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whats the best religious tv shows and movies?

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All Tarkovsky's kinos. He always asserted the importance of spirituality. His famous theory is that art and spirituality can't be mutually exclusive, art exists because we're spiritual creatures. His films were made for the sole purpose of developing the spirituality of man.


What is his best work?


I think Don Bluth's early movies had relgious themes in them. Especially All Dogs go to Heaven.

Its not even about that christ shit anymore. A jew took over the company and it's really just parodying non-religious stories now.

Stalker > Zerkalo > Andrei Rublev > Nostalghia > Sacrifice = Solaris

Silence and Hacksaw ridge are really great. Only good religious films in recent memory with every other movie being christian shlock that's more suitable as a tv movie


So it's better?


The Last Temptation of Christ
Wings of Desire
The Tree of Life
The Fountain
The Apostle

That wasn't religious, it was pretentious


prince of egypt

also road to el dorado, even had the jaguar statue scene near the end, but i can't find a non-shit video of it



Watch the movie contact
Aliens and religious undertones

I like how even JDF seems to want to forget Turbo.

what does that have to do with religion?


The Exorcist.


Seven Years in Tibet
The Matrix
The Fountain
The Passion of the Christ
The Last Temptation of Christ
Life of Brian
The Stand

JDF is into Jesus.

Didn't know that. Never took him as the religious type.