So, I need some advice from my Holla Forumsros here. This is a long one so bare with me

So, I need some advice from my Holla Forumsros here. This is a long one so bare with me.

This was roughly a week ago. The sex was amazing. Her pussy was so tight. It was a struggle to get my dick in. I want to fuck her again. What's the best way to make this happen. She's already agreed to come stay the night at my house on wednesday evening, and we have plans to do LSD together on Saturday. I know she is into me, or she wouldn't still hang out with me. However, how do i fuck her again???? Please help!

Oh, and we have hung out since this incident and it wasn't awkward or anything. We are very comfortable around one another. She just keeps saying she's trying to be good. By that she means she wants to be faithful to her bf. But she talks shit about him when she's with me… so….

Divorce attorneys always advise the man to never put his dick in another woman until its completely final and done with.


That's probably sound advice. I live in a small town and word gets around, but this girl lives several towns over and has no ties to anyone around here. Should I just forget about her?

You're fucking scum OP. I hope your cheating whore wife takes you for everything you're worth.

she aint married tho

You'll be in the JUSTice league soon. Always nice to see it happen to someone who deserves it.

b-but she's really hot and my wife banged a ton of dudes. I feel like I deserve this. Should I wait until she breaks up with her bf?

I'm honestly just trying to get my mind off the fact that i can't see my son. All i do is work. It's fucking boring.