So it's almost election time and as a non-american can I ask:

So it's almost election time and as a non-american can I ask:

Are you guys seriously going to vote for Trump?
I mean… Come on? I get that you don't want Hillary to win, but it seems like some of you people actually WANT Trump for president.
Is this real, or is Trump just another meme to piss off SJW's?

Other urls found in this thread:


Probably not, but the spite vote temptation is strong. The left is so damn smug and hateful.




So all I see here are just memes. Which I guess answer my question.

deez nuts

Honestly I was originally not a fan of him. I mean it was funny to listen to him, but he was not a serious choice. But now with the only other option being hillary I would go for him.

I'm not sure whose side you're on?

no one wants anyone to win.
We want to watch the world burn and roast marshmallows on the embers.

But if you really want a genuine answer. May i redirect you to >>>Holla Forums

If that were true you'd be pro-Hillary, given her history and threats. Starting a war with Russia is probably the worst plan possible.

Do you think I'm new?

I hope Trump clubs Hillary like she's a baby seal.

your trips validate you and i succumb to the truth. If it were true i would be voting for hillary. I'm honestly just choosing the better of 2 candidates

Lurking. You can't ask questions on Holla Forums. only contribute in a manner that isn't obviously just trying to derail a topic. questioning is reasonable if it doesnt require someone to explain the entirety of a topic assuming that the poster did their own homework.

voting for Trump "feels" better than voting for Hillary.

That's goo enough for me.



Some people really do want to vote for him. Because they hope he will put niggers and immigrants back in their place (Africa and elsewhere).

Always be aware of the Nu-menace.

Stating the current year is a meaningless platitude.

I see Hill's Shills are out in full force tonight.



Its a little of both actually. We're sick of do nothing presidents and being constantly told everyone is a racist.

I want Trump for president. The country's gone to shit as the marxists and globalists have been tearing our culture and people apart and turning us into a subservient vassal state of Israel. It's time for a change, and I support Eurobros who are making the same changes in their homelands. A united western nationalism is on the horizon and it will be glorious.




I'm voting for whoever I think will give America a few more years of life before the country collapses in on itself

why prolong your suffering user?

Because I want to ride the easy train a bit longer before I have to resort to cannabalizing the inner city kids due to the failing infrastructure not delivering food to the supermarkets

interesting, do you prefer your meat raw or cooked?