Name my band , Holla Forums.
We are a duo.
Band names ,please
What is your question?
2 2mors from 4chan
Fag and trap girlfriend
Stunt Cock!
Shitpost Band
m00t sells 0ut
Josh did literally nothing wrong
bidhead & squareface
Looking for a bull
The Shitpost Experiment, featuring handsome Homer Simpson
volunteered & the Slut
The hover hands
Jizzpants & Snotknickers
Fuck her right in the pussy
Tan Bailey
Flapjack Junction
Nice Guy and the Girl Who Will Only Ever Think of Him as a Friend
The Smirking Faggots
Le Vomit
What instruments do you play?
Fag & Dyke
First album name, Fudge Packing and Carpet Munching.
"Like Sonny & Cher, But Retarded"
This thread is still here? Why do you guys keep replying to this?
Autism Squared
It's probably OP not wanting his shit thread to die.
OP and the shitty thread
Me and my bull's girlfriend.
Faggot user and the sage negation
Cuck & The Surfboard
Cacophonous Cuck and The Slaver
Jewcurls and Manjaw
Hot chick and her loser brother
Rinced Epiglottis
Nigger Lover and the Chode
Incest Duo
SAGE and the road for 300
Jew and the Coal Burner
Dick Cheese & Fanny Whistle
"But the children will be beautiful"
The Kind of People Who Like Avenged Sevenfold
Retard and Man-Jaw
Arnold McCuckold and Duster Black nut-buster
first album name: why this dyke rode my nigger bike
Poo poo and pee pee
The Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks Connection
Cracker Lelbron and the scarecrow bitch
Whoreslut and the Orbiter
Assburger Duo
Shouldah Strappz
Shortschlong & Shlongneck
Her eyes and nostrils are different sizes, and his face is all fucked up. I'm going to go with
Discount Irregulars
they look completely normal
The virgin Normies
I love you, and I care about you, and, therefore, I want you to make an appointment with your local optometrist as soon as possible.
The Attention Whore and her Faggot.
Farts McGee
Liablo 3
I sniff this girls queefs
The girl looks fine but the dude looks like he took a shovel to the face.
Alt-Right and pippi flapjacks
Tammy and Bob
Misguided Missiles of 100% Gay Anality
This thread was the last straw. With the 4chan tier thread posting mods, the horse fuckers and now the new wave of people from 4chan I quit Holla Forums
Sure buddy. We'll see you tomorrow
i give you a couple hours tops
SAGE goes in all fields experience
Is he back yet?
the Just Friends
Cuck and Balls
Put Jesus Between Us
Lock Jaw
Gasha Srey
Dirty Toilet
Toilet Licker
Sidechick Sidehug
The Kikess and The Cuck
You're a folk rock band now too
This threads been going for 4 days now.
Feels like a lot longer
Rascal Flats
Baphomet's Dick.
A girl and her dialdo
Curly and Jaws
samba queef
The Schlomo Go-Gos
HEY - and why haven't any of you anonfags asked the question…?
otherwise probably just a troll…
The Enema Triplets
Fap and Diddle
Lilo and Cleetus
Lesbian Stronghold
The Prolapsed Anus
both beauties
kingdom kikes
Moot & Anita - The Travelling Cucks
Dimwitted Democrats
No tendies no tiddies
Well, I know what I'm gonna call my next four albums, for sure!
mom and dads money
External Hemorrhoids
cuck n cunt
Prosecutor Erotic
Farts mcgee
The Cunt Niggers
The Gigantic Faces
No sex before wedding