ITT we discuss guns

ITT we discuss guns

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That picture is retarded because a person can't walk around doing many single-person bombings. But on the larger scale bombs can stop bombs. That's why bombing ISIS is a good thing.


We should ban all weapons in the united states and vote for hillary.

You'll be thankful for guns when the government tries to pull some shit like take all our guns.




i love the m16 platform, but it sucks so badly.

triggered again



benis xd


no problem user

I myself like AK-47's.


None of the guns you posted is an AK-47 you idiot.

Makes perfect sense…to a Jew

Hillary doesn't trust blacks with guns, which is why she wants to ban them.
I for one believe blacks should own guns to defend their lives and property.


Except for the first one. Who's the idiot now?

here's mine

UKfag here, no one here except the army and some specialist police units have proper guns. A few criminals have guns but they are rarely ever used and some farmers have double barrel shotguns and the rest of us can buy pic related.
tbh a sturdy walking stick would probably a better option for protection.

All fucking niggers must fucking hang

Except for the caches that went missing during 1996, they're still finding huge stashes of guns in dead guys wall cavities.

Comparing a pizza with a gun, how fucking retarded are you.

Yeah let's compare fucking food with something designed to destroy/kill.

Well every so often a shotgun or pistol will turn up in some dead old geezers house hidden away and never used.

My gun hasn't killed anyone. Are you saying it's defective?

was meant for

Fuck gun control. We need black control. All the murder hotspots in America are full of two things. Democrats and niggers.


Yeah, but I went out of my way not to describe that situation.

Personally I've come across pistols and knew someone that owned a couple of AKs and I don't live in an area known for guns.

We need to kill the hardcore Commie Dems first. Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

Otherwise they will just replace all the nigs with spics or kebabs.

Yeah brother, me and my squad are with you!

I'm so glad libs don't procreate.

Heh nice joke kid.

If gunz is so good for liberty an' shit, why not give every american an arsenal. Nogs 'n half-nogs included. That'll make you all as safe as white pussy.

I never started my car, is it defective?

No. You are defective. You antigun leftists are the biggest weaklings and cowards in the world.

Except that the first one is a Type 56 made by China. Fuck off.



Great argument
I never said I was anti gun, I just said the comparison what retarded.


You didn't have to. It was obvious.

You didn't say anything valid. You just answered a question with a question.

I can feel some tension in this thread..


post pics of your bleeding vagina you cunt.

Oh no normal looking kids like Trump, the horror.


If those kids are normalfags then I dread to think how fat the average pol users face is.

Normal for amerifat kids, most Holla Forums users are fit.

Then why do we never see pictures of any of them?

nah. most would sedation and heavy lifting equipment to get them out of the basement.

We're not stupid enough to post our pictures on Holla Forums of all places and we're not egotistical enough.

Wanna try forming a coherent sentence next time.

You've never used a firearm in anger or you wouldn't say that.

I never see you offsite either, it's always a fucking pony or smugface anime girl. How do you know Holla Forums is fit?
This is not how you do the fascisms

require? between would and sedation? geddit?

In an age where you can get fired and doxxed for having political opinions, why the fuck would you put your picture out for the world to see?

Because I've never seen a pol poster that doesn't look retarded and you're telling me they're all fit, when really they're all anime grills.

Wrong guy there buddeh

It's part of the ideology.
The idea of striving to be better, improve yourself and adhere to higher ideals.

Why would they require sedation?
I do plenty of heavy lifting, tomorrow is deadlift and hang upside down day.

Having anime girls as profile pics and posting fashy horrible things is hilarious though.

Because Holla Forums isn't facebook.
Speaking of facebook, shouldn't you be getting back there?

I suppose it is if you're interacting with normies, I always found it a bit autistic.

You really like facebook, don't you think you should put your face, in a book, then fucking killing yourself?


But group autism is weird, can you imagine a political movement who is also obsessed with trains? If leftypol suddenly started making the news, and every single one of their profile pics was a character from Thomas the Tankie Engine?

If all it takes is a picture of a train or a cartoon slut to make people irrationally angry then why not do that?

Good one, you really showed me.

Huh, at last I truly see!

I'd find that funny and I think Holla Forums is more of a social movement than a political one, we have to move the overton window before gassing the kikes will be accepted by the normies.


He's not wrong

His trigger safety is.

It's drawn by a retard, of course it is



hu-hu-hu… How did you know??

Why do my rights end where your feelings begin, OP?


this one is so fucking stupid it makes my brain hurt looking at everything wrong with it

The comparison was kinda retarded tho.
Also he was being sarcastic, u social interactionless cunt

Not young blacks.

Blacks aren't people.

Lets call ICBMs and weaponized Small Pox political tools, and they are there for our "defense."

What's the deal with black people?

They aren't black.

and they aren't people

Holy shit. I'm an alien.