It was looking at the Casual Encounters w4m section recently and I'm curious if any of these ads are legit. There's a LOT of spam, dozens of ads with identical (and nonsensical) verbiage "I just need some oral hookup all night", and some really transparent hooker ads "best bang for your flowers", but there still a decent number that don't have anything obvious wrong with them.
So I ask, does anyone have any experience with this? Is it totally a waste of time, or have any of you had any luck?
Jackson Rivera
you might as well try. it's not like your time is worth anything
Ayden Perry
Assuming you want to bang dudes, you'll have no problem at all.
If you want to bang a woman from CL without paying for it, she in all likelihood won't be very attractive. You might score a decent looking older woman, but you've got about a 99% chance of her being insane.
Julian Brooks
This is true.
Kevin Davis
just get an honest prostitute, you cheap bastard
Colton Walker
Chances of going to jail go up with that, though.
Dylan Lewis
A couple of years ago I got a local girl to respond to my CE ad looking for a blowjob. She was a poly with tats though, and I never went through with it.
You'll also get a lot of guys offering to suck your dick btw.
Easton Campbell
not if you live in a civilized country
Brody Perez
Yeah I know. Rub it in.
Elijah Turner
I will, when I go visit a brothel later tonight
Eli Carter
Right, let's assume I'm not all that picky. Like I said I was looking at casual encounters (i.e. hookups), I don't care if shes "relationship material". I know she's probably not going to be, or else she'd already be in one instead of posting CA ads on Craigslist.
Jason Walker
Doesn't hurt to try, it may take a few tries though
I lost my virginity to this 38 year old white milf that responded to my ad on Craigslist She lived like 5 mins away from me so she picked me up, we fucked I came 4 times Shit was cash
Brandon Fisher
Nathaniel Campbell
Fulfilled my dream of fucking a white blonde teacher, shit was lit mang
Nathaniel Russell
Some of that ads are pretty funny. I just read one saying "this may sound weird… but I just need someone to play with my tits."
BTW, for anyone more experienced in this, is it a dead giveaway someone is a whore if they don't want to use craigslist email and put an obfuscated gmail address or phone number in the ad instead? Def seems I bit weird, though I can sort of understand not liking the idea of Craig reading your hookup plans.
Jordan Williams
There are serius users on it. I'm a fag who uses it to find dick to suck. Some of the men I suck tell me about ocationally getting woman to suck and fuck them. Its a rare ocurence though and you need to be ready at a moments notice, cause woman are fickle, but otherwise it does happen just not as often as you'll find some guy who will blow you for fun.
Part of the fun I get out of it is seeing how many different guys I can get in a night. Eight is my record.
Oliver King
Use the w4m Strictly Platonic section to find less insane women, mostly single, and run your best game on them until you find one with alot less risk of catching anything from a slut or a whore. Usually there anywhere from fat to obese. Hot chicks on Craigslist looking for free fucks DON'T EXIST. You can drop 40 bucks on a blowjob or 100 to fuck. If they will take under 100 to fuck wear 3 fucking rubbers, and shower with lava soap immediately afterwards. But free pussy online takes time, online dick doesn't. If she's fat, tell her how hot she is anyways, pretend you're kind of into big girls and laugh about. Crack a joke about being able to park a wine glass on her ass, even if it looks like cottage cheese with acorns in it, and you'll be fucking her that night, or the next. Oh, I assumed you arranged to meet at a bar. Do that but just 2 drinks. They get retarded after 2 drinks and might cry drunk raep Source: 40 year stoned as fuck guy babbling
Jordan Parker
OK, let me back up a couple of steps for you. I never mentioned shit about anyone being "relationship material". That's not what anyone is on CL for. If they are posting on CL, it's a good indication of mental illness, or some other crippling factor that has led them to not be able to find someone to fuck IRL, therefore they have turned to the digital toilet that is CL.
I don't know what it's like on CL in your area, but I look at the personals sections for fun. Basically, I don't ever see anything but really old people, niggers, hookers, and faggots on CL in my area.
If your expectations are low, you won't have any problem finding something to stick your dick in. Just be weary of her or him trying to assault, kill, or rob you. Or getting HIV. You're probably going to get HIV from a CL hookup.
Camden Gomez
nigger detected
Henry Reed
wew. Do you lift on all that protein?
