Mermaid is an 80s movie, faggot
This image macro is shit. I'm not saying Disney isn't kikey, but you can pick much better examples than Beauty and the Beast or fucking Tarzan.
Are you implying it wasn't made under the direction of Roy Disney?
Beauty and the Beast is obviously about race mixing while Tarzan is about evur white colonialism
Beast turns into a white man in the end. The actual degeneracy comes from the fact that it wants you to fuck your furniture. I know because I wanted to fuck that goddamn featherduster so much! Now I can't get off unless I have a featherduster on my dick.
I can't tell if I'm being rused or not (I probably am) but BatB is based on an 18th century fairy tale and Tarzan is based on a book by one of the most shitlordy authors of the 20th century that was basically "white man comes to Africa and makes everything his bitch."
He turns into a white man at the end because he as a beast was mixed with aryan blood, its symbolism.
Those damn kikes! I must see examples of such a horid fetish for "research" into the judens sick ways
That's what the Jews want you to think, they're trying to poison your mind!
The Emperor's New Groove is good, asshole.
Okay, so you're baiting.
Fucking Disney… made me into a goddamn sicko. Did you know they also want you to dress up as furniture too? My girlfriend told me she's always wanted to get fucked by a candle and made me dress up like one.
What should us goyim do?
I made this thread to b8 that one leftypol faggot who always shows up tl derail threads mentioning Trump but I'm bored so fuck it
Porn dump thread?
Please continue so that I may conduct my research and continue redpilling the normies
Dated as fuck
NBCUniversal is owned by Comcast, which is ran by;
Brian L. Roberts✡(Chairman & CEO)
David L. Cohen✡(Executive Vice President)
pre jew has a consistent quality standard but mostly are only okay and not great
post jew has higher highs and lower lows, I wonder what could account for that? surely its not more movies being made or anything.
yes disney is controlled by jews, but more then half of the cartoons in the jew portion of this image are actually great and you are retarded for trying to make a point this way, if you were trying to say that disney live action is shit and that jews are the people responsible for the live action bullshit then you may have a point.
In the twenties, Gustav Tenggren had been paid handsomely for his work. At Disney, his position guaranteed steady work. But the wartime economy changed all that. Publishers were no longer able to pay him to work a week or more on a single painting and jobs were scarce. He was forced to simplify his style.
While at Disney, Tenggren chaffed under the bit of anonymity. It’s said that Walt instructed his artists, "If you’re going to sign a name to your artwork, spell it ‘Walt Disney’." But Tenggren defiantly maintained his individuality, signing many of his key paintings for Pinocchio. He left the studio under unhappy circumstances, and was bitter about the whole episode. But he had learned one thing from Walt… the power of branding one’s self.
Tenggren resolved that he would never again waste his skills building a reputation for someone else. He boldly built his name into the masthead of his first major publication after leaving Disney. No longer was it Andersen’s Fairy Tales or Tales By The Brothers Grimm… It was The Tenggren Tell-It-Again Book. This led to a series of self-titled books sprinkled throughout his career… Tenggren’s Story Book, Tenggren’s Jack & The Beanstalk, Tenggren’s Bedtime Stories, Tenggren’s Farm Stories, and many others.
send the retards to their respective containment boards so we can go back to discussing comics and cartoons
Ha! It worked! Like clockwork
So you're gone?
Can we discuss comics and cartoons now?
It's not over yet
there are jews within the comic book and animation industry pushing their degeneracy onto the public.
the fact Holla Forums takes such a shy approach to this is only evident in how their industry has fallen.
Fret not, soon those blind to the juden will see the errors of their ways, the day of kek is upon us brother
They're not outcasts if they're pretty much on every board on this site fam
Current-year comics and cartoons are shit, and coincidentally supervised by either Jews, or their good goyim.
What up Holla Forumstard?
I see you're still using outdates and factually wrong images to spread your degeneracy?
So what made you leave you hugbox? Another Evalion got shut up and you don't know what to do with your free time?
Hey Holla Forums, we can see you're trying to agitate other boards against Holla Forums. Shut the fuck up, nobody cares.
We must expose the Judens lies to save Cartoons and Comics!
So where is the third reich's glorious cartoons and comics? Even the Soviets produced some truly excellent media.
Holla Forums needs to leave
you know it's funny, even though Walt may or may not have hated the Jews he still hated the NAZI party just as much as he hated commie scum.
Go back in your hole so we can gas you, jew rabbit.
Cool D&C thread, Holla Forums. We're not going to war with Holla Forums. Stop asking.
Dilation and curettage?
Let me help you
>>>Holla Forums
They were all mostly destroyed by air raids and soldiers, although we have some surviving examples. The Nazi Party commissioned a production company,called Deutsche Zeichenfilm, specifically for making animated films, in response to the effectiveness Walt Disney had on Americanism through his animated features. Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler were in fact both huge fans of Walt Disney. Goebbels in particular would bring Mickey Mouse films over from America
"I give the leader[Adolf Hitler] 12 Mickey Mouse films for Christmas! He is very excited. Is very happy about this treasure. "
- Joseph Goebbels: Private Diaries (20 December 1937)
OP here, Holla Forums doesn't make these threads, all Holla Forums is good for is mindlessly spamming boards with mspaint images. I'm just making pisstake threads to trigger lefties
How new are you?
that's fucking terrifying man
Behold! The comic coloring book that will erase the vile Jews!
Here we see Trump on his journey to meet ayyyliens, remake Mt. Rushmore, and become a pop star
Trump sits on his throne after mocking feminizm before rocking out! Oh Trump u so silly! His life is so any and wacky kids!
Watch as he beats Putin at chess, puts out fires, and guards and protects his country!
Between running his Chocolate factory and beating Kim Jong Un at Battleship, Trump never rests at Making America Great Again!
Trump enjoys taking boat rides with his buddy Jeb Bush before taking a trip down Abbey Road with the rest of his handsome family
Not so fast Hillary! You have to outrun TRUMP first!