feminist detected. who cares what -dick-in-you-a does. This place is shit.
no feminist.. your pictures are generic and shit
Who cares what you think you feminist, whiteknight, sjw, piece of shit. If you don't like something - find a thread that you do. That's too difficult for you since you want to shove your OPINION on someone else. FAGGOT
will do and you get some taste!
Once again using OPINIONS to try to insult someone.
Your narrative is quite weak. Your subjective opinion doesn't constitute an objective fact. What you are doing is pushing your feelings on someone - feminist scum.
if you've seen one picture in this thread you've seen them all
op or who ever posts it has no style, no class. he thinks quantity is more important than quality.
the pictures in the redhead thread are way better
come up with new material, faggot
come up with new material, dick-gobbler
kek. that's exactly what i'm trying to tell you
if you like the deadhead shit so much, go there - anita saarkeesian…… FAGGOT DETECTED
i hope i didn't upset you?
i hope you aren't mad? your pictures are shit. where do you get them? over at tumblr?
those are also generic and bullshit. the pope could come up with better pictures than this.
is the third one jb?
ugly ape
how about her?
why dont most white girls have any ass?
she's 6.7/10 at most
she'd be perfect is she had an ass and smaller ears
I mean, they are as flat and boring as Hillary clinton's speeches
What is your 10?
these ones are all g
first one is wrong pic, disregard that
Fucking Christ guys. You know, I'm not too fond of these pics either and recognizing OP I actually kind of hate him. But can you just let him have his thread in peace? Make or bump one you like instead of raging in here.
that's cool. I was never into Tanya (the 1st one) but cool nonetheless
how did you recognize me?
I'm here all the time. Plus you're usually pretty angry yourself tbh. If you are who I think you are, you crashed threads in the past w/your toilet cam webms. That's the only reason you piss me off. But still you should be allowed to post your thread, and those who don't like it should concentrate on threads they do like.
1. "hates" someone that they don't even know -
2. It was/is 1 person that's trying to troll.
3. It's just Holla Forums, it ain't that serious.
You responded to the troll.
We're all a bit of a troll here. Have fun OP.
the fuck are you talking about? there's no one else in your thread besides you and me.
I corrected your grammatical error. You're welcome.
I say you are both OP and the one other guy was the only other person here.
I am, whatever you say I am, and if I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
Now I'm really confused. I mean I know that's Eminem but as to who is who I have no idea.
I am myself and you are you.
Why would anything else matter?
is there anyone else wearing the costume from 5
thats the same person
look at her gross cactus skin on her butt
Anya and Olenka are not the same person
both are shit
I respectfully disagree. I am talking to Anya, maybe dating soon (which would be nice to get her out of that country)
what the fuck is wrong with her feet
No thanks, her life has been ruined because of her modeling past. She was teased/bullied in school.
I'm not gay, I don't care about feet, my nigga.
you should care if that which you fap to is human or not
fuck off nigga you can post a chat log or some shit otherwise bs
Nah, some people jack it to alien porn. It's whatever
2D -/ 3D
Nah, people are smart. they can definitely try to locate her and do more harm.
You don't like Jordan?
I love Jordan's cute little boobs
then ask her if she likes pineapples or some shit and make her write the answer on her wrist with a timestamp
nothing harmful could come out of that
no, she looks evil
Perhaps I'll do that when she is awake. Right now it's night there, and she lives with her parents (She's 19). I do wan't to play my cards right so I am not trying to jeopardize this chance.
really? I love her eyes, her ass is amazing.
Oh, and her real name is not anya. That's her mother's name.
How about Cali?
how delusional are you?
pretty gud
Whether or not you believe me is irrelevant.
I'm not talking about the legitemacy of your statements but your chance of success.
Well, we are talking, it's a start. She gave me her new VK and her other two social media names so we could chat. Wee did video chat for an hour too.
Just because something seem unlikely to happen, doesn't mean to give up. Success doesn't happen that way.
more flat-butt girl
How did you even find her?
she was in a post on 2chan. She was defending the photos taken because they were calling her a whore.
I don't get it
It isn't that simple, especially if the whole school knows and says things about you.
I'm talking about cyberbullying
have you not heart of not feeding the troll?
I did, but women react differently than males. They take things differently.
Gotta post some Micaela.
is there any tit milk porn webm
I don't have any. sry. =(
Too bad Laci is crazy with that feminist garbage.
She's totally fuckin hot.
Take that monkey back to the zoo.
that's not nice
Lets see if I can find Saddy on facebook and let her know that her boyfriend (or some creepy stalker more likely) is posting her pictures on Holla Forums.
any new amy, op?
saddy if you're reading this you're a gross nigger pig
Are you referring to Amy Hansen?
thats making me barfy
How about Ally then?
full name?
I don't know. She was popular here and 4chan/youtube.
upskirt related?
got any more at least? :(
That was all I had. I got them from /wx/
Nothing upskirt related with her unfortunately.
XRAYD version and regular version
mmm only the pinkest of nips
i know rite?