Lincoln Martinez
I understand that. Well the HIV part is BS, the odds of getting HIV from a woman in a one-off encounter (with a condom, I'm not an idiot) are so low as to be almost negligible.
But I get that it's going to be someone flawed in one or more ways. Fat being the most common by the looks of it. Fair number of whites and latinas (which would by fine). I guess my main worry would be crazies. That and all the fake ads from hookers.
Ryan Thompson
If you don't mind fatties or niggers it's easy to pick them up. The w4m ads are all fake or hookers. Just post one in m4w saying you're looking for your BBW or Ebony whatever. Take them somewhere like Red Lobster or Outback and tell them they can order whatever they want. Fatties and niggers love those places for some reason. Fuck them when you drop them off at they're place. Call them up for booty calls over the next week or two before telling them you don't think it's working out and block they're number. Congratulations! You just got a dinner for two with some dumb broad and half a dozen hook-ups for about $80.
Jacob Thomas
Not trying to scare you away from CL, I don't give a shit what you do, user. It's your dick and your life. but most of them will have some form of brain problems. If not, they would have found someone to give them no strings attached dick IRL. Expect the crazy. If they were normal well adjusted people, they would just use POF or okcupid or something.
They aren't fake, you're just not going to get pussy for free.
And as far as condoms go, they can and do break occasionally. I'd personally prefer it didn't when fucking someone who's last name I don't even know, but that's the risk you run. All jokes aside, STDs/STIs whatever the fuck they call them now are a real possibility when you randomly fuck people. Condoms certainly reduce the risk when used properly, but shit can go wrong, and occasionally does.
Have you actually used this method? Seems like it could work, but I don't know how to feel about banging fatties and nigs. Staying home and jerking off is cheaper, safer, and accomplishes the same goal. I guess it's a stepping stone to building up confidence and moving on to bang more attractive women, if nothing else.
Aiden Davis
Jesus Christ, haven't you fucks ever heard of masturbation?
Christopher Ross
Well it just depends on how crazy (and crazy how). If it's just moody and can't have a stable relationship because of it, not my problem really. If they're sexually messed up and kinky, that might even be good. But if it's creepy stalker stuff… needless to say I don't need that.
And I do consider the hooker ads fakes if they're pretending to be women who actually want sex. Some drop hints, so are downright obvious, but if they're gonna make me guess and waste people's time, that's dishonest.
Ethan Turner
Craigslist can work if you're into random guys. With women. . .maybe there used to be something going on there, but not anymore. If anything, you'd be better off trying the massage stuff in the therapeutic section. Beware of cops.
Liam Martinez
Nigga that's not fake. They make it obvious in the most discreet way possible since CL was forced to remove the "adult services" section. They have to cover their own asses.
Hos have to trick one way or another.
Ayden Martinez
It's fake. Just like any other spam. And it's probably not even real women posting those ads. Tricks are exactly the problem. If they were honest I wouldn't care.
Lincoln Ross
All the craigslist "women" are actually dudes.
Logan Ortiz
You're probably right. If you're going to be dealing with men anyway, you might as well just answer one of those "I suck cock" ads in the m4m section. At least that way you know what you're getting.
Assuming you don't get robbed and murdered.
Christian Brooks
Try for a relationship. That's where all the sex is since you've probably got a neet personality random hookups won't work for freaks like you.
Jaxon Thompson
I've fucked a few real women with a vag and everything off craigslist.
You just meet crazy women there, but its okay, fucking crazy girls is better sexually. And everything has to end at some point.
Luis Watson
Levi Turner
And a relationship is gonna work any better?
Michael Reyes
yeah, it's definitely possible but like the other dudes said in this thread, don't expect her to be a looker.
I managed to hook up with this 45 yo black ssbbw in my area who posted a mw4m ad. ate her out, fucked her bareback, came in her pussy about 3 times in total. it was crazy how easy it was to hook up with her. i just sent her my stats and a pic of my bare manlet torso and she wanted to hook up immediately. we met up at a motel 6 and were fucking within 5 minutes of first meeting.
i'd rate her about 2/10 b/c I've seen more disgusting ssbbw, plus her pussy was really tight. she was a total whore and so thirsty for my cock bc most guys don't want to touch someone as fat as her, but I did.